Monday, December 27, 2010

Disaster relief experts talk about earthquake relief Li Zonghao

 Record the following interview
Moderator: friends, Hello everybody! Welcome to the Sohu health interview room. Since yesterday afternoon, Wenchuan earthquake to affect the hearts of people throughout the country, we are very concerned about the people after earthquake safety and health, but also want to know what they can do for the disaster area. So health Sohu specially invited to the China Disaster Prevention Association President Li Zonghao Rescue Medical Association.
Lee President, Hello!
Li Zonghao: Hello!
the earthquake disaster, what kind of features
Moderator: President Lee has personally participated in the Tangshan earthquake of medical rescue, medical relief work in now, I believe that today's interview will allow Earthquake rescue the majority of users understand the knowledge, they would have found a place they can contribute.
Lee President, we know you have participated in that year the rescue process of the Tangshan earthquake, Tangshan earthquake was also a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which time is 7.8 earthquake in Sichuan earthquake, would like to ask what these two have the same earthquake and different? the earthquake is characterized by what?
Li Zonghao: Because of the earthquake epicenter, some of the situations we're not clear, but one thing is very clear, are very strong earthquake, 7.8 earthquake. quake inevitable casualties, there are different places, when the Tangshan earthquake in Tangshan, north China's industrial cities mm, the relative is a mountain, the population will not be so concentrated. But the problems brought about not the same, after 32 years have passed, these 32 years our country has also undergone a major change, economic take-off, the development of technology. in the world in terms of For the rescue, in the past called the emergency, the concept of the aid also changed. Now we rescue, and that is first to protect their own safety, to a good rescue, I am afraid that when we think of this relatively small, to thinking about how to save lives, is less a scientific concept.
generally taken up by the earthquake rescue team staff?
Moderator: Facing the unexpected earthquake, the state also sent rescue teams to respond quickly, earthquake rescue team is generally composed by whom? each share responsibility for what? the rescue of the process like?
Li Zonghao: The China International Rescue Team sent, that is, to the Indian Ocean tsunami in late 2004, called China International rescue teams, are one thing, the name is different. there are composed of three parts, part of an earthquake expert, part engineering, part of the medical staff there, I am a medical rescue personnel. The main body of China International Rescue Team should be the medical staff, yesterday afternoon went to 22 medical personnel, are the Armed Police General Hospital, Imperial Hou medical captain, he set up China International Rescue Team participated in almost all of the rescue. So now it should be said more relief number of scientific ideas, more modern rescue techniques, rescue more modern knowledge and skills should be said that different from previous years.
Moderator: Rescue workers in the rescue process is not there some danger ?
Li Zonghao: Yes, because it is not clear specific disaster, we can not have too many opinions. This is a very serious disaster, spread to many places, is now also organized rescue team. So in medical rescue, our most Injuries concern is the people most concerned about is how to rescue the patient, so naturally this is a very important issue. This is because of the earthquake there exists a medical emergency, we must first person out of you, can not be directly saved, so the rescue out of danger, this is a very difficult task, and then be able to carry out medical treatment.
medical rescue personnel should have the ability to escape disaster
Moderator: rescue program that is tantamount to a dedicated person, to the affected people from the rubble or trapped in the local rescue and medical personnel from the rescue.
Li Zonghao: Yes, it should be like this, called in the international EMS, emergency rescue service system, in fact, the medical professional rescue workers themselves have the ability to escape disaster. our country, Hong Kong's aid, mainly Fire Administration to do the following first aid, they are both medical personnel, but also a recovery operation workers, so these problems in the future of our country must be reformed, can not say that medical staff good hospital, the emergency rescue center is also good, but at the scene, especially the site of a disaster, not only the earthquake, the city which also has a lot of unexpected events, we will have to change. International Rescue team's medical staff after they are training, they have mastered the emergency scene, or even turbulent scene, the rescue out of danger, of course, in their medical knowledge and technology-based, we are now sending rescue teams by training them a little more, this should be said better. < br> For the affected people must be as soon as possible where
Moderator: We know that different situations have so-called prime-time emergency, the same earthquake relief is also prime time?
Li Zonghao: prime time is not on the earthquake relief say, because we generally know the golden rescue time, the case took place in the city are 5-6 minutes, 15 minutes, the earthquake relief can not be said, because there are many difficult earthquake relief, always the sooner the better, the first A rescue rescued the next day is better than good, this is certain, the sooner the better, the earthquake is very difficult, and some people can be saved for several days, or even seven or eight days, ten days have particular , because the body does not eat, drink, the capacity of people is still relatively strong, generally a few days, or even to the days, of course, the physical condition of each person is different, so there are a lot of talent to save the earthquake out.
