Monday, October 25, 2010

1.2008 on the evening of August 8

 And prestigious Beijing opening ceremony of the XXIX Olympiad was held at the National Stadium. The Olympics the Chinese sports delegation has made 51 gold medals, 21 silver and 28 bronze medals (100 medals) and excellent results, the first Olympic gold medal among the top places, creating a Chinese sports delegation to the Olympic Games, the most since the good results.

2. Kuomintang Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung arrived in the evening on August 13 ancestral home - Yongding County, Longyan City, Fujian Province town of Sixian Ocean Village, began his journey Mothering Yezu.

3. under the State Council's unified plan, from the fall of 2008, the exemption of tuition and fees for urban students in compulsory education.

4. CPC Central Committee decided to start from September 2008, with the year and a half or so, in-depth study and practice of the party in batches scientific concept of development activities.

5.2008 in September was the fifth in China, .

6.2008 on Sept. 8, Xiangfen County, Linfen City of Shanxi Province Mining Ltd. Tower of major tailings dam-break accident occurred in particular, causing heavy casualties.

7. Produced by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co., infants and young children From 2008 12 to 17 September 8, children around the clinical diagnosis reported a total of 6244 cases. By the

8. Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games closing ceremony the evening of September 17 was held at the National Stadium. Chinese sports delegation won 89 gold medals, 211 medals, and medals among the medals table top position, and created a Chinese sports delegation to the Paralympic Games since the best results.

9.9 23 morning, Ningxia, gathered more than twenty thousand people of all circles view in Yinchuan Hill Theatre to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

10. Beijing at 21:10:04 on 25 September, China's space industry has ushered in a historic moment, our self-developed Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, by Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming,bailey UGG boots, Jing Hai Peng composed of the Executive Shenzhou VII manned space mission by the astronauts group.

11.9 months at 16:41:00 on the 27th, China's astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft, the orbital module to open the door, for the first time implementation of space extravehicular activities, the vast space for the first time to leave China human footprint. China has since become the world's first extravehicular space technology to master the three separate countries.

12. The second session of Summer Davos Forum in the afternoon of the 27th International Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin Binhai New Area, the opening of Premier Wen Jiabao attended the opening ceremony.

13. CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao, general secretary of the WPK and the National Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong Il exchanged congratulatory messages 1, declared that warm congratulations.

14. in 5 at the National Financial Work Conference, Finance Minister Xie noted that the total national revenue in 2008 grew rapidly, but the increase showed obvious trend of high to low. January to November last year, cumulative, and national revenue 5.806821 trillion yuan, up 20.5% over the previous year. Among them, the central level income of 3.191583 trillion yuan, up 18.8%; local level income of 2.615238 trillion yuan, an increase of 22.7%. Annual national revenue is expected to more than 6 trillion yuan, an increase of 19%.

15.1 months at 14:30 on the 5th, with a loud whistle blew, which lasted 117 days, the total range of more than 23,000 nautical miles of the Yuan Wang tracking ship well fifth China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department arrived at the port. So far, the successful completion of Shenzhou VII mission's five marine monitoring Yuan Wang tracking ship all returned triumphantly, ocean monitoring and control of space operations the largest in the history of a successful conclusion.

Beijing January 7, China's second-fifth Antarctic expedition team arrived in the Antarctic inland ice sheet summit of Dome A area, to start construction of China's first inland Antarctic research station - Kunlun station .

State Council recently approved the State Council Information Office on January 8 this press conference, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission Du Ying, vice governor of Guangdong Province Huang Longyun introduce the relevant circumstances that the Pearl River Delta region will seize for expanding domestic demand, growth strategy opportunity to speed up infrastructure construction, promote economic restructuring and development mode, further play the leading role of the country and the first demonstration of radiation effects, and striving to practice the scientific concept of development in recent years.

