Sunday, October 24, 2010

Professor of Communication University of China Shen Mintel

 Source: Journal of Beijing: Professor of Communication University of China Shen Mintel

However, many comrades to this understanding is not in depth. For example, the The problem is that people often ask a question. If you answered without hesitation: did not say it, then, is 'absurd' comments, so you can advance to deprive him of his freedom of speech? Otherwise, you can not justify falling into the

I just to remind people of a common sense: a statement (in this case is justified, it is holding of a speech, rather than shout slogans against indiscriminate bombardment of the abuses) in the absence of public The previously known to the world, can not determine the absurd or not, can not determine its progressive or reactionary. The pursuit of truth, the only way is to let the public of the world, in the sun for people to think, to distinguish it be possible to understand its nature. I think this is everyone talking about freedom of speech, which is advocated by Mao Zedong's maxim: contending.

in this manner leads to a related to common sense: a statement came out, we all think of the pains, efforts to identify, and they often remain blind to the essence; particularly those who were somewhat different, or for the then most people can not endorse the remarks, often need a longer or shorter course of history in order to become a convinced of the truth, or become a bitter hatred of the absurd said. In this process, the taboo is Is called a

Wing of the mind is one outstanding example of the population of Mr. Ma Yinchu. If it were not quickly determine that it is Today, faced with daily and hourly employment arrangements, universal education, health care, etc., are all related and demographic pressures.

Wing of the mind is another outstanding example of Zhang Zhixin for the If the leadership is determined to be and the relationship is not under the The impact of decade-long calamity, such as cultural fracture, moral failure, and all the inertia of despotism, since in some areas is still in the difficult process of elimination.

seen a ridiculous speech or not, progressive or reactionary, not by authority to qualitative, it needs to historical practice. Should be said that the past three decades, the Chinese spirit of the greatest achievement is to restore the truth of Marxism - Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Without this spirit of the results, all other results to speak of. One of the key words are two: First, practice, rule out any authority; the second is the only exclusion of other criteria. Thus, we understand Yinchu remarks, Zhang Zhixin understand words, understand their comments and remarks contrary to what speech; know better how to rely on freedom of speech, the Chinese people to realize the pursuit of truth, to protect the safety of the Chinese nation and healthy progress and development; around the way we have gone through - progress must also pay a bit heavy price.

eventually, highlighted the issue: just oppose Ma Yin-chu, Zhang Zhixin speech of speech, had enjoyed the greatest freedom of expression; while the principle of freedom of speech, we should give such a speech to freedom of expression. Only one voice, the truth can not be understanding and development. All the words in the speech level (rather than action and implementation), enjoyed the right to freedom of expression and publication. We should conscientiously implement the Constitution on freedom of expression of important provisions.

Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Party Secretary of Nanjing, Zhu Shanlu recently appeared on the network several hot spots with Nanking incident related comment that He said, for the masses and social opinions and suggestions put forward, to have the To learn to adapt to the new situation of media development, understanding the media, the media attention, treat the media, with media work.

If we could do that, or most of the leading cadres could do that, it is undoubtedly the people of fortune. The question now is how to achieve the The fact is, some people can not stand some things network supervision, on-line one exposure, it is easy to expose the problem. Take Nanjing for the last two things, who Jiangning District Secretary Zhou Jiugeng property, pumping high price cigarettes to light, soon to be eased out; Pukou area off a town in the fraud investigation, according to the farmers,

network exposure - the investigation and handling, this is a good ending, at least than the But, wait a minute cheers, the network Those things above fool fraud how many? For them, a network alone can solve it?

Some might say, investigated Zhou Jiugeng, officials of other great deterrent. Words makes sense, but how can such a deterrent for how long, which should draw a big question mark. Over the years, our anti-corruption efforts is nothing less than strong, punching is quite a heavy fall of the officials can not say much, but why corruption cases are still emerging, so some people lamented that

Needless to say,UGG shoes, the network is increasingly becoming an important monitoring force, which monitor all times, everywhere. Some people say that everyone is a Perhaps some of these things ahead, but if, for officials there staring at all times, this is probably not an exaggeration. Not only was staring at, doing something wrong, right is wrong, it is likely to be linked to the Internet, which has been completely possible. Because of this, officials are increasingly aware of the importance of cautious. In the author's experience, and now an interview with officials, and asked, This reflects a state of mind changes.

