Monday, February 28, 2011

Ballet Male Ballet directing disclosure of the birth of insider Dan

 Ballet Male Ballet directing disclosure of insider
mm once again on the birth of ballet ballet nationalization transformation is the way life Haoge
Sohu blog commentary produced
Ballet is a hot topic recently, there are two popular concern: just the opening of the National Grand Theater is the first show of the classic ballet choice -steps with a new face and then boarding the stage, and in the play In an interview, , a girl struggling to explore, search, her heart through the snow-white pure external image and concise sophisticated dance moves demonstrated in the stage. ignorance, evil and hypocrisy in the shadow of entanglement, making her into confusion, deserting our ideas; But the indomitable perseverance quest to make her finally see the light, enjoy the happiness of victory and joy m This is the dance poem as one of the chapters, and an idea of topics: human light one after another in pursuit tirelessly throughout the play. three chapters, the performance of the connection with the extension of the time the concept of m in the past, present and future.
the is the witness of Chinese history. vigorous a magnificent air of overwhelming potential. who is also King's group dance is also sometimes bradycardia and stretch, like the river spread open mind boundless earth; sometimes violent ups and downs, like a rolled forward to the high sea tide, shock the water rush. Then, a cheerful lyric The music brought a pair of young men and women of the pas de deux, they used the physical representation of upbringing with his love of the Yellow River and the Yellow Land and love. Then, in a warm, lively scene, inciting Lenovo: rapids rapids obstruct the march of human indomitable! This is precisely what the Chinese bravery, indomitable spirit of the portrayal of it? song history, portrayed as a pursuit for the bright and tireless hard work of national image and national character.
appear in the creators from the description of the nature of the means of the pure and childlike, her confusion and Fang Huang, and her struggle and Fen. struggle to pull off with her newborn. This part is a romantic end of the creative approach, the spectrum shows the seven-color light do anthropomorphic treatment, wearing Colorful silk clothing of the girls, with the light flowing Rouman female dance form beautiful picture, very enthusiastic rendering the warmth and bright light, but also praised seeking to break through the darkness seek the light of the people.
first dance three units more open vision, bringing people into the deep, wide wrap, endless universe. creators to enrich the artistic imagination, designed to explore the mystery of the universe a large segment of pas de deux, and the nine planets around the sun and comets, etc. Qi Dance stars dance scenes and shows new and boldness of vision. melodious, ethereal music sounds like the days outside, to people tales of a infinite reveries; and frequently flashing lights, the intersection of the carnival disco dance competition, the excitement outside blurred Pushuo more people feel, a symbol of human longing for the unknown world, to explore and conquer the willpower.
curtain call at the end of the play can be said to flash in the pan, the play of the trilogy will be concentrated in all major sections, refining, followed by return, finishing touch to emphasize the theme of a camel conception.
at the end of workers are in the SHU are keen, courage and sense of social responsibility, to capture this information and decided to use the language of art to express their views, revealing the inside story of life. It is no accident, the creator's own experiences are reflected in the works to be the spirit of publicity. She not only because the pursuit of truth, knowledge of the truth and paid a high price, but also self-talk and the voice of a generation, ballet pour their hearts out for the best way was hard to explore and pursue m Just as she was in the play that created the image of young girls seek light. After years of deliberation, Shu are the framework were found difficult to do the traditional dance expression of the poet, she was determined to find a more appropriate form of new goals to achieve creative . repeated as appropriate, then, inspired by modern art, influence, comfort are all finally made a decision not to approach any previous dance composition m the performance of the theme she wants is divided into three inter-related and non-uniform on the same idea unit to freehand brushwork, anthropomorphic treatment, free space conversion, and through innovative dance vocabulary elucidation out. the stage of Chinese dance traditions, ballet tradition and modern stage technology processing m sound, light, electricity, of integration, strongly reflects the large amount of information capacity spirit of art.
new concepts, leading to forms of innovation. As close to the age and life, bold innovation, but also because a breakthrough in the creation technique, -steps has aroused enthusiastic response, the formation of hot topics. However, it is pioneering a unique new way of thinking drama, has made an honorary position.
22 years, is still innovative sharpening rearrangement
bold and innovative artistic vigor of the new pursuit, but also the carrier of human suffering, bearing, so that makes the work more complete, more solid.
5 works were in fact all of life is the pursuit of comfort. Shu are both poor diction, but longer than the physical expression of an early age by his father comfortable with the art of teaching, the beauty of calligraphy to her first years of cultural enlightenment .1966 After graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, are catching up with social upheaval, her passion for the art filled with naught, but also because their own views and doubts while behind bars. However, these hardships for her many life experiences to add color. these colors in the creation of her future dance vocabulary and condenses into thinking, innovation, inspiration, culture and heritage.
reform and opening up , Shu are artistic vision and are keen to develop a sense of social responsibility at an early age, creating a . In the shore, Liu Yong Jin. Then, a couple of pas de deux, lyric, cheerful, describing her mother's upbringing, to express their attachment and love. This is all of that time were Shu, the expression of her first seek Search.
are from a different angle. She showed their own cultural way of pure friendship and the kind of gut feeling. There is no single explanation, but rather to provide viewers with a vast imagination. To this end, she deliberately using the are exploring all the year round on the outcome of folk art. dance language carving real and not really a pure style as the works of local heritage, storytelling is not so urgent, the expression of the feelings of the rich far more than the specific point of the original story. This three works are authentic Chinese style, but they were in the form of Western culture, on stage ballet, but all are comfortable showing the shuttle in the grasp of Chinese and foreign cultures. Schiff year old ballet masters are all to praise the works of Shu ; marked the birth of the ballet school two works is her life experience in an increasingly refined state of mind. deep, vast, boundless space, large chunks of the pas de deux, the planets run around in the sun. scene both magnificent and melodious ethereal, which won the audience imaginations. Shu's performance are all here is the mood, mood is her last quest. When life is reached after a superb position, only looking at the stars in the share of calm and charm.
the theme of this work eternal, never out of date and sign of the times have become the basis of work performed during the initial work .22 years ago, some experts commented that this work structure, momentum and spirit of the times implied is a landmark, has become the basis of the classic works, and is likely to revisit in the future when the present era of ballet in China, the most representative characteristics of this era is still the Chinese ballet theme, the audience will not for now abandoned? our generation from birth to now, China has experienced many special period in history. In this generation's life, the suffering of the Chinese variety, from the war to famine, to social movements, to the reform and opening up the violent collision of East and West, to today due to a loss of social and cultural diversity. Thus the life of this generation, carrying a lot of special things, laid a special mark the times. In put this theme extended to the future. Now the people with high general
state represents the thinking of our generation. in the 80's, this work was naturally aroused the audience's sympathy; 22 years later, as the The theme is not obsolete, then as a special brand of the times marked, there is a work based on the classic, the audience will appreciate it from another angle, and appreciate the spiritual core of the work assigned.
interpretation of her feelings to man named
Shu are all asked, why choose Tianjin Ballet? why let the young actor as the protagonist? she replied: Because the group have the courage. Now the dance piece on stage requires more than the external factors have been art itself, only they dare to let a dancer in the work session of the sixty to return to the stage in a new way. When the audience in Tianjin and Beijing, while the poignant from the beginning, followed by stirring, and ultimately peace of appreciate life, and perhaps more understanding of her choice to re-select the reason for the Young.
why the bold use of male and once it? Shu are both said to be adopted by other proposals to man named her interpretation of the situation.
in the first place from Mr. Zhang Zequn ideas, inventions, not mine, I accept it and even there some initial difficulties. but really doing it, I think this is a more interesting and meaningful things. ballet in fifteen Century first appeared, because the society does not allow time actress on stage, all the roles performed by men, there are some male ballet dancer to play vividly women; to the seventeenth century, when the actress after another boarded the ballet stage, into the ten nineteenth century, the emergence of toe dancing, women became the ballet's protagonist. Coincidentally, the development of Chinese opera, the same as creating a large number of outstanding social reasons once the male actor, but in recent decades, female female roles opera actor has become the majority. Today, the East and West are beginning to seek in their own traditional art return for a large number of attempts: a ballet adaptation of the British out of the re-training of Chinese traditional opera has some good men out of Jordan, the development of art in the East and the West appeared so similar, after the track, as this served as a senior consultant Dance Theatre Research Professor Kan Fei said, The ballet, you can try to make the art of East and West traditions collide and exchange. chapter, the story of the Lovers is disguised as a man, but I ask Lovers played by male actors, so the feeling caused by more complex and subtle requirements of the actors also higher. This time I chose a Tianjin Ballet co-operation, were selected from two days of Ballet, ; later, will become more feminine behavior do?
Shu are both said: not just actors, many of the creative team of staff have had this fear, but an analogy of Professor Jin fly very right reason: For example, he said, the ballet and living apart.
Ballet Revival is the nationalization of the door and elegant transformation
ballet is art, although we saw ballet in the film there, but really enjoy the ballet have to watch to see the effects in the field. scene seen ballet friends have the same feelings, ballet performances can bring a strong aesthetic is the aesthetic impact of art, the development of modern stage art form, modern lighting, landscaping and technology, to bring the stage to show off the visual shock. Ballet of China to achieve nationalization, localization transformation occurred after his classical repertoire, appears to reverse the situation, the Chinese ballet has not duplicate someone else out of the embarrassment of repeating the plight of the old repertoire, a large original ballet drama expansion of extraordinary significance ballet. We are so grateful to have a comfortable sense of responsibility and innovation director for the revival of Chinese ballet created for the good.
