Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And unhealthy diet and other factors

 Most people's body is led to obesity, men Mody bulging beer belly, thick thighs women often complain, buttocks obesity, or edema, the last time in the shopping window can only helplessly watch the beautiful clothes, but can not wear in his own body. My heart is extremely resentful. So, in today's society, a loud and enduring term birth of the

but often many people do not know how to lose weight, what can lose weight. Weight loss is not a trifling matter, nor can you casually say a few words of LOSE YOUR WEIGHT. Weight loss is a science, is the challenge of the will of his own spirit, is to go to the start of a better life. Therefore, the author summarizes the weight of the truth is: the system, science, perseverance. I 3 as a criterion that, within 3 months by 35 pounds. So I believe you can change yourself, to the beautiful life.

then we further ado, it began to talk about weight loss tips. In the diet before, first you have to think of cool. Why would obesity. Because each person's physique is not the same. So the reason obesity may also be changing. Then I came under the general description of the causes of obesity:

genetic cause of obesity if the parents are fat, obese children, 70% chance that if one obese parent, the child has 50% fat chance will, of course, eating habits at home also played a big influence.

eat and drink too many sweets, drinks, high-calorie foods, high-fat, high-sweet, high protein, low fat fiber is the main reason.

lack of exercise or diet if eating the same calorie intake too much, and lack of exercise, equal to the extra calories into fat storage, after accumulating more and more fat.

long term like late night snack or eat before going to bed eat too are the most likely to gain weight. Because of poor metabolism of the evening, absorption, so it is easy to gain weight.

emotional eating often due to happy or sad mood, and involuntary eating or overeating, resulting in too many calories into fat to gradually become obese.

hormonal abnormalities abnormal hormone secretion, and very easy to gain weight.

hormone drug users, such as adrenaline, thyroxine, insulin, or who use steroids may lead to obesity. central nervous system disorder caused

feeding has been terminated can not eat food, body fat will render.

our old Chinese saying goes, know ourselves and battle-all wins. Since obesity is the number one enemy of our body, we must first it has a deep level of understanding. Familiar with it, to defeat it.

the natural fat or obese due to illness and get people who really sorry. God for you because this is a joke. The author's experience may not be applied to your body. But for the most obese people, only one reason you, and that is not a long-term exercise, diet too rich, and not caused by law. Many people are busy working or studying, ignored the normal diet, such as the often do not eat breakfast, then dinner binge. Overtime or go home and supper with friends, more or eat a lot of greasy, sweet, and even carbonated drinks. In this extremely unusual diet, many people do not like sports, stay home and play games. Really, such a situation, you're not fat, possible?

so I repeatedly stressed that in the diet,UGG boots cheap, be sure to have a knowledge of themselves to systematic analysis of their own, and reasonable arrangements for our diet and exercise. Believe me, though now there are many ways to lose weight. But really the most effective, the most reasonable method least likely to rebound - only one thing:

reasonable exercise + weight loss diet

a lot of people get lazy and tired that exercise , preferably fast, and weight loss than suffer. They have even been said to me, like 10 days, 30 pounds. God, ah, you think that possible? Credible? Our bodies are not machines, are not you that they want to throw away 10 pounds of meat to throw away. Not a computer program, a deletion, you can put the body fat removed. So that medication, injections, liposuction is very unreasonable, and very easy to rebound. Drug-induced weight loss method is the most common way people may, and its advantage is fast weight loss. But you know, is a 3-drug toxicity, these diet pills in fact continue to destroy your kidneys, liver. After the author's friends in the drug, the heart rate, and palm prints too much. And weight-loss drug after stopping use, your weight will quickly return. So you feel the need to spend money to take medicine, eat bad body, in the end did not succeed? The injections, liposuction, these are the same. On the temporary control of your weight, such as the treatment of a stop, weight immediately rebound. Therefore, these methods are actually a temporary solution, and we lose weight, the emphasis is not only effective, but also the emphasis is maintained.

that Closer to home, I began to detail a reasonable diet + exercise it.

In fact, this method, we have literally split off from it is two steps. 1: a reasonable diet for 2: movement. These two steps are actually side by side, hand in hand.

then we asked for a Lower Dir: reasonable diet.