CPC Central Committee, 9, was held in Beijing on the morning of the National Science and Technology Awards Conference. Party and state leaders Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang attended the meeting and representatives for the award presentation. Wen Jiabao, on behalf of the State Council, the General Assembly. Li presided over the General Assembly. CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao, the first to receive the 2008 State Supreme Science and Technology Award of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, honorary president of Zhongcheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Professor Xu Guangxian commendation certificate, and warmly shook hands with them, congratulations. In the warm applause, President Hu Jintao and other Party and state leaders to the State Science and Technology Progress Award Grand Prize, the National Natural Science Award, State Technological Invention Award and other National Science and Technology Progress Award on behalf of the award.

16. Vice President Xi Jinping, 11, afternoon field trips Zhuhai-Macao Cross Border Industrial Zone, pointed out that the stability is of great significance. Macao Special Administrative Region shall be appropriately diversified economic development along the correct direction firmly go. Zhuhai-Macao Cross Border Industrial Zone was approved by the State Council in December 2006 into operation.

17. Customs Service today announced the 2008 China's foreign trade imports and exports. According to customs statistics, last year China's foreign trade value reached 2.56163 trillion U.S. dollars, an increase of 17.8%. $ 1,428,550,000,000 exports, up 17.2%; import $ 1,133,080,000,000, an increase of 18.5%. Trade surplus of 295.47 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 12.5%, a net increase of $ 32,830,000,000.

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. on Jan. 16 inaugural meeting was held in Beijing. This not only marks the shareholding reform of Agricultural Bank of China made a decisive results,Discount UGG boots, it shows that our joint-stock reform of state-owned commercial banks have entered the

18.1 On the morning of March 20 held at the Beijing Sport University Games in the bid to host the meeting of the secret ballot, votes more than the Tianjin Liaoning, Zhejiang and Hubei. According to the procedures, the results only to be approved by the State Council, the Liaoning Province in 2013 formally put the right to host the Twelfth National Games.

State Council Information Office, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Culture, Business Administration, State Administration of Radio, Press and Publication Administration and other seven ministries held a joint meeting on January 21, the further deployment of vulgar Internet campaign special action of the wind. Meeting that special action has achieved initial significant results, as of 21, had to close down the 1250 dissemination of pornographic and vulgar content of the website, online pornography and vulgar remove more than 320 million pieces of information; public security organs in online dissemination of obscene Investigating 61 from pornography cases, successfully detected 27 cases and arrested 41 suspects. Through the special action, online Vulgarity has been checked, on-line pornographic and vulgar content decreased, the network environment has been significantly improved. Deployment of the next meeting of remediation work. First, to further increase the remediation efforts, resolutely close down illegal sites, landing against the wind to check who committed crimes, be investigated for legal liability. Second, strict implementation of the special action of the territorial responsibility, seven ministries to strengthen the guidance over the work to ensure that the requirements of the special action implemented. Third, arrangements for work during the Spring Festival, to maintain remediation efforts to prevent rebound. Fourth, dissemination of obscene phone started remediation actions, and dissemination of pornographic mobile phone into the regulation of special operations. Fifth, accelerate the establishment of long-term mechanism to promote the web site improve the internal management system. Sixth, to further strengthen coordination and cooperation of various departments to form a work force.

19. State Council Premier Wen Jiabao on Feb. 2 in the UK during the visit, the University of Cambridge in the UK with a 500-year history of the

Macao SAR Chief Executive Electoral Affairs Commission, the third member of 3 February inauguration of the SAR Government Headquarters. Macao SAR Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah, Macao SAR Government Secretary for Administration and Justice Florinda Chan, attended the inauguration ceremony. Bulletin 2, published in the Macao SAR Chief Executive instructions, the appointment of judges of the Court of Final Appeal Zhu Jian for the third term Chief Executive Electoral Affairs Commission (CMC) Chairman, other members include Assistant Attorney General Ma Yi's Procuratorate, Mr Fong Man Chong Junior Court Full Court, the HKSAR Public Administration and Civil Government Secretary Zhu dry and Chen Zhiping Government Information Bureau.