Shu are both evaluation and concluded that the nationalization of ballet on the road in recent years, the results of : Some people say, Opera does not represent the spirit of the times, it will not be the mainstream of the future direction of ballet. is the fun part of the effect of the foreign audience, so that viewers feel depressed after the oppressed. In addition, the the lack of re-creation of the spirit, these are too much emphasis on sensory stimulation, the art of commercial performance. point, with Raise the -style ballet, need for innovation. with opera elements, drawing opera style hit man Dan is commendable and encouraging. I hope the (Reference: Beijing Evening News related reports, published materials, and directed other dance interview.)
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shangqing Si missing (to) (1-10)

 The novel of the Luo was my best friend ten years, the common experience of the UO times, Netcom colleagues, and the great sailing ships so far, this is the only person authorized by the author reproduced from rhetorical exercise version of the community living in Chongqing. Like my friends like it. chapter of the new update, I will give you the first time reproduced.
I would like this document to the 10th anniversary of Chongqing,
dedicated to the happiness of those who live in Chongqing ingenuity and even their lives to pay off the people, br> Dedicated to those long submerged in the dust of history.
Shangqing Si where? (a)
if you ask me, the most famous temples in Chongqing, where? Maybe a few days ago, my answer would be Chinese Temple, but now my answer different.
Chongqing has a temple, almost every urban area of Chongqing people can call out its name, I also heard that since childhood, but no one found before, And a few days ago, I accidentally walked into this mysterious place, it was a late night.
2007 years of May Day, I do not have to go ass line, as usual, but the building in the Scriptorium Lunda Xin Riga with classes every day at 10 o'clock the next elevator.
5 月 5 号 this day, dump heavy rain in Chongqing, I went down 10 points, as usual, found the rain too much to wait for a return to the office will leave Xin Lunda building, it was already passed 12.
Niu Jiaotuo walking in the streets, as in the rain swept sideways like to, click on the trousers and shoes in the water, the sky is not stop to ringing muffled thunder, street lights put out a lot, some did not put out, but also flickering.
Xin Lunda following taxi stands, there is no taxi, this is not surprising that such a large rain, the taxi business must 好惨 old.
the absence of taxis, I had retreated to the bus station waiting for the rain Niu Jiaotuo small point. Niujiao Tuo sites around zero, dark, a few people are to avoid rain, but not see the like.
Then one of them came up to me.
It was a handsome girl, about 20 years old, wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, wore long hair, denim shorts have been wet. came up to me when the girl said in Mandarin: will be rejected, I am no exception. Moreover, it should be very close.
Yes, it should be very close, and Niu Jiaotuo Shangqing Si are the band names, although I do not know where specifically referring Shangqing Si, but it should In this around.
I agreed: b)
This is referred to a nearby area, but you have to tell me specifically where to go Shangqing Si ah. do not know where? > , the taxi driver put me here, left, and I do not know where ah? the phone rang a few friends, a newspaper has engaged in literature, there are almost 50 more than the old Chongqing, in addition to chorus complaining about my late-night telephone harassment, is one voice that has never heard of Shangqing Si temple. < br> street big wind and rain, we returned to the bottom of the building Xin Lunda rain, the vigil of security Wang, also help us to ask colleagues to do security, and police station duty friends, no one knows the name Shangqing Si Temple.
girls hesitate to open, a telephone is not it? a last resort, from the bag and pulls out a cigarette paper to.
It is an old version of Huangguoshu the cigarette paper, carelessly painted at least 30 years ago, Niu Jiaotuo Area Plan, was marked Shangqing Si the middle, attached to a line, the other end of the line that says .
? if it would open the door? to accompany me to see? I'm sorry, I have very special reasons, be sure to find this evening. Look no use, but if you not going to see, I can say hello to the other side of security, the access doors open. channel which, due to power outages, which could not see anything.
Shangqing Si where (c)
the walls, she asked.
has, ah, behind the walls in here, characters faint fluorescence in the hair, writing up, is a common sexually transmitted diseases, positive ads, but obviously the back of the traces of calligraphy, over and above the two words:
town of evil haunted
Shangqing Si knock the wall behind it seems a hollow sound, but this passage clearly does not explore the value of our harvest only the hands of the paper.
I said: , girl, you have to tell us more, we can help with you. a pedestrian access from the ground up, the rain has stopped, Lao Pang took us to share his porridge, his wife and children are busy stall hill, the time had been 2:00, and stopped a lot of Tanqian disabilities.
Lao Pang sharing porridge at night very well known in the Yeyou Shen, a dollar a bowl of porridge, side dishes free of charge, there are 16 different kinds, so many taxis will come here to drink a bowl of night, only 7 am to closing time, and daytime activities, people do not know.
Lao Pang specially arranged for us a table, Wang back on duty, while the girls and I put that together with porridge to drink.
Min Xu, Xiao-bar me from Shanghai, grandfather, father and uncle worked in Chongqing Prior to his grandpa once said a thing to his custody, to his May 5, 2007 to 6 this evening, to the uncle. but lost contact with his uncle for a long time, only heard in Chongqing Shangqing Si temple called where a monk, but have no dealings with the many years. when pulled down? can not get the things you used to see? two small engraved text, had this, it should be a very old style. Hey, your old life must have money. to avoid, I do not know is not money, but I grew up not well-off family. look at this strange leaflets. Shangqing Si historical information, the way to search for far from the door through a lot of people died. buried the dead, around the thirties, construct cities, roads, the countless bones dug up, so the repair of the tower to the town of evil. ; that Shangqing Si Temple and qixinggang a relationship that did not ah? , is still of. so when Chun, found a celebrity, guess what? is the famous Miss Kong Er! Baidu's third and fourth row are her, her name is Ling-Chun. , estimated that the story of Chongqing little people do not know. Could this be the famous lighters lighters?
Mandy asked: Chongqing anecdotes, the story talked about a lot back to the old do not know. Hall, a police chief was slapped her, the result was promoted to Laoguan. made a long stay.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quanzhou functional beverage operation and Development (II)

 The second part of the functional operation of
a drink, market segmentation and target market selection strategy
1) accurate market segmentation and positioning
on a new business, products, marketing strategy focus on market segmentation and target market selection strategy, when the marketing mix to become operational tactics. on with a new product, it is impossible to satisfy all consumers within this market demand, so companies should first clear products listed, its primary customer is. the one hand, a listing of products to attract the attention of target consumers, the next marketing campaign will also be targeted; the other hand, the target selection of products to the consumer market is not saturated, or fully undeveloped. Although functional beverages in line with the conditions, but in China the consumption of huge capacity, fast growth of the market, but a new product in order to have 350 different brands of products in the face of keen competition foothold also need to be more clear and detailed market positioning.
functional drink the birth and development, is built on the premise of market segmentation. accurate market positioning and market segmentation strategy skilled, is the primary factor in the success of product promotion. A huge Chinese market, how to divide a share of how thin to be successful, of which the content and beverage brands this summer as dazzling. market segmentation, sub-divided into the breadth and depth of subdivision. breadth of segmentation is the early stages of market segmentation, market the geographical distribution of population and economic factors - age, gender, household income, etc. - and so the basis for sub-visible range. This target market segments are simple images, such as ; Jianlibao life growing demand for various products in diverse and complex, the factors affecting the purchase can not be ignored in the inclusion of inductive components. In such circumstances, the market competition resulting from the breadth of geographical coverage and economic dimensions of the structure to the needs of depth to development, which gave birth to the depth of competitors on the market segment. the depth of the target market segment is generated intangible, abstract, than the breadth of target market segment is much more complex, forcing the business to consumer concern from outside to inside, deep into the heart level. fashion and healthy young women, the latter located in the small age, but also aspire to - to the fierce market competition, do not expect to buy your product to all consumers; but well aware of their target consumers. You can be rivals for a neglected and discarded a specific, clear characteristics of the population , and it is precisely these groups fight to send the product or the main or severe consumer group, that is positioning the target market. once gave an accurate market segmentation and positioning, enterprises should understand the market. Coca-Cola after a detailed market The survey found ,6-14 years of age are an important consumer groups juice drinks, but did not pay attention to. As mentioned above, just from Quanzhou juice drinks market, although competition is very fierce, but carefully not difficult to find, whether it is unified, health, the main target is the urban young women, as Huiyuan is trying to clean sweep all ages, no one for children under the age of 14 to appeal. insight into this market opportunity in the post, will be their target segments juice market is a matter of course for children.
overview of most enterprises, to see what the market will sell themselves to what is produced, it was not clear who is the real consumers of their products, all anxious to sell their products; some enterprises conducted a market segmentation, positioning and a strong brand but similar, the outcome can be imagined. Coca-Cola Although very strong, if the juice is also positioning itself in the young women, it may not be more than unity, Master Kong. the characteristics of success for children created a concept, but cute kitten fruit juice, fruit juice on the cheeks flushed for a drink. drink it to the right hand on his hips, while very intoxicated and said full of interest, although not clear their big brothers and big sisters of the it? accurate grasp of the target precisely because of these psychological characteristics of consumers, > First of all, dedication and professionalism make the enterprise market and products have been selected, so that enterprises can securely occupy the very small market share. In the process of specialization, experience and technology enterprises due to the accumulation of the target market better understanding of the enterprise so that businesses be more efficient than other, more effectively meet customer needs.
Secondly, we must also strive to avoid the same competition, differentiated products and services is particularly important. enterprises to maintained between the product and the overall market, the gap between several services, otherwise, the buyer went to the root of the product preference. enterprises in brand image, technical characteristics, customer service, distribution network in these areas, must form their own characteristics. which is more able to distinguish themselves and their competitors.