First, what a reasonable diet, that is planned to eat the food science, nutrition, eating. Not eat. Many people like to use extreme weight loss methods on a hunger strike. This long-term effect can easily lead to gastrointestinal disorders, bleeding, do not eat as long, and even the heart will stop beating, causing many diseases. Of course, even if you cut down, and the total is not necessarily a life do not eat it, because most of the hunger strike is less water to lose weight, and intestinal tract has been in a state of hunger, so after the resumption of normal diet, gastrointestinal absorption than before, Many people lose weight hunger strike eventually bounce back. And I advocate a balanced diet is eat 3 tons, so that you can lose weight, is still not under so much guilt.

then how reasonable diet? We must first understand that the calories. Because three words are when you lose weight on long-term partnership with you. People need certain amount of calories to maintain the energy of 1 day. There is a simple formula to calculate the energy that you need a day: weight (kg) X30. A weight of 50 kg for example, that 50X30 = 1500, that is, he needs calories a day. The 3500 calories is 1 kg of fat, so in fact our daily diet as long as less than the energy needed one day, we can achieve weight loss effects. So, at this time, we will learn how to calculate calories. How much calories each food, at least we should have a broad mind to understand. Here, I recommend a site for everyone to the table of food calories, we can go up under inspection.

that those in the know, we can program the system tables of our daily diet. The so-called reasonable diet, in fact, within 1 day, we should try to meet the minimum needs of the body energy and nutrients in place. Body at least 1,200 cards a day, if less than this will cause it harm. That on this basis, we can try to control the card around in 1200-1500. Because I did test, based on the calories in this, we can lose weight without feeling too hungry, so give up the diet. So eat: We do not want to do 3 to 3. 3 to is this: to eat more dietary fiber foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, to eat more whole grains. Because dietary fiber is not easily absorbed, and will expand, so will make you feel a sense of satiety, and increased gastrointestinal motility, to help digestion and defecation. The fruits and vegetables, low in calories and very rich in vitamin C, vitamin is a great help for weight loss. And modern society, people used to eat flour and rice, which would make the stomach very tired, and super high carbohydrate calories, it is proposed in the diet, when really want to eat less food, eat more whole grains, such as corn, sweet potatoes, etc., which have rich dietary fiber, both tube feeding, and nutrition and low calories.

and 3 do not: do not eat the greasy food, such as fried, grilled food, these things are the biggest cause of obesity. Too much oil is food parcels, so not only increased the burden on the stomach, and very easy to accumulate in the body, turned to fat. KFC, this junk food, can SAY BYE BYE out. Do not eat high-sugar, high protein stuff. Because of too much sugar or protein can not digest, will be converted into fat, accumulate in the body. And eating too much sugar, but also easy for you to have many diseases, can not normally eat. Do not drink. Haha, many white-collar workers like to drink fruit juice, carbonated drinks, or tea. God, ah, these are high-calorie, and there are a lot of sugar. In the body is extremely easy to absorb. Eventually become fat. So to lose weight, be sure to for snacks, drinks, dinner to say goodbye. Only manage their mouth in order to win.

I suggest that in familiar with these common sense, you can arrange your daily diet, it is best to write a table, and then lists what foods to eat today, how many calories. Such as the author of the diet:

breakfast, lunch dinner

2 slices of whole wheat bread and half-bowl too, purple cabbage salad, a small piece of meat, 1 cup yogurt 1 small bowl of tomato soup, melon, leeks, a fish, a corn, an orange

150 cards 550 cards 500 cards

total is 1,200 cards per day.

ourselves a reasonable arrangement, and then control the table, we can clearly know their daily calorie intake situation. But also to sum up what to eat and what not to eat.

I say some small skills, try to eat every meal, stand half an hour after eating to sit as easily lead to fat accumulation in the body. A little walk, will help digestion. Try to eat its own, delicious concentrated in the noon, because at night after eating, need 3-5 hours to digest these foods, it will affect the weight loss. Bowl of soup before meals and drink as much as possible, which would reduce food intake.

and we also need to know, what is negative calorie food. We eat at the same time, the body takes energy to digest these foods come and go, so if it takes more energy than the body heat of the food itself, this is a negative calorie food. Such as oranges, a 50 card, but the body needs to digest the orange 60 card, you mean to eat the oranges, consume more than 10 cards. These have a lot of negative calorie foods, such as pineapple, oranges, strawberries, cucumbers, onions and so on. Of course, do not eat too much, because any one thing, eat more, will be bad for your health.

the same time, this is more difficult in the diet, I know you is very painful, because the 1,2 days without food, good food, may be able to endure, but if the 1 month, 2 months, or even six months do not eat snacks, bread and water, and this is the test. Weight loss is actually a test of the will. We should adhere to, persist, persist. At the time could not help but to think about why they would step into the road to lose weight, those beautiful clothes in the waiting we do, summer, we will be able to show their body, and will not someone tell us the fat . This should always instill the idea himself, in the spirit of supporting themselves, only then can we continued to maintain their plans. When the body is slow to adapt to this diet, we will easily meet the challenges,UGGs, and when the weight of falling, we can confidently smiles, he is the best. This is the sense of accomplishment.

course, in each phase is completed when your weight loss program, you can reward yourself properly, I sometimes reward myself 2 weeks to eat dark chocolate pieces, or sometimes eat a little bit of shopping when sweet foods, This can make themselves more effort to lose weight. Of course, or a word, do not eat too much.

believe in yourself, be sure to adhere to, come on! ! !

you in arranging a reasonable diet, this is the first step to victory, then the next, let me introduce the first two weapons, movement.