Moderator: the work of rescue did not provide the number of days after that if no more survivors found in the words of the new stop rescue?
Li Zonghao: should not have this, this is not the same with the other, and sometimes if the person is pressure at the bottom, of course, well-developed science and technology now, and can detect, and some places may not be found, if he is in a certain position of ventilation, he was eating, drinking water has a strong capacity, if the breathing, ventilation is good, some people can survive ten days, ten days, so this case will not die, we try to carefully search for these, because if we accidentally omitted one or two little place, missing a few did not go to save lives, then I am sorry, of course, the sooner the better, yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao also spoke, as early as one minute, one second earlier, survivors may be large, so we make every effort to do so things.
traffic barrier is the greatest difficulty encountered in rescue
Moderator: From a professional point of view of relief after the earthquake, as relief workers, the most afraid of what kind of situation encountered?
Li Zonghao: the most afraid to encounter, is hard to say these words, fear is not reach the scene, blocked the road.
Moderator: seems like this is caused by the earthquake.
Li Zonghao: Yes, this earthquake major problem is, because in the mountains, rolling the heavy rain, roads severely damaged. Conversely, I have been engaged in air rescue, and some people do not ask me how to fly helicopters, helicopters are also the limitations of air . we have to do everything possible to rescue, but also consider the safety of rescue workers, if helicopters in case of bad weather yesterday and this morning is very bad weather, helicopters to fly into is very dangerous. I am 2 February, March in Salt Lake City, just do the air rescue flight, because I a very good relationship with them, I used to do in the United States visiting professor at a university, because I know they are, very supportive of me, but there is one, I sign them in case of unexpected flight, you take responsibility, so the fear is to not site constraints.
earthquake in human spinal cord injury is the most serious
Moderator: Comparison of the earthquake that terrible disasters, will give people the body, including heart damage brought about which of these categories, what consequences?
Li Zonghao: Earthquake damage can be divided into two types, one is direct damage, direct damage Fangdaowuta, smashed, resulting in injury, which is a direct injury. there is a collateral damage, such as inside the house, Fangdaowuta, maybe gas pipelines, power lines pose a fire, can cause burns. fires burn, plastic, leather burn these things After a variety of toxic gases, which is of secondary disasters, is the collateral damage. about 1923, with 4 million people since the earthquake came on the withdrawal, to a large square, where they live, the results of wind direction changes, Mars blew past, as the square are all human beings, there are many flammable things, the results of a fire, 4 people burned to death 30,008 thousand people, so in particular, is a modern town, wires, gas pipes, etc., So is the modern city, the city is vulnerable, but who is also a very powerful survival depend on it. If the secondary disasters, earthquakes can cause landslides, flash floods, etc., can also cause some other damage. Therefore, the earthquake damage to the macro in terms of points direct damage and indirect damage. harm the human body is concerned, most of the main trauma, head fractures, limb fractures, I have participated in the Tangshan earthquake relief, impressed me the most, so I thought the most uncomfortable, and caused damage to the spine, because the injured after the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine injury. a serious spinal injury, spinal cord injury, who will be paralysis, paraplegia, will be very serious.
but now we have from a large number statistics show that many of paraplegia is not fatal, but also not at the time that a considerable part because of our improper handling, for example, when we see that wounded the search, and we are very pleased to put He pulled out, dragged out, pay no attention to the proper handling methods, you hold his arm, I pulled the legs, and even carrying him, or even take a blanket, put people on top, four people, each person carried over to take a corner, or even soft stretchers, canvas stretchers, temporary Na Shengsuo make a stretcher, etc., so that an incorrect handling process, the bad, inappropriate handling tools, distortion of the spine makes a great degree, the oscillation is very powerful, making the spine fracture is severe, resulting in paraplegia, a considerable number of people. paraplegia occurred after a heavy social and family burden, to bring life to his personal misfortune, so this is a very big trauma, especially paraplegia.
Moderator : Now rescue team is not in this area already has enough full consciousness?
Li Zonghao: At least the Chinese national earthquake disaster relief workers should have a high degree of understanding, because I was their consultant, rescue team level, should be that I have spent a lot of effort, when the newly established National Earthquake disaster when the rescue team, more earthquake experts and engineers, I insisted on a medical rescue personnel, must have our medical staff, and we, the medical personnel, have been standard training, in addition they have good medical knowledge, but also through international training, but also through practice.
wounded in the rescue must be carried out when the triage
Moderator: In addition to these professional rescue personnel, we know a lot of victims are to carry out self-help, such as a man, seeing the people were buried, you can pull him out this time should be how to correct treatment is to first get him out again, or until emergency personnel say that if to pull him out, then, how should I do?