Second, the role of marketing and brand strategy
increasing homogenization of the commodity today, with the brand personality to win the consumer market demonstrated to be an important means of winning business. different all have very different corporate brand personality, the competition in the market need to find a carrier to match the symbol to expand the advertising strategies, the interpretation of the brand's cultural background, values, character traits. It is an experience to some people the role of social and psychological meaning of the image of desire and consumption behavior as a new marketing approach. in commercial operations, l r the role of marketing is particularly suitable for high volume products, such as food, drinks. its biggest role is to narrow the gap between products and consumers emotional distance between, so that products with character, image, so that the promotion of the product has a unique role.
brand strategy can also be called a cultural strategy. in the beverage industry, the brand will help the product rapidly occupy dominance of the most powerful weapon, which is determined by the special nature of the industry, such as using high-tech business strategy can help companies to establish a competitive advantage in this area. Coca-Cola company's strong brand position is a typical marketing advantage.
With China's continuous economic growth and diversification, customer preferences and behavior will inevitably change. In more and more rapid economic development of cities, the customer awareness of brand preferences are close to developed countries. proved , vivid, lively, full of brand image people never forget. If consumers enduring image of the emotion, then the success of the role of marketing will allow consumers to both the subconscious imagination and a willingness to accept the endorsement of the brand product , as consumers - brand image - there is no distance between products, then the product will greatly shorten the promotion period can be the fastest way to achieve growth.
now talk of brand marketing industry, selling the brand rather than selling products appear as a slogan, but what is the brand most people know very vague, and even mistaken the brand is tantamount to advertising. industrial production, product homogeneity is inevitable, but the brand is unique and irreplaceable, queer is juice, but not just juice and other juice drinks in its composition, taste, and not much difference, but to bring the child's psychological queer it is to meet other brands do not have. a successful brand, will carry with its customers an ideal. This, perhaps is the brand for the mass acceptance and enduring charm.
the right product positioning and brand success in shaping the image of the personality, Robust successfully launched ; pulse, through vitamin supplements, to improve their immunity appeal, has been recognized by consumers. Second, the demands of its interests as a high-end, unique flavor with a hint of fruit flavor. also gives the less successful season was due to the positioning of the brand personality: relaxed, self, enthusiastic, imaginative, fantasy, fashion, consumer brand positioning surface is too narrow, and Bao Guoqi mm are too trendy and popular, so a to reflect the brand personality is open, rough, upward, angular, emotional personality drinks; Nestle's activation marketing strategies
standardized procedures to promote the brand image and brand content distribution strategy of mining requires the support of the means out of the current warehouse stores and closer to the customer away. product image should appear in the target market can go anywhere, this can be through the promotion of cooperation do. companies can publish a set of in-house brand marketing 4Ps standard system, this is business people to promote the implementation of brand and operational standards of a system. In addition, you can take three activation measures.
product marketing standards
4Ps of marketing success is product, price, channel, promotion of organic combination of other factors and interactions, is the marketing system of organic collaboration. a successful market planning, do you need to target may break down in detail, in determining the period of time, integration of existing enterprise resources, step by step, there are plans to complete the stated objectives.
1) Product
product packaging, specifications to tailor the target market population do innovative packaging forms, specific of the way, highlight the product personality.
consumers the choice of drinks there are three criteria, first taste, followed by the function and, finally, there is no side effects. only taste good, the effect was side effects and no drinks will be affected by consumers. Most consumers do not understand the functional beverage, and experts also point out that to psychological, manufacturers need to adopt a series of ongoing marketing activities to increase consumer knowledge of products, to dispel worries!
2) product prices have
good product positioning, design price is very important ring. price diversity, such as the price downward, the introduction of 3 yuan less than in the low-priced products .500 ml capacity, less than the price of 3 yuan, is the drink most of the mainstream price points. To the majority of functional drinks access to rapid development of the region, must come down from high above the altar, a bold price break the bottleneck, and only played for consumers sold in order for functional drinks as a beverage really popular, and not as expensive health care products to be forgotten corner of the beverage market.
3) channel
marketing channel is to promote products or services and consumption have been used successfully a set of interdependent organizations. marketing channels out there products at cut, liquidity functions can also be the corporate and product information to customers, while the customer feedback information to the industry to make it more cut to meet customer demand, thereby narrowing the cutting industry and the customers in time and distance in space.
Enterprises should establish a to be effective in marketing activities. enterprises through the br> 2) to facilitate enterprises to enhance customer service management. in connection with the customer 3) can create more value for the target customers. through the establishment of beverage industry is very important distribution channel, described as Competitiveness is s eye. Master Kong, the rapid rise in recent years, a unified, precisely because they created an effective distribution channel network control terminal. the sun rose the failure of one of the main weak fifth season is also channels out of the question. Coca-Cola has its sub-channels and control advantages. Huiyuan's original advantage in the food distribution channels, while the channel and retail channel is short board.
new round in the summer drinks distribution channel is still the war hero Competition in public companies the main weapons. an enterprise system in its distribution channels to establish a long-term, systematic project, not a stick and take time, as Northwestern University Professor Stern said: its changes. work, this channel is the main channel. in the capital city there is a supplementary channel, the large, medium and restaurants, supermarkets, schools, transport channels to draw out from the traditional channels, a channel set up by the person responsible for the specific operation. In looking for how to do The way the terminal, the terminal must be done, but how to do best not to act blindly, on the one hand, good access from the marketing aspects of the policy of profit distribution, to ensure that the interests of each member; the other hand, to take pre- system, according to the designated areas by the clerk to run a single, dealers responsible for the distribution, if there are three registered dealers delivery man, consider some of the benefits to its (by calculation), to improve delivery of enthusiasm, ensure timely supply.
weaknesses, against opponents weakness, is an effective means of competing channels. whether new products, or regional competition, whether it is the leading brand, or a rising star, find opponents weakness channel focus resources to fight, often achieving a multiplier effect. because the links sent from the channel edge against competitors, and its better than starting from the products more rapidly and more easily than starting from a price guaranteed profit, than from advertising is more cost-saving aspects . But Business is war, the saying goes, management, found the soft underbelly of the real competitors to develop the corresponding combat strategy, design a complete implementation of the program, select the appropriate time, and later continued to invest resources to continue to adjust its strategy to realize the purpose of winning the channel to length time position to maintain competitive advantage. Therefore, only a competition against rival channels, the beginning of weakness. Shulei by year-end aspects of the neglect of P & G from the terminal force, with strong terminal sales, high-density means of the rapid expansion of the terminal display market share. but later due to various reasons did not take appropriate measures to maintain hard-won advantage, the final adjustment of channel strategy, P & G have the opportunity to sweep away the tide. Shulei today overturned the first car on the beverage companies are still warning.
balanced transportation control stores and traditional channels
KA channels said channels
KA KA should mention the size of the store more and more concentrated, the strength is growing. its sales strength and the more often guide and more significantly, the impact on manufacturers and products to expand the deepening, making the production / manufacturing side as well as distributors and other consumers throughout the supply chain in a variety of upper and middle reaches of the store more and more emphasis on the role of the KA input and management. hypermarkets on retail market share and divide it takes up a growing share, this is an indisputable fact. In the face of reality, suppliers have had to learn how great dealings with them, learning in the supermarkets and traditional channels to find a balance between .
a, KA stores charm
1) is to establish a vendor / product image and the degree of platform
KA fatal one of its large area of the store and comfortable shopping environment, good service and a wealth of goods to win More and more consumer recognition and acceptance. With the retail market, they set a kinds of respect and satisfaction. while KA increasingly rapid rate of expansion of the store, not of the narrow circle radius of the KA store and penetration of the market share continued to strengthen. radius in the same district, the traditional channels, often by large pressure the power was not back. So KA products into stores almost wish of every factory. we can see, such as Coca-Cola, Master Kong and other top brands, and their choice of new products, without exception, KA stores nationwide Madden launch, full flowering, very short period of time open up the situation quickly.
2) is a new product platform for the promotion of a favorable impact of new product promotion
are many reasons for the success, but the customer's perception and effective line stimuli is very important, but also with the purchase of these fields are directly related to influence. enough to buy people, good enough visual display, adequate professional management, good enough shopping, this is not the traditional channels to the general do, even to learn, it is usually superficial but not genetically related to learn.
3) is to create an enabling platform for sales miracle
KA sales in stores can create miracles precisely because the factory is put into it to make huge fees sales ratio is still high in the case of no less than give up. Generally speaking, the same products to generate sales in the product difference is huge, KA store sales compared with the traditional channels will have dozens or even hundreds of times more than a dozen differences. KA sales miracle is relying on the popular stores, environment, management and brand appeal, which is lacking in traditional channels.
II, KA lack of stores and defects
1) KA reduced stores the plant / product equal opportunities to compete
KA stores will set the total gross profit and operating performance and the first, the choice of vendor companies will take full account of the financial strength, market awareness and product management capabilities, select the manufacturers and profit margins and develop value products. the face of a wide variety of conditions on the face of high entry costs, in the face of complex operational processes, those weak, strength is not enough vendors and non-brand products often into the not hypermarket.
2) KA rich stores of restricting the product implementation and integration of the stores of merchandise management
KA strict control system, not factory product line based on the rich, integration of the desire to adjust their ideas on how to gain maximum benefit in the new and the pursuit of minimum risk is the KA store, in other words, the manufacturers want their products and integration of rich desire usually just wishful.
