Thursday, March 31, 2011

The top eight ranked U.S. dirty jokes (for color rather than prostitution, absolutely fantastic )

a man in the hotel lobby, ask the waiter thought of a problem,
When he turned around walked to the counter direction,
accidentally hit the side of a woman, but his elbow hit the
her chest. the man turned around to say:
President, if your heart is as soft with your chest, you will forgive me
lady replied:
boarding a business person he is very lucky and found a beautiful woman sitting next to.
exchanged brief pleasantries, he noted that she was watching a sexuality statistics manual,
So he asked her book, she replied:

are the longest, and most Poles, the average rough, oh, yes, my name is Jill, you do?
his cool reply:
(first name is the Indian name, second name is the Polish name)
One night, when a couple lying in bed,
husband gently tapped his wife on the shoulder and started rubbing her arm. QQ space code
wife turned and said:

husband was rejected, turned around to try to sleep.
few minutes later, he turned to pat his wife,
The whisper in her ear:

Bill in a pickle factory,
he has worked there for many years.
One day he came home with his wife confessed,
said he had a terrible impulse.
He has been a want to own the end of Di into the idea of ​​pickled cucumber machine,
wife suggested that he should find a sex therapist to talk about this issue,
but Bill think they will be ashamed, it vowed to overcome his impulses.
one day after a few weeks, Bill's ashes home face,
his wife immediately alerted to the serious situation, and what happened, Bill?

fourth place:
a man to the hospital to visit his unconscious wife in Chai h,
This time he decided to touch his wife's left breast, not just talk to her,
in touch when he found his wife, even a little movement, the men rushed to tell the doctor,
doctors told him it was a good sign, and suggested that he try to touch the right breast to see what reaction.
man back to wards the right side of his wife's breast stroke, the results make her moan,
doctor advised him to try oral sex,
and said he would wait outside, because this is a personal privacy, and doctors do not want the man QQ space free code
go after the man had five minutes to come out,
face as white as sheets, and tell the doctor his wife is dead.
doctor asked what happened, the man replied:
... pig man, wrong medical advice by
a man with his pet crocodile walked into a bar.
He crocodile on the bar, and then turned to surprise drinkers say:
It then joined the
a minute before opening his mouth, I will take my guy out unscathed in,
then each one of you buy me a drink, as witness the spectacle of return
people whispered promise, that man standing bar in his pants,
Di ​​the end of his open mouth into the crocodile, alligator in the audience's breath of its mouth closed, QQ space code
A minute later, the man holding a beer bottle in the head hard beat crocodiles,
crocodile opened his mouth, the man took out his really intact guy. the people cheered and sent
on the drinks to the men.
come out soon man and put forward another proposal:
silence among the people, after a while children raised one hand behind the bar, a blond girl said timidly:

a little man into the elevator, when he noted, a tall ruffian stood next to him .. QQ space material
the tall ruffian looked at the little guy down and say:

pounds, TurnerBrown
little man passed out the results, the tall ruffian lift the little man,
beat his face and shaking his shoulders and waked him up, and then asked:
little man said:
tall ruffian, said:

I called TurnerBrown
that little man said:
a couple has been married for five years, and one morning when they sat breakfast table.
old man of the old woman said:

old woman chuckled and said:
stripped naked when they get back on the kitchen table,
breathing woman said.

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