Li Zonghao: Now the whole country in a difficult one P Plus support, of course, above all, to extricate him from the predicament, this is the first step, otherwise can not make medical treatment. predicament which to free him, the professional rescue workers understand about this, but we the public, because people need to help each other, so be sure to see the wounded in here, be sure to time in the moving careful. I see them performing in the developed countries, when people were buried beneath this somewhere, they of course is a simulation, he moved to what things are very careful, and that we must be very careful, lest further damage. out of time, are in a horizontal plane, for example the head, then a board that plugs into your back, carried him out, and then the rescue.
because we are faced with a large number of sick and wounded, the traditional practice with us is not the same, with us inside the rescue of a patient not the same, there is special attention to triage, is to check your injury classification, four general points, the whole world uniform standard, with the colors, red, yellow, green, black. medical tag, red, such as we face a hundred injured, your medical resources are limited, your environment is very tense, the heaviest life in a moment of crisis, this is assigned to red, heavy, almost a little more than red yellow, green, slightly lighter, you can not handle being in general slightly injured, black, is dead. of red, yellow, green, according to you this case, will arrange the distribution of your medical power, the tsunami in Indonesia, planarity major disaster rescue team colleagues our good, this is very important, and some people think that the beginning immediately for emergency treatment, it does not, of course, to be a heavy rescue, as a captain or an experienced person, take him into the red, yellow, green, black, and then classify treatment.
earthquake buried personnel must pay attention to your energy
Moderator: earthquake, many people have mentioned buried or smashed, and then the debris is not a lot of people lost their lives because of this? when buried in the earthquake, for example, we buried in the earthquake, how should we correct for help, so rescue workers find themselves early on?
Li Zonghao: this is very important, and buried the future depending on the circumstances, as soon as possible to find a space for good ventilation, On one hand, his breathing is good, the other for help when they were also heard, as far as possible according to their own circumstances to find some space for bigger, better ventilation, and can be associated with the above. The second, to the maximum To maintain their strength, to minimize consumption, not too loud noises, very anxious, very panicked, because they help to your rescue, but to make their own physical exertion of the powerful. I just told some people can withstand long hours, 7 days, 8 days, 10 days, if the panic physical exertion. In addition to a knock knock, hit a dozen, which makes the people around here know that side, at least some objective response, and perhaps also next to people buried there, and knock each other there is a kind of encouragement and determination in there a glimmer of hope. Premier Wen Jiabao at the disaster site with a horn loudspeaker, heard the certainly very encouraged to enhance their survival in the face of disaster and enhance their confidence, This is very important. we must have the confidence to survive, and to let people know there is life here, while maintaining their own physical strength.
Moderator: that is to be calmer, calm and not to have been shouting.
Li Zonghao: You can beat the right sound to maintain their own strength.
disaster must pay attention to the epidemic prevention of the occurrence of
Moderator: say that there must be big epidemic after the disaster, earthquake is not also accompanied by outbreaks of some diseases?
Li Zonghao: there is a certain reason, but also this is the case, the reason is simple, because the result of the earthquake not only destroyed the building, while the destruction of health facilities, the city which, sewer, toilet, that is, In rural areas where there are such problems, garbage, feces, etc., to explain the tsunami in Indonesia a big problem, so easy to pollute your water, pollution of the surrounding environment, mosquitoes breed bacteria, so a big epidemic after the disaster is justified.
we should note that the decay of the body, not only dead, rotting animal carcasses, fecal contamination, waste pollution, caused by the epidemic. Secondly, the people in the earthquake zone , water, food hygiene, are also affected, so the prevalence of disease has a very important issue to consider in advance to make full, to prevent the prevalence of these diseases.
Moderator: the prevalence of the disease in general will lead to What kinds of diseases?
Li Zonghao: This season should be more common food-borne diseases, and of course many factors, as well as mosquito-borne diseases, intestinal infectious diseases generally more common.
disaster must be Note that the incidence of tetanus and gas gangrene
Moderator: One of the rescue organization is not there to prevent the emergence of infectious diseases after the disaster it?