However, do not think that everything will be fine with the network, do not think that corruption since disappeared. You know, the network exposed the existence of randomness and uncertainty, the network after all the exposure cases. For example, the network exposure, the moment, is still largely constrained by newspapers and other traditional media, and newspapers to the exposure of things there? Some people say that Internet users can also access the exposure, Zhou Jiugeng not that be Internet users, This remark is true, but the problem is, now, there is considerable exposure of such contingency. If you had not made Zhou Jiugeng

Because of this, after all, depends on improving anti-corruption regime, by touching the soul of education, by discipline inspection and supervision departments at all levels of supervision, of course, depend on the supervision of the masses. This requires discipline inspection and supervision departments of great importance to anti-corruption information from the network that do not easily let go of a trail of corruption, and network, and users interact, join forces, much greater intensity.

in Hunan Province recently announced the second

as a normal and people do not deal directly with too many units actually in the publicity department of social and historical conditions, the publicity department had a great public service space.

if the department made good through a variety of innovative effects and social effects of the functions will work with the majority of people have positive interaction.

2008 the beginning of the fight against the snow disaster of epic proportions, the propaganda department of Hunan, to quietly work a shift pattern. On the one hand actively coordinate all media fully reported the disaster, the other organizations, the media released to the masses and timely updates and weather information, but also people of the province through the media drum for the gas fuel and promote mutual cooperation. In the media, timely, accurate and open reporting, the victims in time to know the truth, the rumors have no place to hide, to maintain close interaction between cadres and eventually overcome the disaster. In the face of disaster and major emergencies, if the publicity department of the hearts of the

mid-March last year, when the Shaanxi quickly Is a fake encounter with the tiger, Shaanxi and Hunan, the different attitudes of the public, so that the two provinces had different public image of the harvest. This example shows that the propaganda departments serve the public, not only to provide timely information and thoughtful, but also need to follow the government's public relations laws, and so the propaganda departments of the service to obtain new content.

values of modern society is a diverse, complex and contradictory world, and the media's values and operating modes can be guided to a large extent contradictory trends. To some extent, public opinion slowly along the contradiction, the contradiction between public disorder anxious. Over the years, some local publicity departments although the

at the just concluded year 2008, the State Council Information Office held a total of 83 news conferences, and central government departments held a press conference 521 field, able to satisfy the people's right to know, the Chinese government to improve The opening image, which is the Chinese government has gradually become mature and confident sign.

normal state and the disclosure of information to get the public praise the propaganda departments of Hunan facts tell us that the propaganda department of public service space, one of the most important is the full play the positive role of the media, meet the people's right to know, expression, participation, supervision, provision of information services for the people and spiritual power. In the context of the information age, if the publicity department of innovation, and to provide information to the community supervision and management of the media at the same time, because of the situation and move to strengthen the public service functions, reflecting the new thinking of the government's public relations, will achieve the positive social effects of multiple .

Thirty years ago, I am a sophomore at University School of Law, when I and my classmates knew nothing about the Chinese legal system, law schools have no courses on Chinese law,cheap UGG boots, all teachers are foreigners. For our country, the past three decades is a radical reform and opening up three decades of the Chinese nation suffered humiliation since the Opium War in the 19th century, lose confidence in ourselves, and rise again and restore confidence in the key of thirty years. For me, these three years is to find their identity as Chinese three decades, is to learn more about China and her care and legal development of the three years.

Fortunately, I'm in Hong Kong is not only the rule of law in China three years the process of spectators, more opportunity to become participants. In February 1984 I began teaching at the University of Hong Kong School of Law. September 1984, Britain and China issued a In 1997, Hong Kong has finally returned to the motherland, as a Professor of Law and the NPC Standing Committee members of the Hong Kong Basic Law, I am fortunate to participate in a number of Participate in this historic mission work, whom I pleased. I feel that the formulation and implementation of Basic Law in the history of modern constitutionalism is a place. This I think that the

the past three decades, China's constitution and the rule of law results, as the results of economic development, all to see. However, from a macro Mr. Huang Renyu famous historian published in 1993, We want to see the next few years is the life of Chinese legal persons engaged in the golden age. They have very many opportunities to take up the challenge to create as much as possible. the beginning of the golden age of building, construction, and this time they have to last for several decades.

