Thursday, October 21, 2010

1, will identify five new words

 And write 12 new words. The right to read and write new words.

2, love reading the text, understand the language simple, coherent expression features.

3, to understand the 20th century, the miracles of science and technology and the power to inspire love of emotions and interest in science, can contact their school life, talk about feelings and ideas of the future.

Teaching heavy and difficult:

text 3,4 paragraphs are teaching point that students understand the difficulties.

teaching tools for: courseware

instructional design:

a first class goal lead and inspire the fun of learning lessons.

1, teacher writing on the blackboard issue.

2, division: before class, I ask science teachers to read a scientific and technological information for the 20th century, and the fact that the benefit of mankind. Teacher not only fight for you, and also an army against him, when even the language of comparison and who expressed properly and clearly. Do you have faith? To win, we first have to read through the text, read text.

Second, the word training, implementation of the language of the foundation.

1, to produce 12 new words, drawn from the text to enable students to

2, what do you think the words you have mastered quite well, we introduce you to experience, or give you reminder.

3, what do you think you have not mastered the words, read, write about or check the dictionary under the text think it means. Click timely courseware, show pictures, add some words to explain the meaning.

4, four-member team to recognize and read new words, and words to the vocabulary expansion. Reporting the exchange.

Third, read a good text, the overall grasp of the language.

1, read the text, according to phonetic text, the correct pronunciation pronunciation,UGG boots clearance, read and sentences, the use of loud reading, speed reading, reading round the same table, etc., will read the text at least three times. Be catchy, fluent fluently.

2, focused on training time, is difficult to feel where the focus of attack.

3, display reading. Mutual evaluation of students, correct punctuation, pronunciation, if necessary, the teacher took time to guide students to read fluently correctly.

4, with their own words that what is written on this paper?

Fourth, since the reading of sentiment, inquisitiveness was intended.

1, since the time Ziwu. Please choose your favorite way to read texts in their own place feel especially painting a picture, write about, do not understand the words in the mark beside the cook.

2, class exchange. Have feelings of love reading the content, and briefly talk about their feelings.

3, to encourage questions. For words, what questions to ask? Can be resolved at that time to resolve, can not be resolved to guide students to do a good job mark.

default ⑴: the second section of the set questions, compared to students through reading, understanding its role.

⑵ with a dictionary, syntax and choice of words in the blanks in understanding the context of

five, guidance office, improve the quality of work.

1, students raised the attention point of written vocabulary, teachers focus on guidance,

2, students practice writing their own decided to write several times.

3, display evaluation.

4, assignments:

⑴ access to information, as much as possible the collection of 20th century inventions and discoveries, and with family members, teachers or students of human life brought them to what change. Can be freely combined, and to collate the information collected, made into a handbook.

⑵ interview survey as more people understand what this life is not wholly satisfactory, it is what are the aspirations and dreams. And science teachers but also for PK prepared.

a second class, review the import and consolidate terms.

1, dictation part of the word.

2, students correcting each other revisions.

3, we have just bid farewell to the 20th century, is a technologically advanced, powerful, resourceful century, please bring your understanding of the topic and then read it.

Second, the product analysis of words, understanding science and technology of the Church.

1, review the lesson the students questions to guide the solution. Teachers throw yourself the question: Why is the achievements of the 20th century, the paper can be used,

2, students in group discussions, the reasons.

3, students to teachers doubts: ⑴ verse intended. ⑵ with a short ⑶ you can about this ⑷ ⑸ with the information you find, you think what are the You can copy the text in ⑹ You can read your feelings show, so the teacher some perception it?

4, timely completion of the writing on the blackboard: 20

the world do anything they want to achieve aspirations of the three, Envisioning the future, science is willing to provoke love

1, British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell how On the How do you understand? Please use the word to express.

2, Interview and investigation before class certainly give you a lot of inspiration, so if you are the future designers, please enjoy you can describe the blueprint for the 21st century.

3, according to your description, and the teacher writing on the blackboard, you can on a second line in the 21st century it?

four, fully prepared to deal with the challenges science teachers.

1, such as science teachers to the array, the first organized student group discussion, presentation may be citing the classical examples for comparison, and even the use of set questions and other methods, combined with the search data, elected representatives and science teachers PK.

2, if the science teacher not yet reached the array, the speeches will team with tape recorder, after-school and science teachers confrontation.

writing on the blackboard:

issues: 30, computer housing the cumulative hours: 61

teaching objectives:

1. Studying the text, the computer housing for people to understand what life easy, rapid development of science and technology experience.

2. Correctly,bailey UGG boots, fluently read the text.

3. Stretch of the imagination, design a home computer in your mind.

class preparation

residential collection on the computer with the other features of the data.


(a) the introduction of new courses

rapid development in science and technology today, computers have become indispensable partners in our lives. We learn through the computer, work, it gives a lot of people's lives easy. This lesson, we're going to visit a computer-controlled, command of the house, it is our common house has any different?

(b) of the first reading of the perceived

1. Please read the text from the encounter new words in brackets about the phonetic spelling, reading is not fluent in the local repeated many times and read the text, fluent, fluency.