Li Zonghao: Yes, there are first aid, of course, it is important to help the back The problem, to say the first day, two days mainly for help, deal with trauma, surgery and so on. behind, because the disease specificity, because the soil is very dirty, earthquake of infection, coupled with the soil is very dirty, a lot of bacteria . Second, there are many earthquakes Popi, it is prone to infection. and there is a feature of the earthquake, with not the same as usual, the Tangshan earthquake rescue, I understand from the earthquake damage which two are terrible infection, a a tetanus, gas gangrene one of these two pathogenic bacteria are anaerobic bacteria to, just do not like oxygen, and very serious, usually we do not see this disease, has never seen such a disease, Tangshan to see a large number of earthquakes. tetanus smoked very powerful ventilation, apnea, and mortality was high, this is very serious, tetanus, one species of anaerobic bacteria, the mortality rate is high, very dangerous. The second called gas gangrene, this is a very powerful leg swelling, pain is very powerful, shiny legs, swollen, foul taste, high mortality rate. so that the two diseases are special, so this is to be noted. later, of course there are some intestinal diseases, climate change, the old rain, upper respiratory tract infection, the body weak, have pneumonia.
Moderator: like the two just mentioned, more serious, because the skin access to the material damage caused by some infections are not you?
Li Zonghao: Yes, but cryptic in the soil there, a lot.
Moderator: Rescue teams in this regard there were any errors to prevent this?
Li Zonghao: I do not know any other rescue teams, and I told the China International Rescue Team, said before the earthquake, because the anaerobic bacteria Well, slight non-closure of itself does not like oxygen, non-closure of minor injuries, with its features. because the soil bacteria which have such majority, who usually wound will break into the soil inside, no, this is a feature that we should be prepared, through a Tangshan earthquake relief, we can sum up a lot of experience and lessons learned in the growth of knowledge within the field of medicine. So why is it called medical rescue, there are a lot of rescue, medical aid that I put forward with the rescue of clinicians have the same, there are a lot different.
disaster food and water must be brought in from outside into the
Moderator: Because we have not come to the rescue site, so necessary in the water of life to the destruction of some of the facilities built after the disaster are now some of their food, water, how to do this is guaranteed ?
Li Zonghao: usually go out with, like the tsunami in Indonesia, particularly in our rescue teams, water, certainly not to drink the local water, because the whole of the health facilities are destroyed, there can be disinfected, etc. , the destruction of health facilities coupled with the dirty water, fecal contamination, etc., so the water should be brought into the outside, the food should be brought into the outside, and after recovery after, of course, gradually to recover. So we must go rescue team with a lot of things, both what they need to bring the wounded, as well as rescue workers themselves want, because we are a very important one, we must ensure the safety of their own rescue team.
Moderator: That is a lot of the disaster area material also depend on the support of the country.
Li Zonghao:'d not worry about this because we attach great importance to the CPC Central Committee and State Council, together with our fellow difficult one P Plus support, in some cases because of this I am not very clear, the road because of traffic congestion, will air through the will, these things will gradually be resolved.
encountered when aftershocks how to do? earthquake how to save themselves?
Moderator: After the earthquake is often accompanied by a number of aftershocks, experience how to do when the aftershocks?
Li Zonghao: Because frequent aftershocks after the earthquake, I see a 6.1 magnitude aftershock, after all, aftershocks, the earthquake, the idea is basically no more prepared for aftershocks of the case should be have fully prepared, I would like to or should deal with these problems they are right, things should have a disaster occurred belief. Second, we must take concrete missed. specific measures, if the cottage, opened the door Once again the aftershocks quickly out. living building, do not like, because the building does not really shock a few seconds, more than ten seconds, the aftershocks are generally not very long, if you want to run down the upstairs words, especially the third floor, fourth floor of a run, just hit the door just went down. so live in the building, of course, look at your situation, according to the local release of the circumstances, the local government must listen to the news release, you can live in it to live, not live on the inside to the outside, what if the situation a bit, have a thought for their own situation to find out their own home.
There are two theories, a theory that is, lying in the column under a bed board bottom, and now there are a lot of people do not support this theory. But three years ago in China, meeting in this area, known as the world's largest aid rescue team leader, an American captain who Kobe Bryant, he participated in 911 rescue work, he did the report, I have done the report, and we both appreciate each other, we both agreed to meet again later, simply do not have to meet back then I arranged for me in the Armed Police General Hospital, chaired the meeting, discussions with the rescue team. He made A triangular theory, he does not advocate lying in the columns below, if this column is to support, the mattress is support, no other cases but can be, but if the plywood is thin, and not necessarily good, and should find space for a relatively small house, like the foot of the wall, for example, the toilet, and then you stand in the inside Ye Hao, squatting good, because relatively strong bearing on the relatively safe, so he put forward three theories.
