Sunday, October 17, 2010

Abstract With China's sustained economic development

 Now art market has become the social and economic life is an important part of art production and consumption has become a subject of attention in the industry. Art studio out of the den, into the tide of market economy. Art market from scratch, step by step toward the standardization and institutionalization forward. This paper analyzes the development of Chinese art market, the background and characteristics, and specific description of the art market, art galleries and art fairs, art market, broker groups, antique market and other specific conditions

Keywords: art market, art consumption < br>
With China's sustained economic development and improve people's standard of living, the art market has become an important social and economic life of the part of art production, circulation and consumption has also become the subject of attention in the industry. China's art market turnover in 2005 exceeded 400 billion yuan, 200 billion in 2004 twice. According to internationally accepted view, a national professional art market on condition that the per capita GDP to start the 1000-2000 U.S. dollars, while per capita GDP reached 8,000 U.S. dollars, there may be a large-scale collection of public art. In 2003, China's per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars, the social structure with the development and enjoyment of Upgrading tendencies. Demand from the consumer point of view, people to meet the most basic needs of life, after more attention to spiritual needs, and changes in consumer behavior that the public is to promote the development of the internal art market power; the same time, the Government pay more attention to include the art market the development of cultural industries within the Party Congress report has made it clear that we should actively in the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. Changes in the law of development in accordance with the art market, art market in China is in the starting period and with the rapid economic development has become more prosperous and mature.

Nevertheless, the specification of a mature art market has not really formed. The guiding theory of the art market art market in China is a priority to improve and develop.

one. Chinese art market background and characteristics of

1, the background of the Chinese art market

political background of China's reform and opening-up policy changed the state of China's art of survival . Art exists as the beginning of consumption patterns, a direct result of existence of art and artists change, this change in existence and further attachment of art consumption of the public order of society. The most obvious is the artists from the traditional The only master artists who can find a new cycle of survival. Freelance career as a wider social phenomenon is socially acceptable, and the true form of the original public office, the household registration system, the impact force of a career structure, and more from the edge to center.

② economic background

Before the reform, due to the low and average income levels, did not form a powerful buying groups. After the reforms, China's economy to a market economy had profound changes, China's rapid economic growth, household income also showed a rapid increase in the trend. World Wealth Report 2004 shows that the end of 2003, the total number of millionaires in Mainland China was 23.6 million, total assets of 969 billion U.S. dollars, becoming the world's fifth high-growth countries in Asia after Japan's second largest Million rich enclave. In 2004 China's per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars for the first time, reached the internationally accepted initial per capita GDP in the 1000-2000 U.S. dollars will be large-scale investment is between the requirements of art. Meanwhile, China's coastal areas in many cities per capita disposable income of more than 1,000 U.S. dollars. Boston Consulting Group published in 2005, assets,UGG boots cheap, and a high degree of accumulation of wealth, less than 0.5% of households have personal wealth of the country more than 60%. Even within these groups there are rich about 70% of the wealth lies in assets of more than 500,000 U.S. dollars of the family hands. Sync with people's income is growing, China's rapid expansion of private capital and increased significantly. 4 years 1998-2001, the average increase rate of 20.4%, 11.8%, 22.7%, 20.3%, private investment growth not only higher than the national economy, but also higher than the investment growth of society. Accelerate the launch of the private capital Jixun way, we can see, the growing of new rich people for the art market into the infinite vitality.

but we can still see the million people, in addition to the purchase of works of art are often many enterprises or joint enterprise behavior. to the data, only the flow of capital Wenzhou steerable reached 5,000 billion yuan. shows that the relative turnover of Chinese art in the whole Chinese people disposable wealth, it is still insignificant. September 7, 1990, the Fifteenth Meeting of the Seventh NPC Standing Committee passed the Based on this method, the works of artists of protection to 50 years after the death, during which the creators of copyright shall not be infringed. Creators of the work entitled to ownership, right of publicity, the right to modify, repair and protect the right of the right of integrity and the legitimate right to remuneration; August 1994 issue of the 1 May, 1997 General Administration of Customs released the Industry and Commerce Administration Order No. 36 issued The art market regulations to strengthen the management, protection of creators, operators, legitimate rights and interests of consumers has a positive effect. The healthy development of the art market and create a good environment. However, the Chinese art market law also far from perfect, works of art and foreign investment tax regime there is a certain gap.

sense of community as a whole because the art collection of commercial awareness and sense of art investment significantly enhanced. Statistics show, the same average annual return on investment of 15% of financial securities, real estate is 21%, compared to about 30% art collection. Signs that the art investment has been listed in the stock and real estate investment, the best investment into the direction of the 21st century. At the same time, the national collection of journals emerging, urban newspapers Collection contests, and CCTV art investment program ratings shoot up, all this for the universal collection of knowledge, cultivate collector market, growth has contributed to collection of teams. Collection of organizations across the country with state-owned museums, private museums in various activities organized by the social effects produced by a large number of collections of celebrity love the star effect, a strong impetus to market booming art collection. The national culture is also in strengthening protection awareness, since 2000 the role of a strong private capital from overseas Chinese art treasures in the back is a very obvious example. The further development of the art market needs and aesthetic consciousness of the entire nation to enhance artistic accomplishments. China has spent millions to buy luxury, hundreds of thousands of decoration, but only to spend several hundred dollars to buy a copy of poor quality decorative pieces: driving a car into the exhibition hall entrance, but because the five yuan ticket and drove away a lot of people.