2. Named sub-paragraph of the reading examination.

3. Read the text, thinking: Computer house and average house What is the difference? In one sentence you talk about it.

(c) understanding of the text content

1. Silent reading the text and see what wonderful home computer functions? While being read to, a pen in the corresponding paragraphs of the traces left behind your thinking.

2. Study group communication, discussion.

3. Collective communication:

(1) according to outdoor weather data to adjust, mainly to provide a comfortable home environment.

(2) doors with security features to prevent unknown people into the house.

(3) through the computer, you can transporting the items inside their needs.

(4) teach people to cook the kitchen has a computer device.

(5) masters of rest, the computer to provide people with comfortable, safe environment.

(6) in the bathroom, the computer can

4. High-tech computer provides us with a convenient house, in the other students understand the computer housing, but also has various other functions? (Student exchange of information collected)

5. Yes ah, because of the rapid development of science and technology, only the magic of this and much of the computer housing, I believe that in the near future, we all can live in this house has a wonderful feature of the computer.

(d) If extra-curricular development

to design a computer from your home, are you going to design? Think about it, write it down, when the whole class together to share a commentary commentary, who designed the best minds of our house.

issues: 31, total hours of flying dinosaurs, blue sky: 62,63

teaching objectives

1. Students learn to learn new words;

2. Understanding of how dinosaurs evolved into birds of a process and structured talk;

3. Correctly and fluently read text;

class preparation

1. Teacher Preparation Courseware: book Dinosaur Figure (dinosaur can walk, and with sounds). Dinosaur fossils discovered in western Liaoning map, dinosaurs evolved into birds, the process of paragraph (

2. Students to prepare for: all kinds of dinosaur model, drawing the information. Word dictionary.


a first class, to produce a book of dinosaur courseware diagram, the introduction of topics

ago, the students watched the dinosaur exhibition, just reproduced on the screen and the dinosaurs come alive. Next,UGG boots cheap, we come to learn about dinosaurs text.

Second, read topic question

1. S begin subject

2. Question 1. When reading the preview issue, you have a question? Please raise your hand. If the students do not have, let them think about and then read the topic. 2. Had any questions? Were pumping said. The same meaning, may have a different view: we know that the dinosaurs without wings, how can it reach the sky? How dinosaurs could fly to heaven? Strange! Dinosaurs will Fly!

3. Initial doubts

① through preparation, you know where the text to answer your questions? Please raise your hands, please re-read thought. Do not know the answers please read the text. (For some time to read)

② range reading, students listen and think.

③ were drawn that (it is wrong, the whole class reading, controversial, to say)

discovered in western Liaoning feathered dinosaur fossil prints. Produce courseware, teachers explain. The third paragraph of the answer to the dinosaurs evolved into birds in the process.

④ transition: the problem is on the second class to go in-depth study. Below, we first learn the vocabulary of new words, eliminate reading barriers.

three words new words students

1. Produce a small vocabulary of new words on the blackboard.

2. Provide self Requirements: Students words sound shape, according to the meaning of new words to understand text content. Help each other: do not know the meaning of the word, the word dictionary and the students discuss the investigation. Teachers patrol the guidance of the poor.

3. Read new words were drawn, that shape and meaning of the word.

Fourth, read the text, understand do not understand the words

1. Since the reading of the text, sentences do not understand the word out.

2. Self-examination and the word dictionary, the students do not understand discussion, teachers participate in guided visits.

from, read Ziwu first, second paragraph of the

1. Said first method: read every word of the main idea, pierce each sentence the main idea, that is the main meaning of this section.

2. Since reading Ziwu, teachers patrol guide.

3. Panel discussion (requires: step together members of the group discussions, have different understanding and tell me why.)

4. Drawn that there are different views can stand up and state your understanding.

six hours of reading text

the second one, the introduction of

class students on how dinosaurs raised questions about flying, but also The fourth paragraph of finding the answer to this question. Next we read the fourth paragraph of the.

Second, the fourth paragraph of the reading and understanding the process of dinosaurs evolved into birds

(a) read P151 Problem 2: the evolution of dinosaurs to fly the blue sky is like? Let's imagine that according to the text, and then organized their own words to talk about. You how to understand the requirements of the topic? (Imagine that in their own words organized) to understand a few words carefully read and understand the meaning of every word to say in their own words organized.

(b) figure out a total of a few

① first reading, marked with serial numbers.

② drawn that the error teacher coaching. (This paragraph of the long sentences and more. Such as

1. silently imagine visiting teachers guide. (to a certain reading time)

2. teachers to read, all the students to imagine performance. (showing understanding of this paragraph)

3. be structured in their own words to talk about, teachers, tour guide.

4. Panel discussion (requires: step discussion, each sentence meant. per say, different content can speak the text reasons. to reach a consensus.) Teachers tour guide.