Moderator: But Do not stand near the wall is not to say you?
Li Zonghao: In a building inside, in your own room inside, the place you're looking for a load-bearing.
Moderator: load-bearing walls in the corner.
Li Zonghao: Right, Triangle Well, this is the latest theory, we discussed this issue, the talking about a grain of truth, for your reference. Do not look for one of the biggest house, you stand in the middle, so that you hit a certain hit, and if find a place that foot of the wall, load-bearing areas. Also, if you need to move along the outside of the outside alone, you want the necessities of life, if lived out, prevention of aftershocks, the local government that you can not live there You bring food, water, life must things, carry well. I reminded one, if there is chronic disease, and put the past often use the medicine with a good, so you can even though on the outside, not into the room, the drug also can be taken regularly, your body good. keep warm days, cool night, especially the larger people age, do not cause respiratory tract infection with these diseases. Therefore, the prevention of aftershocks, I think first, not the first time Sometimes earthquakes tend to panic, so be careful this time.
Moderator: Some people also said that if the building has been relatively high, and may be from the top floor of the relatively recently, is not to go up the top floor will be safe ?
Li Zonghao: Daohai not thought about the things I have, in short word, run, this process, because the real shock is more strongly a short few seconds, ten seconds, if the floor which I do not advocate run, especially not to run into the elevator, because what will power, or as soon as possible in their own position was one of the most safe place to find, running the stairs I do not think a good way.
Moderator: still looking for a strong point of the corner.
Li Zonghao: Yes, foot of the wall.
Moderator: If the table is very sturdy, steel table, or you can also hide the.
Li Zonghao: Certainly the.
disaster medical assistance most in need of blood
Moderator: In addition to the people inside the disaster area, as our people outside the disaster area, we are not concerned about the disaster all the time inside some of the situations on the outside these people very much like to know that they can hit what to do, we also launched a number of contributions, donations, the Ministry of Health also proposed that the earthquake is a great need for blood and need to donate blood with everyone, is not the case?
Li Zonghao: Because we just say, Earthquakes are a serious hazard, especially such as a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, serious disaster also means serious damage to the human body, and this injury at least in the first few days, mainly to trauma, often require surgery, surgery so often need blood, so I think such a situation occurs under the demand for blood is great, this is a concentrated within a short time a large number of wounded surgery, unlike the usual procedure is relatively long, focused on a few days, particularly in this emergency operation, rescue operation, are concentrated within a few days, so the number of requests for blood is great. I feel that our own countrymen, in the worst-hit by a major injury before It can be said as our compatriots, should be given the greatest possible help, give our love, blood donation is very important, I feel qualified, if possible, you should come to blood, to help Our fellow citizens affected by disasters, but also reflects a love of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation has a fine tradition of life-saving and should be carried forward.
there is no exchange of medical rescue team measures?
Moderator: Because we know that Rescue teams work in the affected areas is very large, and very hard, and rescue team is also the State will arrange a replacement, rather than allow them to have a rescue team in the rescue work continues, there is no exchange of measures?
Li Zonghao: Of course there should be exchange, I want to rescue the one hand, it is a lot of work to make, we all have tolerance. Secondly, the psychological subject, you have not been to the disaster area, if you face facing such a severe disaster, the number of people facing death, facing the injured patient, mentally affected by the pressure is very great. When the tsunami in Indonesia, a colleague spent two weeks, I said to him, you must leave, usually for a week, ten days want to change, to be replaced. for seeking truth from facts, our scientific rescue, not to say that desperate in the rescue, of course, we have to start speaking scientific rescue, we have to protect yourself, if you please in such a serious environmental disaster, your spirit more and more stimulation in a long time you will crash, it is generally a week for about two weeks I think it is the limit, conditional or exchange it. both for his work efficiency, and protection of his health, his mental protection is very important, they must be swapped.
Moderator: to turn the team should have been changed in preparation, right?
Li Zonghao: I believe the relevant departments will take into consideration, I think China has a very good medical staff of traditional life-saving, all of them in major disasters, his dedication, we are willing to do such a thing .
Moderator: Thank you very much President Lee, as to the time of the interview is over today, I hope we can continue to focus on Sohu health, thank you!
Professor Li Zonghao relief of Chinese Association for Disaster Prevention Medical Association, who had worked in medical treatment after the Tangshan earthquake, tsunami and earthquake in Indonesia, he also invited by the international relief organization, disaster medical assistance to Indonesia to do the work of the professional inspection and assessment. For relief after major disasters, Li Zonghao with professional knowledge and real experience.

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