This macro consideration for the rule of law,Bailey UGG boots, and our government for the Development of the Chinese economy coincide. Mr. Hu Jintao, Communist Party Congress last year, the report pointed out that in 2020, He said, development? This is worth pondering.

In the field of science and technology, modern application of the concept is the most obvious. In the economic sphere, modern advances in the performance of the material, so in the contemporary world, there is a developing and developed countries of the points, the distinction between countries based on GNP and per capita income, which is the level of economic development. China is one of the developing countries (not only recognize our own, and has also repeatedly stressed that we are developing countries), its economic development or the level of modernization of the economy is still far behind Europe, Japan and other developed countries. I think it is worth pondering is whether the distinction between developing and developed countries also apply to areas of rule of law and constitutionalism, that is, we can rule of law and constitutionalism in different countries to assess the level of development, which concluded said that in some countries the level of rule of law and constitutional development higher than other countries.

I personally think that the rule of law and constitutionalism in different countries do have different levels of development, so as in technological and economic fields, the rule of law and constitutional elements of these systems an important aspect of civilization, there is also the developing countries the distinction between developed countries. My argument is premised on the rule of law and constitutionalism is a universal value, is of universal significance for all mankind the system of civilized elements.

professor of the Hungarian Constitutional scholars have said Sajo, This ideal of the Constitution, that is, from the former because there is no constitutional suffering caused. In order to get rid of the human suffering resulting from wisdom. We study the Constitution, is to learn the wisdom of a rainy day for our future. two words are fully applicable to our historical experience and lessons of the PRC. Recalling the socialist democracy and legal construction, and development of the 1982 Constitution, for the construction of our constitutional government laid a solid foundation. After 1982, significant progress has every constitutional sense, helping to gradually improve China's rule of law and constitutional level, such as requiring the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law, safeguard human rights and property rights.

Western political scientist Karl Loewenstein in 1957 in a book to distinguish three kinds of the Constitution: the Constitution is the name, the text on the Constitution and the norms of the constitution. Normative features of the Constitution, constitutional control by the exercise of political power, rather than by the exercise of political power in turn to control the constitution. Constitution of Western scientists Vicki Jackson and Mark Tushnet Published in 2006, it's just a symbol,UGG boots cheap, an ideal representation, a political declaration, rather than actual political power play to limit and regulate the operation of the role. I personally think that the Constitution required by the constitutional, that is, Loewenstein said the normative constitution, that is, limit and regulate the political power of the Constitution.

Why restrict and regulate the exercise of political power? Modern Western political and legal history of ideas provides the answer is that political power is likely to be abused, may lead to absolute power corrupts absolutely, so the need to restrict and regulate the exercise of political power to prevent the abuse of power, to protect human rights are not violations, to ensure that government to the people. About how the various systems and technical design, to achieve this goal, the history of modern Western constitutionalism provides a wealth of experience. In contemporary China, the rule of law and constitutional level relative to the West is still relatively backward, so to learn from Western experience in this area, people will still be important in the foreseeable future work. In recent years, I learn

Neo-Confucian thinkers of the 20th century theory, I feel more and more, the rule of law and constitutional aspects of the experience of learning from the West, systems and technology, constitutional government, not only the main body of Chinese culture and We have no conflicts of national self-esteem, and overall rejuvenation of Chinese civilization is the great cause of the request. In 1958, Tang Junyi, Mou, Chang Hsu Fu-kuan, and the four Confucian master published a They also advocated the acceptance of Western culture, science, democracy and constitutional thought, believing it to They even said that the development of democracy in China, the establishment of constitutional government, is the inherent requirement of the Chinese cultural tradition. Mou said that the rule of law, constitutionalism, human rights and democracy, although the nation that recognizes it. In an article entitled interpretation is that in the contemporary for the pepole destiny, not including the promotion of their moral character cultivation and growth, but also should include the promotion of their human rights, freedom and equality. He said, seeking to start a political as Shengmin Liming. ... ... of the Chinese culture is not on the take off, it can not stand by their understanding of Chinese culture. For Cultural facilities, first of all must be from the Chinese culture has intrinsic and not premises to meet the issue out to the Western culture facility.

Author: Albert, born in 1957 in Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong in 1980, law degree, Harvard University, 1982 LL.M., Solicitor of Hong Kong in 1984, then taught at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law has . National People's Congress in 1997 was appointed as the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee today.

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