20.2 5 February, polymerase PA subunit of the working mechanism of the related drug development provides a new target. The research by the Institute of Biophysics Research Group led by Liu Yingfang researchers and academicians, and Rao, Tsinghua University, Nankai University, led by the Joint Laboratory of Biophysics in collaboration.

21.2 8, the second session of the Development Economics Research Zhang Peigang Outstanding Achievement Award Ceremony and China Economic Development Forum in Beijing. Tan Chong Taiwan, Wu Jinglian, Lawrence J. Lau, Tsai, Yao Yang, Hu Biliang other six monographs or papers by scholars of the

22.2008 annual 10 scientists from the independent or main completion of important research results selected. The 10 results are: the successful launch of Shenzhou VII and complete the given task, the first piece of the whole Chinese lunar image maps published study iron-based high-temperature superconducting series of important progress made, Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST ) completed, Asian diploid genome sequencing done in the past 22.4 million years, the Millennium and orbital-scale changes in the East Asian monsoon, Lanzhou heavy ion accelerator storage ring built and put into operation, the influenza virus polymerase PA subunit PB1 peptide complex three-dimensional fine structure, Ghd7 natural variation is the regulation of heading date and yield potential of rice an important factor, that dark matter annihilation as a possible evidence.

23.2 12, CPC Central Committee, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, attended and addressed the ACFTU President Wang, he stressed, should challenge the international financial crisis, trade union organizations around the world to effectively protect the employment rights of workers, efforts to achieve decent work .

24.2 14 the night of the Second National Student art festival came to an end in Nanjing. CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong attended the closing ceremony of the cultural events, performances of this fully affirmed the achievements made and to congratulate the students performed successfully. National Student Art Exhibition is under the Ministry of Education Current exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, with the theme

With Tengchong airport officially opened to traffic on February 16, the number of civil airports in Yunnan has reached 12. From the provincial capital Kunming to as the

25. 17, Vice Premier Wang Qishan at the Great Hall of the Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, Russia hold talks on behalf of the Third Sino-Russian energy meeting. Energy negotiators in this meeting, both sides China-Russia crude oil pipeline construction, long-term crude oil trade, loans, package of cooperative projects in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus.

26. CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee Li Changchun, 18,UGG shoes, came to Beijing Agricultural Exhibition afternoon, visit the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition of traditional arts. Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and other departments of the exhibition, divided into

27. twenty-fourth night of 18 World University Winter Games in the North, Paralympic Games held after the first high level international multi-sports.

28. Ministry of Finance, 20, announced: the total national tax revenue in 2008 to complete 5.421962 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 18.8%, up 859.765 billion yuan increase. Tax revenues increased in 2007 compared to 33.7%, the growth rate dropped by 14.9 percentage points.

29. Ningde City in Fujian Province, the three are Australian International Container Terminal 21 construction. The first phase construction of two 10-ton berths and a total investment of 1.3 billion, is expected to be completed in 2010. Sandu Kong as the world's few natural harbors, with a depth of 10 meters above the waters of 173 square kilometers, 88 kilometers deep water coastline can be used. At the same time, three are Australian International Container Terminal is only 126 sea miles away from Keelung in Taiwan, cross-strait shipping trade in the geographical advantages.

30. Shanxi Coking Coal Group mine 22 Tunlan especially serious gas explosion occurred. CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao made important instructions immediately, requiring emergency measures, do everything possible to rescue the trapped workers at the same time to protect the safety of relief workers, to prevent secondary accidents. Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang by the State Council entrusted the evening rush on 22 Tunlan Shanxi Coking Coal Group mine accident scene to direct rescue work accident, condolences to the bereaved families and to visit the injured, and announced the establishment of the State Coal Mine in Shanxi Coking Coal Group Tunlan gas explosion accident investigation team. After the rescue, as at 18:00 on the 22nd, shift into the well 436 people, 353 people out of danger, of which 114 were still in hospital, 74 people have been killed.