3) KA is the factory price system stores the destroyer
competition at the retail end markets, the price war is the most common and more effective. hypermarkets will be the lifeline of the factory as a price war as the price system weapons and resources. direct result of the price system collapse.
4) KA stores will be co-placed strong position
KA unequal expansion of the store to increase sales growing gap, the momentum to end the monopoly is increasingly clear, strong position has been established, in a weak position of the factory had to face increasingly stringent entry conditions. This factory is very dangerous, one mistake can be ejected with.
the role of traditional channels
1) the traditional channels are factory / products into the supermarkets of the foundation and pave the way
2) relative to traditional channels to form a closed path, in terms of volume to some extent contain stores
3) the traditional channels for sales channel diversity, reduce business risk
beverage sales channel is no longer a product distribution terminal network, but access to the core of the brand's core profit carrier, the terminal has become the beverage business channels, strategic resources and competitive threshold. KA stores and traditional channels is different, the relationship between balance control products shipped successfully listed.

a terminal building, the significance of winning in the end
If consumers can not buy them at the point of sale, you can not complete the sale! There are many companies to dealers configured to run a single member, the effect is quite good. long-term, systematic attention to the display of the terminal point of sale and advertising of the brand will be able to directly play a role in the accumulation of profound knowledge. Coca-Cola, Nestle and other international brands in terminal with clear advantage, Master Kong, unity, Wahaha is not behind the terminal. In addition, most of the other market fundamentals did not see the goods. Jianlibao there are many consumers often complain about not buy the arrival terminal. the sun rose a few years ago advertising, signage, and refrigerators everywhere, but the sun rose in the refrigerator, put it is Wahaha or Coca-Cola, has become the industry joke, the problem lies in the terminal. terminal to enhance the intensity of competition, the network no longer in the traditional channels. summer drinks, the solid.
terminal management refers to the manufacturers of goods through publicity, promotion, channel development and other methods to enable consumers to reach a final purchase of the management and service management staff here. terminal management work is divided for the research, development, maintenance, marketing, staff management.
only occupation of end-market products, point of sale to meet with customers, is likely to be customers to buy. Therefore, the primary task of sales is: the product placed on the counter retail stores, so that consumers see, buy.
buying behavior of consumers planning to purchase and can be divided into impulse buying. consumer planned purchases will be subject to a variety of sales on-site factors such as store design, advertising material such as the impact of change; consumers most vulnerable to impulse buying and promotions, while the terminal is carried out exactly the best and most effective promotional activities of the venue. enterprises to terminal sales, may stimulate Consumers were buying.
face a growing number of competing brands, consumers are at a loss, getting lower and lower brand loyalty. Therefore, manufacturers must invest more in the terminal market, the operation of the hard work to make their own of goods come to the fore in the store, through the display, display, POP advertising, etc., to their products and competitive products separately, and to new and unique image to attract the attention of customers and stimulate customer demand desire, to create competitive advantage within the retail outlet, face to face to compete for customers and competitors.
terminal market is the outlet of the entire sales channel, if the outlet plug, sales channels will be on the not smooth sales. manufacturers make end-market, product sales through the terminal can quickly go out, can do the smooth flow of arrival.
terminal from the sale of market information is the most effective message. While advertising, advocacy, interpersonal communication can also make customers aware of the information some commodities, but some of these ways to stress that one-way, local information, and only in the terminal to the same time, full access to the entirety of the brand, and with consumers interactive information.
through a terminal control, manufacturers can close and consumers to understand consumer behavior and attitude, so as to obtain the most realistic market information (such as: the views of consumers and dealers, competition Commodities News etc.), for product development, marketing strategy adjustment decisions based on the most direct help and.
good construction and management of terminal manufacturers can improve the regulatory capacity of sales channels, increase the dealer's dependence on the manufacturers, on the whole stimulating the formation of a strong sales channel.
Second, the daily maintenance of the terminal end
for the development of good work does not mean the end of the terminal, in fact, only do the daily maintenance of the terminal in order to make your product will always flash bright, eye-catching. terminal maintenance is a long and arduous work, which not only require substantial investment in human and financial resources, but also a set of effective enterprise sales management system, effective control of the terminal operating system, not with money, willing to invest be solved.
here leads to a products that consumers can clearly see, know and trust companies results in a purchase.
terminals vivid main contents include: goods (including parts, accessories) and display position, display mode, clean degrees, clear of; inventory management (safety stock); clear price marking; retail shops advertising material (DM, POP, tabloid, etc.) posted (or suspension, placing) position, release means; to the point of sale personnel requirements, etc..
terminals vivid The requirements include: the best products on display at the consumer can see when you first entered the shop in the best position; all product packaging must be removed after the display; counter display when bright and clean, physical clearance Ming; and the location of major competitors must be highlighted and more obvious; marked clearly, blatantly, to ensure that all products must have a clear price marking; product must focus on display, vertical display of the same brand, same packaging level display, so feather flock together, group of points, patchwork, eye-catching head catch.
and vivid arrangement of promotional materials is also very important, the means including: light boxes, display stand, POP, posters and other publicity materials posted to the placing of appropriate, in place, impartial, not blocked by other objects, posters or stickers must be affixed to the trademark eye level, just to meet the customer's eyes; propaganda fade once the damaged or obsolete must be immediately replaced to eliminate competing goods, DM, tabloid, free distribution of material to be placed in neat, professional, reasonable, moderate number; distributed approach reasonable manner, to distinguish between objects.
4) promotion
in the modern competitive market environment, any company must face or strong or weak competitors, in addition to product, price, is competitive, but in this part of the promotion also needs to ensure its leading position, in order to role.
promotion in the allocation of channels to promote products (or services) to communicate sales activity, it not only to disseminate information, but also the characteristics of the development and dissemination of products to attract and persuade consumers to accept products or services, and the establishment of good relations.
terminal sales promotion is the most effective method, which consumers can maximize their buying impulses. The idea is for consumers to understand consumer marketing programs tailored to develop the premise.
terminal promotional products is not only an effective way to show focus, the scene is one of the best means to get a return. Although the terminal then the impact of mass media marketing is not extensive, but its real face to face with consumers, you can introduce more products to target consumers and enterprises, consumers can maximize their impulse to buy, the product has a direct impact on sales. In general, the terminal marketing purposes are: promotion type; incremental revenue-generating; block block type; build brand type .
products began to promote the stage are not generally known to the customer, so the use of various promotional tools and timely products and services to the relevant information to the consumers. In general, the choice of promotional tools: advertising, personal selling and on-site promotions. should pay attention to the following questions;
1, promotional activities should be oriented toward a specific, clear characteristics of the population, and this group is precisely the products and services operated by the main consumer group. promotional activities in order to make the most accurate and effective to hit their target market.
2, grasp the characteristics of the target market promotional activities. marketers are Tripmaster Monkey, into the psychology of customers to organize a promotional activity to attract customers.
3 , promotions, in addition to promotional products, but also do a lot of related work, such as providing consulting services, market research, access to customer feedback, find new potential customers and other.
marketing manager of the face of increasingly greater sales targets, have to find a more direct and effective way, so all kinds of promotional tools are frequently used. promotional tool for very many, the product of all time is also very different marketing objectives, how to play a promotional tool in the product and the greatest effect during the become a new problem to think marketing manager.
a market for the import of the product promotion strategy
enter the market as soon as possible, divided by the marketing of products to enhance visibility of the brand communication and advertising or public relations activities, carried out for the consumer or channel The promotion is essential. the strategy adopted during the main are: access incentives, free trial, accompanied by gifts, refund preference.
1, channel incentive
product channels will directly affect the strength development and other policies The end result of a strategic channel intermediaries as well as incentives and cooperation is a strategic element of product marketing. In order to increase the products and consumers the opportunity to meet manufacturers must motivate and manage the brokers on each channel, while levels of consumer promotions to be members of a more positive response and support in order to obtain success.
A distributor of promotional incentives: the numerous distributors of promotional incentives vary broadly divided into the following.
a. Long-term annual sales target incentives to set a sales target
manufacturers, if the dealer in the prescribed time limit according to the agreed goal to give cash incentives; also set multiple levels of sales targets, the incentive amount is also incremental, encouraging dealers to a higher sales target sprint. dealer incentive is best not to cash or goods, etc., to avoid low-priced goods such as dumping or punch the occurrence of acts to disturb the market. If HBL 2000 Levin will be .
b. short-term phase of ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guru Rinpoche Suoda Ji Dae Department of Philosophy at Beijing University

 Guru Rinpoche Suoda Ji Dae Department of Philosophy at Beijing University, and honed in practice for such confidence is the Most Excellent. Such reasoning is not lip service, nor is it says the text, nor is it in theory, is the heart from the depths of his heart That is what we mean reclaim the confidence of transfer.
intellectuals of us here now, I feel the need to not only the confidence of this theory, but also on the card needs repair, that the actual operational This belief, this belief I think we the young people present here, must go to the wish of intellectuals. Now a lot of people with a blind religious, a superstitious element, that it so, if we encounter not liking things, your faith you can easily lead to false views on the environment. So we think that based on a wisdom built on the basis of a right view, confidence is very reliable. So, as I am concerned, for many years been engaged in translation work, while a margin of time as everyone Goutong preached to the experience in which they receive such an experience, feeling, must have a correct faith, this is very important. If you do not have a proper confidence Now this community as anything for some fame, wealth, the pursuit went crazy.
