Thursday, May 19, 2011

Point presentation of human figure animation ! Just click on the text , points to jump out flashing

Point presentation of human figure animation ! Just click on the text , points to jump out just click the text , points to jump out front flashing

first head


head back

abdomen back chest


lower back two

upper limb of a feet

foot two

Body acupuncture points , the time to tweak it yourself Of : Yuen Qiu (a ) the Ministry of the body to fight the body acupuncture points that separated
B1 , cough , sore throat, fatigue
B2 indigestion pain , reduce stress , headaches, nausea
B4 ,
B5 relieve anxiety, increase appetite, insomnia
B6 relieve wrist pain
B8 knee pain , rheumatism, stomach
B9 relieve knee problems , eye edema
B11 Fatigue, hangover
( b) of the face

facial acupuncture points that

F1 relieve headaches , eye bright
F2 to resolve acne, Acne
F3 reduce nasal congestion , eye symptoms
F4 tears easily relieve cramps, dizziness
( c ) hand

hand acupuncture points that
D1 sinus waist
D2 D6 D7 rectum
D3 shoulder the ear eyelid
D4 D8 D9 liver, stomach, gall bladder
D5 D10 neck
< including hand back >
hand points Wallpapers

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