31. It is reported that China's hydropower development has entered a peak period. The current installed capacity of 1.7 million kw, generating capacity of 560 billion kwh, under construction about 70 million kilowatts, ranking the first in the world. National Hydropower accounts for 21.6% of the total electricity installed capacity for economic and social development of a large number of clean electricity. Technology development of small hydropower resources amounted to 128 million kilowatts, the same ranking in the world.

32.25 days, advanced deeds of Comrade Wang Ying in Beijing Great Hall of the report. Report by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Organization Department, Propaganda Department, jointly organized by the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee. Central state organs and cadres in Beijing, and about 800 troops stationed in Beijing attended the meeting. Group members report to their own personal experience, about different aspects of Comrade Wang Ying advanced deeds and lofty spirit, so that the audience was deeply moved and education venue in the applause sounded from time to time. Wang Ying comrades during his lifetime as the Standing Committee of Sichuan Nanjiang Discipline Committee for many years engaged in the discipline inspection and supervision work, won the in the workplace, November 27, 2008 due to disease progression, the tragic death of his way to hospital, only 47 years old.

33. Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway Passenger Dedicated Line February 26 officially started construction. The estimated total project investment of 29.29 billion yuan in the Shanghai-Hangzhou-off special, by the Ministry of Railways, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Baosteel Group jointly funded and constructed, the design speed of the goal is 350 km / hour, is completed within half an hour between Shanghai and Hangzhou can reach Planning of passenger transport for the one-way 80 million people, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail connecting another important high-speed railway.

34. A hundred years ago to participate in More than 100 diplomats, attended the celebration.

35.2 27, the Pan Zuoliang deeds of the first report of Comrade will be held in Beijing's Great Hall. Report before the start of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang, secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission report group met members and representatives of the State Council, the Pan Zuoliang comrades high respect and deep nostalgia for all the comrades to the report group cadres and the National Petition cordial greetings and heartfelt thanks. Pan Zuoliang comrades during his lifetime as a county in Liaoning province in the petition by the Secretary. May 9, 2008, Pan Zuoliang put away the day after the last petitioners in the petition with the comrades of cases, sudden large area of hemorrhage, He died on May 10 death, the age of 43. Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, has posthumously awarded the Pan Zuoliang National Petition Office

36. to During the 11 days of competition, from 44 countries and regions in China more than 2,000 college athletes together the ice city of Harbin, showing the world the infinite charm of winter sports, but also college students demonstrated remarkable talent and youthful charisma . Winter session of the Chinese delegation a total of 193 athletes participated in 12 major items of 69 small items of race, won 18 gold medals, 18 silver and 12 bronze medals among the top places to achieve a historic breakthrough.

37. African Union (AU) of the Twelfth Summit Feb. 1 in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, from more than 50 members of the AU Heads of State, Heads of Government or represented at the meeting. 1 special meeting held behind closed doors, the African countries, delegates focused on the establishment of the African Union Government to speed up the African continent politically, the pace of economic integration and other issues. After a day of heated debate, decided to postpone the establishment of the African Union government.

38. Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) spokesman on February 2 in the Gaza Strip, said Hamas has accepted a one-year with Israel cease-fire agreement.

39. German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on February 5 meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Secretary-General Gurria, World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy, Director-General of ILO Juan Somavia, International IMF's Strauss-Kahn and World Bank President Robert Zoellick, the leaders of these organizations with existing international trade and financial reform, held a consultation and issued a joint statement. Five leaders expressed their support for Angela Merkel's recent initiative to establish the United Nations Economic Council, advocating the development

40. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on February 6, Russia will allow the U.S. transportation through the Russian territory of non-military supplies to Afghanistan. Lavrov told Russian Once the U.S. side informed the Russian side the specific number and nature of goods in transit, the Russian side will immediately be given the appropriate permission.