now this time, heard some players, stars or actors, overwhelmed by thousands of people to start to pursue , the pursuit of what objectives? may not own a star, nor myself as an actor, but no cases were observed for want to talk with him, but if the time to observe with the wisdom of it, what kind of Even their own purposes is also not clear, is confused to the chase, we do not believe people should have such a mentality to chase, so now you all of you, should be the long-term study. especially your arts, science academic all aspects of this wisdom is very keen, scholarly acumen of this wisdom I think I should speak with the news which we think the Buddhist practice inside the news and the wisdom of thinking is consistent, when you start to listen to by the relevant These teachings, and then go to their own understanding, thinking, observing, and finally gained the confidence of this as the wisdom of such a practice. Therefore, to discuss with you today is the first one is that we have faith can not superstition, should have positive letter. is believed to be the kind of wisdom, this wisdom to both the individual, the community group as a whole is concerned, is the source of our development and progress. So what, a lot of people here to learn, the learning process, I think we have a few aspects of the truth to discuss with you today, I think the first question, as an intellectual study of religion is indispensable. remember that Einstein, in his collected works which said, legs, religion without science is blind if the guidance is likely to become blind, the blind, so why do I say that? That is our religion Buddhism or Confucianism or Christianity which, then, whether any one religion has some good side, that is like Christianity, like the Confucian We are all human thoughts and actions attributed to moral goodness. any science without religious instruction, and may be blind, but the pursuit of material or the development of society, so that the final human-caused what is it? is destroyed by the failure . So I think, really are intellectuals, especially those who pay attention to scientific terms the desirability of any one religion is indispensable, if any one religious belief does not exist, beliefs are not, the blind pursuit of material society, then Today, in this society, perhaps your career, you wealth, fame, status, etc. will be successful, but it brings happiness is not necessarily.
we often find there are many people Colleges to commit suicide, successful entrepreneurs, successful leadership of the number of individuals to commit suicide. Now, according to many statistics, the previous decade compared with the past few years, more and reduce our happiness index, while the suicide rate increasing , particularly in terms of science is well developed in the U.S. suicide rate is also very prominent, and this is why? This is none of our scientists inner faith, no religion other than the words in addition to protecting their own, simply do not care about the protection of the outside world, do not care the healthy development of human behavior, do not care about our world is a common home, to live in harmony in pursuit of the goal of human splendid culture, there is no such desirability and psychological guidance, so that eventually people from the face of it confused though, it should be said the outside world is colorful, but in fact the heart of terror, the inner pale, heart pain, heart more and more by the blind. The community should be said that the need for religion, without religion, without faith, then the external life , developed at the same time more and more material, so that our society's ethics, virtues of our spirit more and more down, more down gradually on humans to fend for themselves, but also can be self-defeating. In this phenomenon In society, the international not difficult to see. Sometimes I sit no matter when a person, or jointly with other intellectuals in the exchange process, has always stressed that people must have a faith, the same as the Sakyamuni Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha wisdom or, as more or less the same access as part of the idea is very important, otherwise is like standing next to the sea the story of thirst does not make any difference. humans are busy every day lives have been struggling, has been pursuing, but the end goal may be empty when a look I, a non-income, extremely painful. This is defeat, very bleak picture has been in front of us, which I think we have the knowledge After the eye should focus on elements related to the Buddha left us with compassion and wisdom of the above can be said that the Buddha's wisdom is far more than other religions. Why do you say this? We all know that so many world religions, religion is indeed human The role of social kind is ineffable, it is undeniable, since ancient times in the history of so many religious people that without their spirit, especially the western countries like the United States if not the Christian restraint, lest they is particularly painful, but in some religious doctrines which can only protect our people, but can not protect everything all the world, including all living beings, which is it, I think many religions it is the amount of compassion, not breadth too enough, so why should we boundless compassion for all living beings the world? The reason is that their world of endless beings and our lives are like humans, find the music to avoid the pain, but these creatures are blind and can not be a known source of pain, not a known source of happiness. I remember the ; meaning that those of us living beings to be happy, though, try to get rid the pain, but too blind beings, our environment, our lives, education, and various causes and conditions of driven, the pursuit of happiness cause we do not know. many college students here in our world is very successful in the high tens of thousands of candidates in the examination to the Beijing University, is indeed very rare, but you have to such institutions of higher learning for the pursuit of happiness after you think that there? is do good; discard the root of all suffering is a broken-crime industry, if this relationship was not a known cause, then it, this morning I spoke in the philosophy department, talking about it means one must have a cause and effect of our life right view, right view, if not even a cause and effect, then people call you the world of higher learning, is a graduate of Beijing University Tsinghua University, and the world are very envious of, which we are all well known in China in terms of things, but if you really is that even what is coming to the truth also can not understand it, a sense I am afraid it can not be included in the ranks of the wise, coupled with the emotions and cause us to not only me and other masters Sakyamuni Buddha says to contractors based on the promise of the law but because the truth is All That way, committing evil industry must be suffering, to create good karma must be feeling happy, as if we eat the poison it, body and mind of pain, and you eat magic, even if you die out gradually on the last minute will be happy, this is a law of karma, not of Sakyamuni Buddha is the master of the world, is not the case. So with this analogy to explain the majority of our Buddhist compassion, I would like to know all of you should be out.
Second, we have talked about the wisdom of Buddhism which, it has Shengyi Di, Shi Sudi two prominent features. It Shi Sudi first, we all know in this world all-encompassing knowledge, including astronomy, geography, and physiology, physics, chemistry, including the world of various theories, in our theory by Sakyamuni Buddha which can be found. I will speak a metaphor, we are astronomy, in the case did not have any instruments, all of the sun 365 days a year of operation, the operation, including the solar and lunar eclipses, and even an hour is not bad, from ancient to now has been to rely on a simple number, in accordance with the With the future of astronomy is not found. There is also our medicine, like Western medicine, Chinese medicine practitioners are many, such as Mr. previously said, intellectual problems, intellectual disadvantage arises in relatively heavy, there is suspicion often generated. But such doubts, in fact, I think we in the learning process, regardless of Buddhism, on the other worldly knowledge, the beginning doubt, with the suspect by Zen saying no, otherwise the same as the Buddhist world who know nothing about, casually open slander, this is very unreasonable, to a certain time he was definitely committed to make up for your own sins. before Shakespeare, In his makes sense. We are now some intellectuals lip service, there is no detailed observations, which casually denigrate theory, what kind of thinking, what kind of practice which should say it is not wise, so many of you here , regardless of religious studies, or Zen community, and should, when we studied it, standing fair, very reasonable stand on the position of the Buddha by the theory you can observe, the words of other religions can also be observation. Of course, Buddha also did not say you have to accept my religion, any religion and no religion people are free to choose, but the process you choose, your best bet is to find the truth, If you do not find the truth and follow the other opinion makers to say, others, and follow the crowd, so after the chase, a result is not too good. So I think of us here, we should reflect on their faith, you can choose, but when the choice be sure to find a particular firm belief. What is the firm faith? us to study, learn, when you look at the example of Sakyamuni Buddha said, alone, that we are empty of words, then you do not understand, then, it is just a legend, on paper only, if you really understand the meaning of emptiness, as described by the Buddha to be on this reasoning governance, conduct of the government when I believe everyone will achieve this incredible, or is understood, however clear the air of this realm of light and space that goes for no other realm, that people have to When such a state would not have language to get their own entirely understand. So this time I think beings and Buddha to no difference. I remember Bodhidharma in the it with water that is simple, we worry every day by ignorance, respectively, under the control of read, then the true colors of the real for a moment there is no accessible, and unnecessary confusion, very complex, confusing the minds of external circumstances have been inside surface, with which it has been run around in the world. so we, as a worker engaged in scientific terms or in terms of people who are science, not religion to guide, not the words of wisdom, guidance, behavior likely to lead to destruction.
then we, in turn, this means that we need science of religion, any religion to promote a wide range of beings destined, along with some of the current science and technology, along with the management of society, along with some of society organization, standardization, in such a way to go into people's minds this is becoming very important. Therefore, among the Chinese Buddhism, they focus on carrying forward the previous Master Tai Buddhism, Buddhism in fact I have two views, the first what kind of view we can not become too secular, and if too become secular, we Buddhism inherent, original, the original of this nature has been destroyed. had the confidence to tell a Buddhist there, you feel joy, you love, what kind of words you use to replace it, the last truly original Sambo's confidence has become another state, I think this world of sense. But we as much as possible, for example, to Buddhism esoteric language with a word to replace the current, so that people fully understand, fully accessible means what it says. Now we often talk about Buddhism or sentient beings, and now some intellectuals say it lives, I think it should be is good, this is a easy to understand, in its original meaning, the real meaning of the same circumstances, such a law is truly important, if there is no such concept is very important respectively, unlike the ancients, if the ancients, he had time to study, thinking he had the space, he has analyzed the energy, there is no ah. Now all of our short lives are used in the material and competitive. Now many people use an analogy, in Africa there deer and the lion to illustrate the social competition, and why so I say that? deer every morning and it wants to, today, I want to to run as fast or will be eaten, the lion also think today I will grab the fastest speed or I'll starve to death. Every living beings are like this for their own goals and different. whether in universities, or commercial institutions, including some civil servants, teachers, doctors, among them there are many dark, because is compassion, altruism does not mind, if they have altruistic heart, with compassion, then, everyone will consider you more or less people around, to consider the people behind. I've seen a metaphor, in the movies, if selfish in front of all the people, then stood up in front of a person, two people stood up, and then see all the people behind the ultimate cinema all the people just stood, everyone's legs standing pain, there is no way, because do not fit in front of people. Now the community who are like this, one is selfish, every plant, a variety of large plants do not believe in cause and effect, in order to build drugs selfish, do not take into account human health, human true public interest, this is what we now lack faith, lack of a causal view of reincarnation, the lack of this life what goes around comes around this concept of cause and effect, this will bring a terrible crisis that is far far more than the economic crisis. the economic crisis, many countries can support, there are many people to adjust their methods. If our thinking, mind, and fundamentally a crisis occurs, it is difficult to save. So I think some of our intellectuals and institutions of higher learning Mahayana Buddhism, the people there communicate with each other, does society at large, the state is concerned, as well as a variety of groups on there in terms of a role, we should focus on promoting Ye Hao said, people who preach these lessons to Mahayana stresses should be very aware of these reasons, but understand some things in the community which would not necessarily play a big role, you as many intellectuals have the opportunity to play in different collective capacity of its own, when you play to their ability If fully Qianchu selfish heart, for us certainly have some difficulties, but at least is altruism is based, to help others is a basic principle of life.