2, the characteristics of Chinese art market

① of the professional art market is booming. Chinese art market professionals never to have small to large, of all the influx of investment unprecedented enthusiasm. To the present, nearly 10 million art house business units, the transaction covers the entire art products, turnover in 2004 exceeded 20 billion yuan in 2005, turnover exceeded 40 billion yuan.

② the current art market is still in the initial stage, has not yet formed fully mature market with international standards. Despite the rapid development of China's art market, art galleries, auctions, art fairs composed of primary and secondary market has emerged, but as the art market-based galleries are in serious difficulties, compared with the art auction industry, the gap is quite large. Market laws and regulations are not perfect; market artificial prices, price gouging, related party transactions, counterfeit and other acts of serious rampage, which also hinder the development of the market and increase market bubble.

③ mode of development of the art market still belongs to the extensive economic growth mode. High consumption, a large number of staff input, low value-added basis for growth. China's leading artists work in the international market prices have also a wide gap between world-class teachers.

II. Overview of the Chinese art market

1, an overview of galleries and art fairs

galleries, auctions and art fair is the three pillars of the modern art market. Among them, the gallery is an ongoing daily operations of the form of auction is a real-time, the form of regular trading. Gallery is an art market in the market, auction and exhibition are secondary market.

① Gallery

20 century,UGG shoes, in the late 90's, real only in China, the rise of professional gallery, the auction industry with the formation of a complementary situation. During this period, belonging to the secondary market art auction industry has a larger development. The first, the auction house after the gallery of this interesting phenomenon is unique to China. to direct use is not excessive, but the market infrastructure is not sound. But in order to speed as they can to adjust in development. prosperity, the secondary market can be more prosperous. Gallery is the most important art market, the cornerstone of the system, in the artists and collectors, between the individual and society plays the role of a bridge, and whether to take a more standardized system of artists agency, is the difference between professional and non-salient features of professional gallery. during the early and the formation of overseas transactions. For various reasons, then a lot of galleries do not exist now, only two or three holding on. the mid-90s, some more initiative and diversity of galleries to emerge. representative The calligraphy gallery of Beijing, four and Gallery, Shanghai, ShanghART Gallery. During this period a considerable part of the gallery is run by foreigners,UGG bailey button, while the Beijing calligraphy gallery is the first attempt to implement international conventions signed by agent mechanism Gallery 0 90 late, due to the rapid development of Shanghai economy, ahead to the international metropolis, Shanghai, there have been many private galleries, the vast majority are run by the Chinese themselves. one of the representatives who have Yibo Gallery, Fahrenheit Gallery, Aura galleries. into the 21st century, some overseas galleries optimistic about China's economic development trend, began to have set foot in China, there is Europe and America, Japan, and China Taiwan Province. representative of the famous Italian Galleria in May 2005 8, 798 factories in Beijing opened a new gallery. At present, although the large number of galleries in China, but can really be called is one of the few professional galleries. the country can not really known hundreds of professional galleries and most of them concentrated In big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. representatives of the gallery in Beijing: Red Gate Gallery, Art Archives and Warehouse, Courtyard Gallery, Hanmo Gallery, Pickled Art Centre, Millennium Gallery, listen Dong Cheng Center for Contemporary Art, Soka Art Center, Long March Space Gallery, 3818, Beijing Seasons Gallery, Forbidden Hin Art Gallery, 88 Art Document storage, such as 798 Space Gallery.

the development of contemporary art galleries are also facing difficulties. such as: in China galleries when the beginning of the impact by the auction industry, consumption is bound to affect the gallery given industry; artistic criteria still hold in the old system, academic and market dominance are not fully achieved, while the judge in this gallery standards established by the system has been in a passive position; perfect proxy mechanism has not been established, galleries and artists in a state of no-confidence can not be so constrained, these puzzles have become obstacles to the development of galleries. Overall, as a galleries market in the current art market has not been a firm footing.

② Art Fair Art Fair

from the West, first began in 1967, this year held in Cologne, Germany Art Exhibition. China in Guangzhou in 1993 and held the first art fair, later in the West about 26 years.

