Tuesday, November 9, 2010

December 14,

 The consent of the fuel tax reform nearly 50,000 views

the community through the network, fax, mail, etc. all kinds of views on 48643 feedback. The newspaper said the views are mainly two categories: first, in favor of in favor of tax reform, looking forward to early implementation; second, the price of oil down a little faster.

statistics show: a bus, private car, taxi, business cars, no cars ... ... 9 classes are surveyed, the response to comments and suggestions are most private car owners! Fifty thousand views (58.5%) of nearly 60%% of their mention. This good understanding, personal interests. Step on the accelerator the public and step on the psychological burden of private cars is not the same!

first glance a little surprise: No amount of observations and recommendations of vehicles ranked the second, almost 20%! Moreover,UGGs, the opinion is similar, also called for price cuts. People with emotions,

I'm wondering, nothing more than two reasons: first, the people involved in increasing awareness and level; second, they are also a potential car owners, they also are trying to pursue a happy life.

fastest growing new medical reform program implementation plan published at the end much easier to operate the development

will be published at the end, this program is more specific, clearer and more operational.

early as Oct. 14, issued a new draft health reform program, many people respond positively, but after reading that can not read. CCTV, One person even joked: Believe that the new health reform program can do better.

even people in the history of the cattle are collected at the recycle bin?

What toll? Dugan received even one? Do not worry, this is a game of words. Huai River in Nanjing set the street door of this waste material recycling, and called it

boss Anhui, Nanjing is not the right place to say the advantage, only people, and I will not change the door name, how to understand to how to understand love.

possession of 5,000 cotton dragged threw

Chinese New Year. Back to the rental, the skilled will be money hid in one pair of cotton slippers. However, more than 4 hours later, he has listed a pair of slippers when worn hidden money thrown away! Remember to wait until the time, everywhere to find slippers, slippers, is to find, but to hide the money has gone!

this but people helpless

110 million luxury car into the kennel

or hospital has been a resident parked Lexus LS400, residents and guards who neither know the car is parked here, and do not know why it stopped so long has no one to drive away. Recently, this car past the luxury cars worth millions of stray dogs has become a warm nest.

people search the web search and found the car used in April of this year, sales over the Internet listing, description of the Lexus was when the price is 110 million. the end of 1998 the car

district where a young man interested in Zheliang Lexus LS400. He said the fact the car only takes less than 2,000 yuan will be able to fix it, you can back on the road. He said that if car owners find it too, he is willing to help vehicle owners to pay parking fees owed will be open home Zheliang Lexus.

things recently caused so much controversy

elected village cadres, the village each 20,000 points

Weinan in Shaanxi Hancheng village, elected king of Selected Works, 50, is a well-known private enterprises Hancheng boss. He said that career development, Thanks to the support of fellow, I have nothing to return, not the rich people rich, and only well-regarded village of people took to the rich ... ... and made a series of commitments, including 60 years old by living allowance 200 monthly payment; a few years off to every household within the village are the most fatal car ... ... one is: immediately after the election to each village two million! After his election on the results of the second day, the villagers really received a twenty thousand to the bank!

giant strong response this matter, some say, is sensational, and win over people! Others say it is illegal bribery. Of course, with the number of people expressed warm appreciation.

said some of the legal profession: public commitment to more normal election, and that the director used his own money as promised to the villagers, is open the gift,Bailey UGG boots, there is no suspicion of illegal!

... ...

users were exposed one thousand live cat food stall at the station to Guangzhou for the shrill sounds (Chengdu Commercial Daily)

(Figure 1,2,3) They had jump, cute, now just listless. Occasionally exposed cracks from the box face, big eyes, but full of fear ... ... This is the recent spread of a group of pictures on the Internet, boxes to be shipped into the box, over a thousand live cats in Nanjing West Railway Station. They were transported to Guangzhou, where they go end of life, a table of dishes ... ...

blindly to save the next batch of kittens, there are cat lovers call a police telephone calls were intercepted. However, these live cat carrier is responsible for the China Railway Express has come up with a batch of live cat carrier in the relevant procedures, we could only watch these kittens had been removed.

said that in Guangdong, a day consumed in 10,000 live cat around.

Maiguan case involved the Obama team?

Several senators discussed the possibility of taking over the phone ... ... The two talk about how specific, we do not know, you can check the local authorities have a clear picture and tangible, it was from personal gain! December 9, Mr. Governor, This matter, Obama himself said, he would order an investigation of staff, and after finishing in the information released to the media.

not become the president does it,Discount UGG boots, all aspects, there are so many pairs of eyes locked in!

bath tub in the sink KFC female staff

... ... a bath is also normal, have to take a bath tub in the sink to the KFC, the three women employees of the store or KFC!

this matter is very upsetting, Hamburg, which might have the bath water ... ... However, this happened in California, a KFC restaurant.

British drink to lose weight for a woman to death

nurses. Jacqueline participated in two weight-loss club, according to a weight loss program,cheap UGG boots, she drank 4 liters of water per day. After 3 weeks, a total of minus 12 pounds more than Jackie! She was very happy! Last month 14, Jacqueline in the evening within 2 hours of watching TV, drinking 4 liters of water. Stomach pains can be felt just finished, then collapsed in the bathroom, and has been sent to the hospital unconscious, she died due to cerebral edema.

eye on anti-doping organizations Viagra

But now, Viagra has been highly suspected doping! WADA even pointed out that in Beijing Olympic Games, there must be some endurance athletes, by taking Viagra to enhance athletic ability. They say, once a sufficient basis for a decision quickly, taking Viagra were prohibited entry.

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