Originally, I remember, U.S. scientists, access to Nobel Peace Prize non-violence of Martin Luther King said, he said, a life. by conscience to the world that we need good light, and now more and more good shielding light, and dark shadows more serious, if not impossible to drive off, of course, I may be out of a pessimistic point of view, perhaps not, indeed we are in this era, largely from the material development of society which has been pretty good. the original Guru Mani visited the United States in 93 years, to the United States when the material level when we feel they are good, then Han is also very much hope that such economic conditions, but the kind of material conditions when they are in China, especially opening up in major cities can be reached, but we are not satisfied? is not happy? not happy We have become slaves of money into the house of slaves into the car of the slaves. cities which men are selfish, all of them make a fortune for himself, their practice interests, and ultimately did myself flies very happy. just to eat, we chat with some classmates, and indeed by contrast, in our living conditions in Tibet is not so rich, but the happiness index should be high. Why in recent years, Tibetan climatic conditions so harsh, but hundreds of people age very much, for this reason that many intellectuals, many scientists believe are related, and psychological adjustment. possession of psychological adjustment to the only way is to Mahayana Buddhism, so before Toynbee Dr. He said, of people I think this is indispensable, otherwise why do so many students now, why do so many intellectuals, a little of some minor problems, committed suicide. but have faith, and know the meaning of Mahayana Buddhism, not to mention the small stuff, meet very big thing when he has the ability to calmly face. I went to Yushu, where did from their houses collapsed, people died, and all aspects of loss and damage caused are no words to express, but we are several hundred After a nun to the deceased to their salvation, to people who live the comfort of the discovery process is very clear, that what? they have faith, they would have had to prepare my heart so-called death comes, so For them, a natural and manmade disasters occur, such a natural disaster occurs, is a matter of course. Many people talk about all the million methods are impermanent, the cycle is painful, so unfortunately for them, this is not , but also not occasionally, the day is very unfair blow to master, many people do not like that. I was with a Chinese news reporter at the racetrack with some of the villagers together to discuss the process, his feelings are very deep He said, later, it is unbearable to the spirit of suicide, but after here, and my heart is still very serene, and some people who all died at home, but he took in the hospital while turning round, getting his Guanyin mantras, smile on her face, and we had to ask you sorry? how are you? l family died, he said, but death is very pleased that we met many monks to their salvation, people finally have a death, impermanence is inevitable that this salvation they encounter so many monks, is very proud very happy things r, their own body is black and blue, but they think it is creating bad karma past life, no way, had a good confession In addition there is no can not face facts. Some of the basic Buddhist This is very important. some time ago in my hometown are groups of students in fifth grade graduation ceremony, I take them to go for a day on the prairie, I said you have to leave his alma mater, the last with a teacher with us over there to play, and eventually they began to cry very sad, and I say this little cry, I told them a simple word, which is particularly simple inside a Buddhist teachings, but actually it is very deep meaning . I told them a Students Ye Hao, Ye Hao whole family gathered in here, but over a period of time will separate ways, but also a principle of Buddhism ----- accumulation will diffuse all, know this truth, when the spread is not sad. For example, focus on two people together, over time divorced; a family very happy, over time the family had left, not painful, I already said that will be scattered together. The second problem property has been accumulated, the accumulation of hard, and finally Yuandi away, or is some of the unfortunate fate to be lost at home all the property, and if you know how Buddhism is a kind of natural law which is not an unfair. and students that die, people die when they leave the world, and his family dead, Ye Hao, including when he was dying we would a normal face, do not think we will never die, ah, Is there a way I beg you let me live for some time, do not think so. Ye Hao our body, our entire human history in terms of all the world no one is born alive, so the situation of Buddhism is also very easy to understand terms. The fourth high that will fall, all people are also to a certain time, including us to some of the high-rise buildings, all the splendid buildings at some point turned into a pile walls, which is also an uncertainty. who has learned that truth, then to those students that might be talking about today is a very simple, but you have to read after school, college, ah, maybe you were a real life encounter some things, think of these teachings, even if the recall should write in the diary above.
I think that Buddhism really is, and not because I am a Buddhist saying, I stand a very fair position, we learn Buddhist Thought of you and even life after life with the help of a particularly large, even if you do not recognize life after life, that students were now very complex, very confusing society, and adjust to your body and mind is indeed considerable force and effect . I have often encountered the intellectuals in our cities or some other person, with the faith of these people, especially the truth of Buddhism in theory is a fundamental understanding of the people, they are much happening in the world have the courage to face a lot of things have the ability to face, otherwise as . The world is separated from the pain, and we see on the surface is worn by each person is good, sitting in the car is good, live in luxurious houses Ye Hao, looking at all aspects of it is envy, actually your heart that they do not make some adjustments can afford it, is not happy. including our monks are the same, there are some real repair evidence would encounter any kind of thing is very cool, very comfortable, is not thinking about this matter. If our hearts, none of Buddhism which they see through to lay down comfortable realm, then you do not say the hair shaved off, ears cut useless, or have an inner dedication. we need most now is the Buddhist idea of education. Now Han Indeed, more than a place to learn Buddhism, as we have possession of land, my home county Luhuo 4 million people may have, probably more than 20 temples. Five out where the Buddhist Institute Sertar a population of less than 4 million people , there are nearly 30 temples. so people who went to Tibet to know that after a while and later saw a stupa and saw a temple, most of the monasteries which are preached by the eight month near the temple Precepts, these children are more or less an early age under the influence of Buddhism, Buddhist doctrine is quite clear. and those of us in big cities, every city has several million or even tens of millions of people, little monastery, really lay as many people at home are very willing to learn, but there is no place to learn, a teacher and missionary on a few. So now we are in form of Buddhism is not important, no matter where we go, do not pay attention to form, in the form What set off firecrackers Ye Hao, singing Ye Hao, these are the external image of the most critical is that we need to know the inner truth of Buddhism. Therefore, pro-Buddhist world of division, after the Nirvana of Buddha Dharma who the greatest is India on the World Pro division, the world of pro division in the listen by, to learn this is called teaching; proof theory is the truth into my heart, adjust the greed, hatred adjusted heart, in addition to teaching and the proof does not exist other than Buddhism. so we Buddhism flourished and repair more magnificent than the temple, how many people out to do some charity, ah, do charity is a form of Buddhism, an act, the most fundamental is that you do not mind if the concept of compassion, in fact, proof of Buddhism is not among your continued with . So each of us must learn Buddhism, this is very important to study Buddhism has to a certain time you have some of this change of heart. Of course I think that people here may also have other Christians, I think to understand for other believers It is thought this is also very important, for example, you are a Christian, or other Muslims, the true God, Ye Hao, Allah Ye Hao, their thoughts, no one who knows the great compassion and formal drums formalism, metaphysics, I think not a lot of sense, the history of this behavior are vulnerable to change. For example, Ye Hao Buddhism we learn, learning any other truth, science is not very deep, then at some point encounter to the time when a little wind and rain, your heart will be changed outside the environment, your confidence will change. So we are now a number of blind superstition must be Qianchu. great scientist Albert Einstein, who in a very long time studies later, he also said Later, they saw Xu Liangying Einstein's collected works is the translation there, and later the English version also, I think, as a great scientist like Einstein would like is the study of Buddhism? So I found a lot of lot of information indeed his collected works, the English version is also said so. Scientists believe that like him, which in any religion can stand the test of science is full of Buddhism, so that now some people do not believe in Buddhism, and even slander , especially during the Cultural Revolution, so there's so many things. Of course the younger has not been present decade-long calamity, so do not understand. before Han was also some of our great men say that religion is opium, and later some people use this to start against Buddhism, including people often say that it is a narcotic poison, used to describe drugs, and drug dealer who is missionary, or to use other language not particularly respectful of the attack, there is this phenomenon. was seen as a matter of fact Marx Ye Hao Ye Hao Engels, he was not thinking of the 19th century, Buddhism is more like a judge. I was a lot of people in the analysis also found that he was definitely not the case with the metaphor, when the so-called opium, has not Before the Opium War occurred in the West is a very expensive drug, which medicine to take a moment after the pain of the people can go out, so it is a pain analgesic off. There is a lot of opium to attract people with this perspective, the religious argument for the suction of thousands of people particularly from the metaphor that people spend it the opposite metaphor. So we told some scholars explain the process to go must be profound thinking, is why he later Engels In the such a great man is there that the dialectic of human thought in the era of the Buddha 2,500 years ago is really mature. Lung Meng Ye Hao Buddha, inside the method we pro-Buddhist teachers of dialectical thought they did so in this world on everywhere, this should be very obvious things. There Marx also said, not you want to overthrow overthrow not you want to say superstition is superstition, I think all of you for Ye Hao Buddhism to other religions or not, for strong, do not have to change your beliefs, which teach you the letter no different, but you come and observe the wisdom to use. Select the wisdom of life is very important, if you do not just blind faith in the pursuit of such a world money, some of the world status of fame, people do not live in this world must have real value.
