Monday, September 27, 2010

Precast reinforced concrete panels

 Precast reinforced concrete panels with a modern building was built well below the normal standard of air humidity, and the desert is almost the same. The plants called sedges can Hi water sedge, sedge plants should be placed in the deep slot. Many flowers and plants for indoor cultivation with bacteria. If the number of potted plants placed in the room citrus, rosemary, myrtle, spider plants, etc., airborne bacteria and microorganisms will be greatly reduced. People in the stuffy room feel oppressed, not because of lack of oxygen room, but the scarcity of negative oxygen ions. When the room has a TV or computer when switched on, the negative oxygen ions will be quickly reduced. There are many plants can be grown indoors can produce negative oxygen ions - these flowers are cypress, arborvitae and cedar. If the room is so small, it may be a change of species, plant some low vegetation, such as the cactus and the like. Currently, the West prevailed in the balcony on raising the low spruce and other conifers, they make room full of people, trees and refreshing. Some anti-pollution in the living room placed flowers, can also play the role of air purifier. Such as: Ivy to 10 square meters of room if there is a anti-pollution plant will greatly benefit the air purification. Can absorb toxic chemicals plant aloe, spider plants, Sansevieria, pleiones Monstera are natural scavengers, can clear the air of harmful substances. Research has shown that, Sansevieria and spider plants can absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor air, the absorption capacity of super-formaldehyde. Aloe is also players absorb formaldehyde, can absorb the 1 cubic meter of air contained in 90% formaldehyde. Ivy, cycads, chrysanthemum,UGG shoes, kumquat, pomegranate, half supporting lotus, rose, camellia, pomegranate, Milan, daisy, Lamei, marigold, etc. can effectively remove sulfur dioxide, chlorine, ethyl ether, ethylene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen peroxide and other harmful substances. Orchid, osmanthus, bloom, mosaic lines, such as the red back is a natural filter Guangxi, the cilia can intercept and absorb particles floating in the air stagnation and soot. Rose plants can kill bacteria, osmanthus, violet, jasmine, lemon, rose, carnation, lily of the valley, crape myrtle and other aromatic flowers, the volatile oils produced significant bactericidal effect. Crape myrtle, jasmine, lemon and other plants, 5 minutes can kill diphtheria bacteria and dysentery microorganisms in probiotics. Rose, carnation, lily of the valley, violet, rose, osmanthus fragrance and other plants on the distribution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococcal, Staphylococcus aureus significantly inhibited the growth and reproduction. Cactus, native to tropical succulents in arid regions, the succulent stems of the stomata closed during the day and night to open, while in the absorption of carbon dioxide,UGG boots clearanc, oxygen, negative ions to indoor air concentration. Tiger Piran, Sansevieria, agave and palm brown hair, Garan vegetables, Sedum, putting down roots, planting pineapple and other plants can also purify the air at night. Ivy planted around the home, grapes, morning glory, wisteria, roses and other climbing plants, so that they cling to smooth walls or along planes, forming a green arbor, can effectively reduce the solar radiation, greatly reduce the indoor temperature. Lilac, jasmine, rose, violet, mint and other plants can make people relaxed and cheerful, is conducive to sleep, but also improve efficiency. Many people like to plant flowers in the room to improve and beautify the indoor environment, but if you choose properly, but will cause indoor pollution. Therefore, the plant flowers should pay attention to: Select a good variety of indoor and choose the most appropriate evergreen trees and shrubs can absorb toxic gas species, such as spider plants, asparagus fern, evergreen, cactus, Monstera, Ivy and so on. Lilac flowers should not be raised, Tuberose stimulate the sense of smell at night can be distributed particles, high blood pressure and heart disease have an adverse effect; oleander flowers make people sleeping, decreased intelligence; foreign hydrangeas will make particulate emissions from human skin allergy itching; tulip flowers toxic alkali, easy to make too much exposure to loss of hair; conifers oil exudes fragrant flowers,cheap UGG boots, it will affect people's appetite. Does not support Poppy, orchid, pink, violet, lily flower and so difficult to get along with other flowers, resulting in plant death. Patients do not plant flowers in pots indoors in soil fungi produce spores will spread to the indoor air, causing the body surface or deep infection, and may invade the skin, respiratory tract, ear canal, meninges and brain and other parts. This had to suffer from disease, poor physical patients, such as the worse, especially for leukemia patients and organ transplant recipients more dangerous Liaoning Province Society of Landscape Architecture Group Leader Professor Li Zuowen answer these questions, in his view, on the Although it is toxic, but can rest assured support. In fact, many residents in Huadu toxic. Monstera are natural scavengers, can clear the air of harmful substances, but it is also poisonous flowers. Evergreen green radish and can absorb toxic gases, but the toxic sap green radish and touched the skin can cause itching, eating can also cause sore throat; Evergreen is the lily family, toxic sites in the roots, rhizomes of eating large amounts would be nausea, abdominal pain, cold extremities, and coma symptoms. The zebra evergreen, leaves juice can make people dumb. Shenyang Agricultural University Professor Lin Xuexi Guo Xichang that, Euphorbiaceae and Thymelaeaceae plants are also poisonous, such as one of 52 species of unicorn plants promoter crown, at home or not breeding. But like dripping Guanyin, green radish,UGGs, etc. can purify the air in your home of toxic flowers, there is no need to smash. Experts believe that the right attitude towards poisonous plants are: to maintain a safe distance, do not touch random play; can not be the fruit branches in the mouth. Experts also came up with 10 flowers placed in the bedroom should be avoided: If the orchid fragrance can cause insomnia; mimosa may cause hair loss; Bauhinia flower pollen may trigger asthma and aggravate cough; Evening Primrose can cause dizziness; lily fragrance can cause insomnia; Chinese rose aroma depressing; oleander milky white liquid secreted will cause poisoning; cedar aroma is loss of appetite; Hydrangea prone to cause human allergies; tulip flowers, this led to hair loss.

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