2004 年 4 26, the first China International Gallery Exposition held in Beijing, this exposition as played China Art Expo 2000, or artists, galleries and art unit as the three pillars Art Fair. The Art Fair play a leading role in the gallery often give the impression that a set, a street vendor Gallery manifestation of subjectivity, not only the investment of temporary relief, but the role of galleries and cultural introspection and self position in the business, but also a kind of value the market attributes and market mechanisms to determine the long-term building needs. In April 2006 China International Gallery Exposition from 17 countries and regions in 97 well-known galleries, including the famous U.S. Marlborough Gallery, France Galerie Laurent Godin, the Korea International Art Gallery / Kukje Gallery and Germany and many other international top RAAB Gallery to participate. At the same time on April 13 and April 14 Exhibition will be on the forum held on two consecutive days, please Venice Biennale Korea from South Korea's head of a theater and the Gwangju Biennale curators Sunjing Kim, AAC Magazine publisher Takahiko Honda, Palais de Tokyo in Paris before the French Museum of Fine Arts and the Pompidou Center curator Jerohe San, Germany, a senior international art critics and observers Curator Mr. Fan Dian five countries and five regions of five curators and collectors to enhance the seminar's academic art fairs.

2, Important Part of the art market - Overview of agents

on the definition of broker, in the October 26, 1995 China promulgated the provisions in the economic activities, a commission for the purpose of engaging in transactions for the intermediary to promote others, such as brokerage or agent of citizens, legal persons and other economic organizations. Mr. Ma Weidou said: The first is the screening of its authenticity; second, the merits of its screening; the third screening of its real value knowledge; the fourth is that it is not a trend, what will happen in the future, it is most concerned about collectors. There's bidding in the auction, payment, transport, etc., then these professional services, similar to the publication, exhibition, research and discussion, these are collectors need it most. study part-time amateurs. They have money and no artistic vision on behalf of investors to participate in various art auction, payment transaction price is about 5% to 10%. Now, this appears as individuals increasingly art dealers more, and some of them had been a staff of arts organizations and others out of personal interest, and slowly turned from the art lovers of art experts. part of the well-known art galleries, cultural companies, art auction company, also or more or less to serve as the role of art dealers, buyers and sellers matchmaking. such as the painter Liu Xiaodong's buy for collectors. Since the right decision, which three works of investors access to nearly million

value. However, the majority of the domestic art of matchmaking agent only for the buyers and sellers, and, because they generally from arts organizations or institutions, most of them more closely linked with the art of the main project into the formal training system. art dealers, is likely to become the Ministry of Labor announced the next batch of new jobs. an art market mechanism is relatively sound state, its economic system undoubtedly is very clear. in the art market, artists and art dealers are also multi-faceted cooperation.

It is understood, Beijing registered in the business sector has reached 4,000 people and cultural brokers. quantitative analysis, the current number of employees less than the 50 industry needs, and the lack of high-quality agents is extremely. In addition to galleries accordance with international practice some professional artists to take standardized agent system, agents have a more stringent system, but mainly the kind of Such as brokers spouse, children, art for sale to help parents, students make plans for the agency for teachers, friends or simply acquaintances-style law fit, which was very conducive to improving China's art market mechanisms and operational criteria.

3, antique market, antique market business development

a large portion of the range of the ancient works of art, so the Chinese Art Antique Market development is also noteworthy part of the market. In 1995, Asia's largest antiques establishments - Beijing Antique City opened. Antiques industry free to spread the style to the management of a unified style. Now, many big cities such as Beijing Liulichang, Panjiayuan, Shanghai City Temple Huang, Fu Yu Road, Wuhan, Red, Nanchang Poetic, Shijiazhuang Hebei have formed a large-scale antique market. In addition to big cities, small cities also established the Antique or antique establishments, antique art forums and art fairs around the antiques also been organized. China Federation of Industry 2002 Trade Association established antique,UGGs, antiques industry to have their own professional organization, that management has been to the antique industry specialization, standardization, systematic development.

we can see, it is because there is great social demand and the reform and opening up a new environment and the gradual improvement in economic conditions of people to the antique market has been rapid development. In addition, the stall-style antique market entry threshold is very low. The hands of a few pieces of stuff as long as a day to pay a few dollars or tens of dollars, accounted for on a location, operating a stall can be. This makes the surrounding farmers, laid-off workers, retirees and some migrant workers, it is easy to gather them to pour into this line, but also for the development of the industry needs to create a lot of the work force provides a very convenient conditions. According to the survey, each share of 5-10 most business people behind their acquisition, processing and delivery services, has formed a very substantial amount of work force. Also, this spread-style antique market for our mid-range and high-end antique shops art auction market, the formation and development has laid a heavy and solid mass base, and the regulation of the market mechanism quickly formed under the antique market in contemporary China pyramid structures. To ensure the contemporary market, the continued development of Chinese antiques. In 2002, Beijing various antique market (including the spread markets, antique shops and auction houses) had turnover of 20 billion yuan (about half of the auction company turnover). Market segmentation to meet collectors at all levels, small stall on the tens of dollars up to the auction house on the yuan, different times, different fineness of the ancient works of art, in different markets you can find you want.

III. Summary

art market development despite its unique position, but it is still the development of China's market economy as a subsystem. Its development is still subject to the historical background of China and the impact of market environment and law and constraints. It is because of historical, social, cultural, and economic factors have caused many current structure and state of the art market.

mature market requires a sound market mechanism and improve the market system, developed market organizations, and the dynamic market of the main content of a sound market rules. For now, a mature art market in China has not yet fully formed. China's current art market is still in the process of transition from the old, market structure and market environment are to be further developed.

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