41. U.S. Treasury Department on February 10 announced a new financial rescue plan to repair the financial system and unfreeze credit markets. Under the plan, the Government and the private sector to establish joint investment fund to help clean up the banking system The fund start-up capital of 5,000 billion U.S. dollars, could eventually expand to 1 trillion. The fund will serve as a

42. by the Belgian government authorized the construction of the world's first zero emissions of greenhouse gases polar research station in Antarctica February 15 completion. This research station Princess Elizabeth to the King of Belgium, named after his granddaughter, with a total investment of more than 2000 million euros. Research station area 400 square meters, weight 200 tons, with an average temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. Solar panels and wind turbines will provide electricity and hot water, even the windows are designed to help gather the energy of the shape. In addition, all waste generated by research stations can be recycled. Microbial degradation due to use of technology, research stations in the bath and toilet water can be recycled up to 5 times. Taking into account the cost and equipment and other reasons, this research station in the best season of use only, unless special needs, the general acceptance of a time of 12 experts.

43. French and British military, 16 were confirmed, the French nuclear submarine Commissioned in 1993,

44. Christie's auction house in France, To be auctioned in the auction of art on display in full, including the loss of China's famous Yuanmingyuan Relics European Association for the Protection of Chinese Art (APACE) 20 日 filed complaint to the French request for an emergency suspension of the auction Yuanmingyuan rabbit, a rat statue. Protection of the Chinese Arts Association to the European Court of Paris, emergency petition, will be at 11:30 on the 23rd hearing, the trial court to decide whether to accept, if you decide to trial, the court within 24 hours, that is, 25 7 pm before the two bronze statue of the auction. The Chinese government stressed that the first statue of a rat and rabbit in the British and French troops during the war was stolen, and many years of precious cultural relics lost overseas, should be returned to China. The Chinese government did not direct way to stop the auction, the Chinese lawyers contacted President of the European Association for the Protection of Chinese Art Gomez, Gomez agreed with the Association as the plaintiff,

45. Ninth International Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi, 22 in the International Exhibition Center. From 50 countries and regions, more than 150 delegates and 897 exhibition pavilions.

46. 24 am EDT, the U.S. devoted to observation of a carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, According to NASA TV live broadcast, satellite, U.S. Eastern time at 4:55 on the 24th (Beijing time at 5:55 p.m. on the 24th) from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California aboard rocket from rocket ignition to the first and second grade, second and third stage separation process in turn are more successful. At a news conference that NASA satellite launch 7 minutes, launch team declared state of emergency. Early evidence suggests that NASA has formed accident investigation team to investigate the satellite launch failure.

47. 25, Barack Obama formally nominated former Washington State Governor Gary Locke ministerial candidates for the business. If the nomination is passed, Locke will be following the energy minister Steven Chu, Obama has a Chinese government minister, will also open up the history of American politics, two Chinese cabinet ministers also set a precedent.

48.27 days here at the fourteenth session of the ASEAN summit, ASEAN countries and Australia, New Zealand's economy,cheap UGG boots, Minister of Commerce gathered at a common ASEAN and Australia, New Zealand Free Trade Agreement signed 12 countries that contains nearly 6 million people in the free trade area was officially formed. ASEAN with Australia, New Zealand Free Trade Agreement negotiations started in 2004, announced the completion in 2008. Agreements include trade in goods, investment, services and intellectual property such as a comprehensive content. ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand will open the wine, beef and dairy products market and tariff reductions; ASEAN exports to Australia and New Zealand clothing, footwear and cars, were given preferential tariff concessions. According to preliminary estimates, free trade zone of 12 countries by 2020 economic output will increase because of free trade and 48 billion U.S. dollars.

49. fourteenth session of the 28th ASEAN Summit the afternoon of the opening of Hua Hin in Thailand. The leaders of 10 ASEAN countries gathered together, hand in hand on stage, a symbol of a united ASEAN community fraternity began to appear in front of the world. The meeting was The 10 countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

50.2 28, at the fourteenth session of the ASEAN Summit held at the same time, the fourth in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The leaders said that India, Malaysia, Thailand

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