So all of you today, Ye Hao teachers, students Ye Hao, our common way of which I am very happy from the inside, happy because on the one hand engaged in their education do feel there is a sense of responsibility, which we are in this world, we do not want to own fortune, fame, never thought this regard, we would like to put such a good knowledge of a thought such a good time with each other in a chance to pass, perhaps this value far more than money, we use the money to help others, solve some people's lives and social issues will be difficult, so we let the thoughts be balanced, thought be transferred smoothly, the people in that time, the State, society at large is also a ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Line drawing of a woman's life, the ultimate claim

 Once thought that a woman is extremely beautiful in the extreme. How enchanting grace envy, looks beautiful, she is the devil, Empress Dowager of women, men holding public mind as the pursuit of months, creating bright, Guangmang radiance of life. The most China's four classic Hollywood beauty Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn wait.
once thought was a very smart woman in the extreme. how envious heart Hui Lan quality, brilliant, fascinating and charming, this ancient theory of yin talented woman. The most typical is the Qingzhao, Eileen Chang was.
used to think that God is too unfair, why both the students bright and Sheng Yu! the same as a woman to give them so much, to me it is bit by bit.
Today, I suddenly realize that God is fair, I used to think that is wrong, a woman who are not extreme, but the ultimate woman. did not mean to bite the text, the actual difference to the world colorful, God created the ultimate woman, who is a woman of the best, is a man of the best, is a human of the best, but they were not happy!
Pretty face, born unlucky, days jealous of great beauty, is left to our ancestors The. so beautiful woman for her man's desire to set the trap more, she herself did not want to roll in, is Shenbuyouyi, and her desire to complete the mission is born in general men are raised not live, even if the is to have life and ordinary men, but also other men coveted goal, the ultimate man to find ways to plunder, and Israel a political deal, Israel desires of the gully fill.
them to her lover, does not do wives. Monroe captured the hearts of generations of men, only the president of her glamorous with access to such a man, so what was the Kennedy brothers, fun, and very noble temperament Mrs. Kennedy, mother of Miriam the world, imagine doing the first Monroe a lady, Oh, the country will be chaotic country. so beautiful woman can not give men a sense of security, so the man took her as his mistress, something common on this point.
two-thirds of women are too smart a man IQ above Shicaiaowu more suitable for women, unlike men who despise her smart, intelligent man than her fascination with the senses, in the pursuit of a woman too beautiful, so a lifetime, can not find a loved one, men randy a bad quality wise woman will see through, too rational, too perfect, too perfect, too sad. Eileen Chang say it, too understand Nannvzhiqing Ailing, too talented, and his misfortune. give a man a woman too smart psychological pressure, so the men would have for her as the roots.
some say, is not there and glamorous and talented and career success? like this, not love, even if this meant love with, life will be shorter.
So, take a look at the ultimate woman, everyone is an aspect of quality, not accounting, Hepburn, pure teen idol in the first, life is not birth, in the eyes of ordinary people, is a happy woman? So, they narcissism, they are not happy.
ultimate woman then what is it? < br> Weapon
dressed women know how to care for their own
woman must know how to dress themselves. Thus, from the hair style, choice of skin care products, shoes and clothing with the colors, and both need you to carefully ground Yes. from head to toe in fine, of course, need to spend a lot of time and effort, therefore, a woman of extravagance to want to be careful to do a woman from the beginning. you have never seen the details, perhaps simply because the nail polish color does not Ge Chen will lead you to unravel.
men said, speaking on the face of a detailed than the rough face of a patient to speak much, even though a man say such a thing to most women dissatisfied with , but this really is an indisputable fact.
Therefore, a woman's face care is extremely important. purchase and application of skin care products must not be lazy, as it relates to your face works.
but large Most women would say the process is relatively complicated skin and can not persist. But you have not tried at home before putting the mask, open the sound to a few typical Celine. Dion song, and then down on the couch kind of eyes closed enjoy it, especially when you see a radiant face after shelling out from the mask, your heart is the joy of how to do?
dressing up is not just an act, but also a a good way to self-regulate mood, but also a good way to decompress. Therefore, a woman of extravagance first point is that the break from busy lifestyles.
Note: extravagance in dress but without a trace point is fine. decorations must be just right, go beyond that, do not rub confused a charming air of pretentious.

self-appreciation is not narcissistic self-appreciation, it is rational and objective understanding of their cause out of self-confidence . and this confidence will make on women dealing with others calm, generous, do not fall into the whirlpool of worldly.
decent dress, elegant manners, rich experience, these are all noble women revealed temperament and personal charisma. to the right of self appreciation of women, mostly well educated, smart, Ling-hui, who excel not only will not blindly self-esteem, not to blindly greater.
women know how to appreciate themselves brilliant, graceful, but bright smile and smile and still an awe-inspiring atmosphere of the noble, so that men admired the same time, some fear.
Note: must not be self-righteous, blind self-worship, that is more terrible than the inferiority of women. After all, extravagance women are the most important one, which is distributed from the inside out the cultural temperament. extravagance of a complete woman, has the appearance of the noble and just is not enough, it is more solid internal factors need to equip themselves to do after the modern
society, more and more highly educated women, but received 4 years of higher education does not mean you can tell your whole life eating, social knowledge is updated faster and faster, if not better nutrition, you can quickly become a nutritional rust poor woman.
nutrition a variety of ways, not just simply reading and learning. such as Internet browsing, communicate and enjoy a good film great, often through some excellent fashion magazine, learn Computer and English. Only through better nutrition, a woman of extravagance to life in dazzling ease and casual ease. life will therefore be more colorful.
Note: you can only make nutrient-rich temperament, must not become The old-fashioned woman sent a pedant.
make a is the meaning of the noble nature of mm has a life of idle state, a good, deep cultural cultivation and lighter on the non-indifferent state of mind that situation.
you know, we are the envy of the best women in the same time, but also thought is the world's men love her, but she did not see the one, that it not sad, and further said that the people can not love their spend, that is not a human experience of pain.
ordinary people, a little bit smarter, a little bit nice, competent, a little bit, most of the men with our match, keep in the mortal world, and that I love him he loves me a little bit of colorful life pursuit , in the sense of the feelings of inner happiness, and this is the ultimate woman.
Here, you'll understand why Americans do not love the love of the famous country who simply can not be called beautiful actress, Diana got rival so ugly her husband, but she's certain death early.
women, not the day to the United States and you are not satisfied, have to pursue, certainly asking for trouble, not innate talent you do not believe have to idle, it must be Journey. men, to see what kind of woman, is not the relative position of your life with that person, that they might be tolerated, could not keep living raise, if it is the right person, you can carefully made her the ultimate woman. shield, which is a good cultural training.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Turn to face the truth about meat

 Good article, it'll.
2010-03-19 |
face the truth of meat I'm Marian. Fatima, the Dutch Parliament and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the party members. The Netherlands is the world's animal party first in the national parliament assert rights and interests of non-human life of the party.
However, in addition to the outside world there are other animal welfare issues. Tonight I will share some irrefutable facts, look at our own planet is being done. I am very pleased, all of you here are willing to face the truth
have recorded if you look at the ten hottest years, they are concentrated in the past 14 years. global warming in the fast, The culprit is our own. global warming is not the capacity to doubt, and is the result of human causes of global warming.
global warming is the world's most worrying thing. This affects everyone: from scientists to politicians to the United Nations Secretary-General, and even Leonardo. DiCaprio.
the focus of the crisis we are facing the industrialized civilization has brought about irreparable harm. As of the mid-century, there will be a a billion environmental refugees. This is not the concept of 11 (the film Department of the Nobel Prize winner mm Al. Gore made the movie so well known to this global problem. overlooked some important things.
very serious consequences of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate researchers have predicted that, as of 2100, there will be people 10-3000000000 fall into the urgent demand for fresh water, hunger, the spread in most parts of the world. So global warming has become the primary worry is not surprising. every person seen Gore's movie bad situation to understand the Earth, must be reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which have entered a world leader in each of the agenda.
lead to the main cause of global warming must be curbed immediately. So we must work together to find the largest community emitters of greenhouse gases.
How do you think? What is the source of greenhouse gases?
mm is usually driving the car, water waste.
mm free throw in the garbage, these are I think of.
mm car , bus.
mm industry, gasoline, energy.
mm car.
mm cars, vehicles, and perhaps these.
mm gas, urban transport.
mm from cars, factories energy production.
mm I'm not sure what the aviation industry will not play a good role.
mm plane flying over the country, generating about 40 tons of carbon, 40 tons, which can be many.
mm If you use a word, I think it is contaminated.
mm coal power stations, gas power stations.
mm people to excessive use of energy.
mm we waste too much.
mm excessive use of gas.
mm those coal power stations, especially in China.
mm we daily discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere.
everyone said was similar, because the automotive, aircraft, industrial plants, because we forget the light on, too much waste of water when taking a bath and so on. always the answer similar.
course, these are the facts, but no one to say the most critical problems, we have overlooked an extremely important factors: the global greenhouse gas emissions, 18% were generated by the livestock!