5. drawn that there are different views, teachers and students talk, talk. (board income)

two hundred and thirty million years ago, the first as large as a dinosaur and a dog, it hind legs support the body. Thousands of years later, it became the offspring breeding large family of various shapes: some two-legged run, some four-legged; some of the huge body, and some small; some ferocious, some tame. Some predators of the dinosaurs became smaller, looks more and more like birds, hollow bones, skull enlargement, body light, agile, and longer front legs, can be like a bird wing tapping, surface grown feathers, scales or a no. Some to escape predators or find food to the tree to survive the tree jumping, landing, with the gliding ability, and received his flight. feathers on the ground Long run of holes, but also learned to fly. So a dinosaur to evolve into birds, fly to the sky.

6. read the text, to deepen understanding.

Third, perception < br>
learned of this article, what you feel?

to dinosaur fossils, scientists can introduce the evolution of dinosaurs into birds. In this regard, what do you think? (discussion, said pumping)

science and technology. learn more science and culture, to study things ... ....

four, expressed understanding of the exact text of the sentence (P1513)

1. Since reading comprehension, and whispered to talk about;

2. group discussion (to say their reasons)

3. pumping said (many kinds of dinosaurs, evolved more birds are part of it, so sticks .

5. Look for this there is such a sentence, read, think, talk.

five, expanding the exchange collected

various dinosaurs pictures, models and information.

six, back home to collect adult animal, or the process of evolution of Australopithecus, the next class exchange

issues: 32, a special passenger onboard the cumulative hours: 64

teaching objectives:

1. fluently read text correctly grasp the article to the effect.

2. studying the text, to understand our new achievements of biological science and experience science technology to create a miracle, the scientific interest and stimulate students desire to explore.


(a) the introduction of

talk to students, in October 2003 15 to 16, China's space history of a major event took place, remember? Yes, China's first manned spacecraft ─ ─ Yang Liwei pilots ─ ─ uncle, as well as a special group of passengers, then they in the end is who? Let us go find the answer to the text in it!

(b) of the first reading of the perceived

1 . Please read the text from the encounter new words in brackets about the phonetic spelling, reading is not fluent in the local repeated many times and read the text, fluent, fluency.

2. sub-paragraph of the name to read check.

3. spaceship who is a special passenger in the end?

(c) understanding of the text content

1. silent reading 2-5 paragraphs of text, think about seeds Why go for space travel? to your statement that lays down the most interesting.

2. Collective communication:

(1) scientists involved in space from the bred varieties, to promote the planting of high yield, good quality, strong vitality of crops.

(2) why the seeds returned from space will change?

(3) how the formation of the space vegetable? (out of bad, cultivate good, and after more than four generations of cultivation, forming the space vegetable.)

(4) space, vegetables and vegetable on the planet what is the difference ?

A. Overall: bigger, longer, the color change

B. taste: more delicious

C. Nutrition: richer, disease resistance < br>
D. Other value: medicinal, landscaping, greening

(5) students have also collected some text other than the space vegetable or flower, let us together an eye-opener it! (named Students are introduced stage, after the exchange)

3. After a little seed space travel to get such a >
4. Summary:

boundless fields of science, smart, hard-working scientists in this field with the continuous development and innovation in order to create a miracle.

Topic: Language Learning eight cumulative hours: 65,66

teaching objectives

1. oral communication: to cultivate creativity, imagination, skills, and attention to listen to students inventions, each exchange. communicate the attitude to do the natural, generous, Fluent,cheap UGG boots, more substantial content.

2. Project Exercise: Write an essay to imagine, to write their own peculiar imagination and reasonable. be clear and understood , the content is fresh. cultivate the good habit of writing students.

3. I found: to take the initiative to find homonyms and proper use, to guide students from sound, form, meaning the distinction.

4. over time: Reading Science quotes, quotes from the meaning of experience.

5. expand extension: a broadband network, understanding of science and technology and feel of the new achievements of science and technology development, technology development experience to new changes in life. can allow students to the library, the Internet and other data thus collected newspaper clippings and more.

first class

oral communication, and our brainstorms

1. Stimulating import:

students, with the scientific and technological development, changing our lives, in this group of texts, from the wings, talk about their brainstorms it! can talk about the future life and learning, as long as can think of, you could say.

2. Group Exchange:

both front and rear team with fellow students to exchange their own imagination, to share the joy of invention. communicate with each other to ask science, complementary and mutual evaluation.

3. class exchange:

each Recommended introduced well, and everyone interested in the class exchange, discuss, evaluate.

4. Summary extension:

classmates Imagine amazing, really wonderful! we observe carefully, think hard, diligent hands, good brains, will be able to invent something to get.

if it is to make your fantasy a reality, we must now learn to master a wealth of scientific knowledge, science skills, so that fantasy a reality.

a second class teaching, 2. teacher named read the words, pay attention to pronunciation.

3. consistent meaning, the meaning of the word a little talk.

4. Thinking: What did you find? ad chaos into a language.

5. Summary: pay attention to distinguish homonyms.

Second, teaching famous in the scientific understanding of what?

3. Summary: The famous quote, tell us how to deal with a scientific attitude, the same time, scientists have to educate our study.

three teaching net >
4. organize the

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