If you rely on a diet, really can lose weight, but the effect is small, slow and very easy to bounce, but if in line with the movement, then it is different. Because exercise can regulate our body's metabolism, so that our ability to enhance metabolism, digestion and faster than before, more effective in preventing the accumulation of food in the stomach. Detoxification and exercise can help sleep, the skin is good. Therefore, people who exercise to lose weight are often filled with flexible body, the skin is very bright people.

What sports do that in the end we do, how to do it? This is a lot of people are troubled. And arrangements for food, like, how reasonable and effective scheduling of exercise, we have to do something, a lot of people are at a loss, and today moving several times, moving a few tomorrow, or hungry or explosive movement, or tired the first 2 days did not want to move, so not only can not reduce fat, but also to the body broke out, worth the candle. So we still have to carry scheme, which exercise to do every day, what time to do, the system continued every day to complete.

minutes of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise movement.

aerobic exercise is an adequate supply of oxygen to the body in the manner of exercise. That in the course of the campaign, and demand of oxygen inhaled equal to physical balance. In short, aerobic exercise is Renhe Fu rhythmic movement, the movement a long time (about 15 minutes or more), exercise intensity in the middle or upper level (maximum heart rate of 75-85%).

and anaerobic exercise is the muscle in the Most anaerobic exercise load of high intensity, transient and strong movement, it is difficult to continue for a long time, but time is also slow to eliminate fatigue.

the biggest feature of anaerobic exercise: oxygen uptake during exercise is very low. Too much too fast and explosive as the human body through the oxygen decomposition of sugar too late, and had to rely on The Games in the body to produce too much lactic acid, leading to muscle fatigue can not be sustained, feel muscle soreness after exercise, shortness of breath. If want to make your body stronger, we could go to the gym to participate in anaerobic exercise. However, in the exercise, the best follow a fitness instructor, choose a suitable training program.

and weight loss, in fact, is the need to combine aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise conducted with them.

my opinion, lose weight, it should 70% per day of aerobic and anaerobic with 30%, because a large number of aerobic exercise reduce fat, but a long time, will be the loss of muscle, when it comes Here, the girls not to muscle nervous. Haha, many girls will say, why do we have to muscle. Actually you are wrong, anaerobic exercise for girls, in fact, the main purpose is not exercise the muscles, but also let your meat diet is more tight, flexible. This will not thin when meat is very loose ugly. The so-called beauty, in fact, not only thin, but also be a sense of, so keep returning until later. If on the same thin as a bamboo pole, how much ugly. For boys, the muscle is necessary, we do not require the same practice like gorillas, but a little muscular body, no matter where, is a beautiful landscape.

common aerobic exercise include: walking, jogging, skating, swimming, cycling, tai chi, dance fitness dance, do aerobics and so on. 3 months down the author summarizes the experience is that there are aerobics jogging and cycling are the most effective. Per hour can consume 600 card running, cycling is 500-600 words cards, and aerobics, especially in the last popular boxing, are more likely to reach 700 calories. Of course, no matter what the aerobic exercise, at least to insist on more than 45 minutes, preferably 1 hour continuous movement. Because the first 10 minutes, we consume is water, 20 minutes, when sugar is consumed. And 20 minutes later, is the start to consume fat. So many people are over half an hour exercise, it is very incorrect, and finally failed to lose weight. So as much as possible adhere to the 1 hour of aerobic. In the beginning, you do not exercise if the foundation, you can use the author's approach, I just started 190 pounds, really, that are not run, so I will run 10-20 minutes, brisk walking for 5 minutes, adjust the new rate and then continue to run, has been so maintained until 1 hour. A long time, I can run continuously for half an hour, 40 minutes, to the last 1 ? hours to run the same as playing. Moreover, yaotaoa.com, I teach Gexiao skills, in fact, adapted to the aerobic exercise, if well enough on their own self-confidence, or you want to lose weight more quickly, we can combine some aerobic exercise, such as skipping 20 minutes, then jogging for 40 minutes. Or bicycle 45 minutes, you can run 20 minutes, this way, do not feel monotonous, it tends to consume more energy. Of course, do not drink when in motion, so bad for the heart. After 10 minutes, sports drink.

