Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1959 elected State President Liu Shaoqi

April 18 -28 at the second session of the National People's Congress held its first meeting in Beijing . The General Assembly elected Chinese President Liu Shaoqi Soong Ching Ling , wu as Vice-Chairman Zhu De as chairman of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress , and decided to continue to serve as Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai . The General Assembly considered and approved the proposal of the CPC Central Committee and State Council in 1959 under the annual national economic plan . Plan provides for 18 million tons of steel production , food production was 10,500 tons. The meeting also adopted Meanwhile, the third of the CPPCC National Committee is also the first plenary meeting held in Beijing . Mao Zedong 's Political Consultative Conference elected Honorary Chairman of the Third National Committee , Zhou Enlai, Chairman.
[ Editor : jlwang]

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