a lot of people sometimes find a lot of reasons, and said, ah, we do not have time, ah, ah no strength, no venues ah. These people are not successful. Successful people think on their own, to discover that time is out of the economy. Site and also his imagination. If you do not go the gym, it can place at home, run, take the foot pad in the carpets to be run, run, they also can take some light dumbbells, do weight-bearing exercises. In fact, many things are out of their own to summarize, I believe you also can do it. Here, I is the key to recommend running, spinning and aerobics. Running just explained over and spinning, I think it is very good, effective campaign. In the room, with a coach, stood passion for music, with you around and exercise, this can stimulate your enthusiasm, and spinning is not boring, constantly changing their own actions to burn calories. Usually a class of 500 cards can consume it. Boxing is the author of the recently discovered treasures. Boxing has the advantage that it can be very targeted to your local thin, waist, thighs, arms. And increase your heart rate to optimize your body. I here to tell you, Tudou, YOUKU network there are many such videos, you can go to watch, along with at home to do. I think you would certainly be more effective.

after the introduction of the aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise I would like to say, a common anaerobic exercise include: weight lifting, throwing, high jump, long jump, tug of war, strength training. I recommend the anaerobic movement sit-ups, push-ups, dumbbell. I do not recommend because a lot of equipment movement, those who are too strong, and practice it over like Superman. So I have been to some of the more light, but a good way of modeling. Such as sit-ups, we all do it, but actions are not in place and do a single action, can not fully practice. I suggest you go online to search how to do, in fact, practicing the abdomen and lower abdomen to abdominal points, each action is different. We want to separate the system to practice it, I suggest that each group of 20, 9 set of actions to do so 10 minutes a day to can practice in place, a few months, you will have a perfect belly. The girls can actually reduce the weight, do not be afraid of long muscles, sit-ups for pregnant girls and waist have a good help, with light belly is no longer a dream. The push-ups can be divided into boys and girls approach. The most attractive is that boys iconic chest muscles, and the standard push-ups can make your chest muscles is perfect. Each group is doing, each action as slow as the standard, affixed. We care about is quality, not speed, do your muscles expand, sour, that is OK. Girls, is the Bangui-style push-ups, so make your breast shape more perfect, ha ha, oh charming. Finally, I want to introduce is a dumbbell. Dumbbell shape is definitely the best weapon a man body, 1 pair of dumbbells can practice each part of the body, where I would recommend you go online to search the decomposition of action under the dumbbells, I also recommend a:

be sure to Remember, exercise in moderation, have a rest, I do not recommend a large amount of exercise up to the practice, 1 is the beverages, 2 will also lead to loss of interest in exercise. So progressive movement is our first choice. If one could run up, you can brisk walking, or climbing to go, so can also consume a lot of calories, but brisk walking is very effective for girls in fact, not president of the muscles. After each aerobic exercise, we must remember that the tensile action, so that not only relax the muscles, but also stovepipe. After 3 months my legs actually lost a lap. Ha ha. There is the best sport around time is 4-6. Out in the morning air is thin, while the afternoon is the best time of the human body, do not exercise too late at night, this will cause the brain too excited, which might affect sleep.

Similarly, common sense to understand these movements, we have a reasonable arrangement of our own sports watch, to see what we do every day exercise, the number of calories consumed.

such as author's Watch:

aerobic exercise anaerobic exercise

1 小时

running push-ups sit-ups 150 300

600 cards 400 cards

total calories consumed 1,000 calories.

aerobic exercise anaerobic exercise

1 小时 spinning dumbbell set of actions

6 sit-ups 300 cards 500 cards

600 calories

total consumption of 1100 cards.

such reasonable arrangements for their own exercise program, and then each stage can be to adjust, I think you will do better than me. I calculated that, in the first month I lost 12 pounds, and even started the first 2 months,UGG boots clearance, 18 pounds less, so keep going with their own experience is very important.

course, weight loss, we sometimes encounter a plateau. That means we lose a lot of fat in a one-time, when the body's metabolism, diet and exercise have been familiar with the structure, this time the weight would be a clear stagnation, many people give up at this time, if the stick this time, breaking the platform, your will once again drop weight fast, I have also had experienced 1 week of the platform, but I increased the amount of exercise, eat less, so the successful transition to the next stage.

If you see here, that also means you patiently read the author's experience, and believe a lot of weight you gain knowledge, my experience is to explore on their own practice can be accomplished,Discount UGG boots, do not rely on drugs, do not rely on assistance, rely on science, relying on the system, but by the will.

so I hope this article on you, it will be a help, reasonable application of the knowledge to lose weight, to arrange their own diet and exercise, you will be a real Loser in the near future, you can feel confident to go out, called out that I was a sports beauty! ! ! Ali

original starting weight Street: (Reprinted reservations link)

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