This may make you surprised, farm animals produce 18% of the greenhouse gases.
please guess again all vehicles greenhouse gas emissions from the total number of mm of the world? 13%! Please think about all the world's cars, tractors, trucks, ships and aircraft, combined emissions of greenhouse gases, even less than the emissions from livestock volume.
mm Oh, really?
mm wow, I think mainly because the car! wow!
mm wow!
mm wow! livestock
mm amazing! even greater than the more than car emissions!
mm what you say is true? I've never heard of them.
mm unbelievable!
mm No, I do not know, do not!
mm I have no idea, never heard of these!
mm I've never heard of animal husbandry will be associated with this!
mm I know it will produce greenhouse gases, but did not expect such a more.
mm livestock in the end is how the emission of greenhouse gases do?
mm fart you put on the cow called? What is that word?
mm is that Andrew, yes, the cow produced a hospital gas.
mm because cow manure is not it? There are cows burp? they just put this irresolute, right?
mm I thought it was because too many fat people in the southern United States, it is now very clear that There are also reasons for cattle.
mm This is really worrying.
mm Yes, I read an article that is because the cattle, cattle fart gas emissions that cause global warming.
However, farm animals the burden on the environment than all the world how together heavier vehicles? In fact, it is simple:
Once upon a time a farmer is only a few animals, land and people. If you have more , he would buy some pigs, chickens and cattle.
know? you did grow out leisurely spent too long. we want you to quickly become fat. This is not a fairy tale You are to be eaten. we will squeeze you altogether neatly together, and you will soon get sick. Listen, Pig, I have no interest in your personal thoughts.
only in the Netherlands, you will 70O billion kilograms of manure produced. you know the impact on the environment and how bad the climate? Do you know the cattle and all the farm animals, mainly by playing across and fart and become the largest emitter of greenhouse gases? Do you know what the problem is ? Do you eat the earth is driving!
all the food always has its source, right? So we destroy rainforests legumes. but the tropical rain forest is really very important for the absorption of carbon dioxide.
Next We spray pesticides, and beans to Europe made of your feed.
more efficient organization, you want to do human beings?
Oh, that is not our fault. in the end who eat meat it? consumers, right? What is wrong with this?
Good question, in the end who is eating so much meat?
we become so accustomed to eating meat habit of this luxury.
you lay a finger My steak! Do not touch my grill!
However, once the facts are clear proof that all meat is the main cause of destruction of the earth, we should not think you do?
Yes. I heard some of you in thinking: here again, is a vegetarian fanatic!
but I'm certainly not the only person with this concern.
My name is Huw McConachie, is a farm operator. my farm in east, there 100O hectares of land. We have about 800 head of cattle, including 550 cows, there are 3,000 sheep, we also grow some crops. as a farmer or grain growers, we can not deny that produced cattle resulted in a hospital global warming.
I was David Davies, I Aberytwyth University of Agricultural Biological and Environment work.
bovine digestive tract has a very complicated, more complex than humans. cow's stomach can digest plant fiber, and people can not. digest plant fiber in the digestive system needs a very complex composite bacteria, fungi and protozoa, these organisms can not get oxygen. and the food we humans eat, will eventually be broken down into carbon dioxide and water. because The food residue can not get oxygen, they form a series of different products, methane is one of its key products.
a hospital 21 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.
eat food is cattle into the cattle stomach, resulting in a large number of cattle burp. and this animal belching gas is generated when the leading greenhouse gas warming and one.
every cow, every ruminants eat the food, will be back again to the mouth and chew it. so they can better stomach the microbiological digestion of food. When they reflect on when it will release a hospital.
Therefore, each head of cattle will be released each time point in the ruminant gas, and Most of this gas is a hospital.
We fully understand this, because this is to go through all the natural ruminant model.
an annual output of 800O to 1000O liters of milk cows, every day about will produce 500-700 liters of a hospital. Therefore, on average, a cow will produce about 700 liters a day a hospital. This is equivalent to a large four-wheel drive vehicle, traveling about 35 miles per day of carbon dioxide emissions.
increase in the number of ruminants, they need to feed also increased. I think this should cause everyone's attention.
2006 United Nations FAO (FAO) published an important report, the first time the relationship between livestock and climate change available to the public.
then I am going to visit the main author of the report is one of Bo Henning Steinfeid soil.
mmHenning Steinfeid Bo soil, you calculate the livestock sector irresolute put total global emissions of greenhouse gases accounted for 18%, which can by no means a small figure.
mm In fact, 18% is indeed a lot. In this assessment, we consider all kinds of livestock and feed production with relevant factors, such as the land needed for livestock, they emitted a hospital, fertilization when a hospital and produced by nitrous oxide feed production chain, meat and feed production and transport, etc., so that was consolidated 18% of this figure.
mm When you are faced with these figures, what is your reaction?
mm I know that this figure will be high. I also know that on water resources and biodiversity, will take to a significant impact. but I did not think it was that high. But this is our conclusion.
mm you think in your report, the conclusions of the most awesome what?
mm uh, I An important issue to the public understanding of animal husbandry on the environment has not brought great harm. farm operators themselves do not understand this. So strong need to control livestock.
mm thank you < br> Everyone is talking about global warming and trying to find out the cause. However, when scientists confirmed that more and more livestock and the linkages between climate change and how even the main cause of global warming, there will be in did not refer to animal husbandry?
often people do not know that we have 40m50% grain is not being eaten, but the livestock; As for the beans, about 75% to feed the livestock. Please think about the production one kilogram of beef requires 7 kg of grain, that is, corn and soybeans. We are talking about countless rainforest had been cleared to grow soybeans to supply meat production.
that no protein is an effective way to food production. < br> soybean in Brazil as a place from imports, Brazil has the world's largest soybean export market, and their yield growth since 1960 has increased by about 57 times, so they have been more than ever before in the production of soybeans. those Soybean is the most highly sensitive to the environment produced by the region, including the Amazon rainforest and savannah hi Colorado forest.
What can I say? This is a huge disaster. The main drawbacks is our loss of biodiversity, but it indirectly affects the climate change that has accelerated climate change has taken place.
is the world's carbon sinks to absorb carbon, and isolated places, such as rain forests, tropical savanna Some agricultural land or forest land. When the loss of these areas, we will lose the m pieces of very important tool to fight global warming.
Today, no global warming more important than the control thing. For this reason, we can not afford the consequences of neglecting agriculture, even if we just want to achieve in this area, a very conservative target, which as of mid-century greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture will not continue to increase.
we must take very radical step, because the laws of nature That is, the more wealthy people to consume more animal products, a global Cheung everywhere.
mm around the world at the moment I can really focus here is China. because China is the fastest growing meat consumption growth per decade double, in China, the number of pigs and chickens has doubled every decade.
These are monogastric animals, they do not have emissions of greenhouse gases like methane, but they do create environmental problems. because they eat feed , and must come from the global resources of forage crops, such as Brazil's soybean production, the result is the destruction of rainforests.
if rich countries continue to maintain a high level of consumption, while countries such as China gradually catch up with our consumption levels
the situation more worse. This will curb global warming to reach the target round more difficult.
Therefore, it is strange that most of the government is concerned about the short-term programs, such as gasoline tax collected.
you look at the results will understand: in the Netherlands, a cow a year of greenhouse gases produced by the equivalent of a car driving 70,000 km .7 million kilometers! This means that one and a half to drive around the earth even more. I should add that, but also have a vehicle in the car.
about global warming, we can see the scene is always one-sided, and we only see the factory chimneys and traffic jams. Where can I see the place and the meat on the carbon between the irresolute the relationship between public information campaign? I still definitely in the Netherlands had not seen.
despite the fact that: We are here every year 500 million animals slaughtered. However, the beginning of the animals in their life, to fully understand the industrial farms What is the business. For example Piglet, they do not castrated under anesthesia, the tail was cut off, they were forced to live in the dark in the cement trough. Usually they only be sent to slaughter when they could see the sun .
for other industrialized farm animals, much the same, such as laying hens, they squeezed in the stacked cages, pecking pecking each other to be cut in order to avoid injury.
since 2006, I have been in the Dutch parliament on behalf of the party is committed to animal termination of such acts. But my work is not limited to animal welfare. Until recently, UNEP, the Netherlands was struck noon alarm, warning the world at what pace we are running out the earth and its resources We need four times the land area of the land to produce to meet the current Dutch consumption. just like in the buffet when we piled into their own plate to eat enough food for four people, which means there is not enough food to see the left people at the back.
we have 10 billion people on the planet obesity troubles elsewhere, 10 million people go to bed hungry every night to sleep party. this serious inequity. They really should talk about this.
at the moment, the entire planet, half of all the wheat crop is used as livestock feed to support our meat and dairy consumption. half of the harvest! while people in poor countries are starving! and it seems do not see such a thing when to terminate.
we have been consuming more and more. the future we will have more natural resources, depriving other people, even more than now we do have to too, and this will be at the expense of the poor at the expense, to clean water, pure air and the expense of our environment.
Let me sum up: the scientists said, the production of animal protein consumed more than the production of plant protein much land and energy. In order to produce animal products than to produce plant products we need as many as 10 times the land. This stems from the fact that the reason so much land is needed for the production of feed to feed hundreds of billions of dollars of farm animals, such as spent a perfect childhood in Tennessee, in the whole movie, not a single word about livestock farms or the impact on the environment polluting industries.
mmSteinfeid Ph.D., in discussing how global warming may not even mentioned when the animal husbandry ?
mm ah, I think the fact is that in the climate change discussion focused mainly on carbon dioxide. If you look at the words of livestock, carbon dioxide emissions account for only about all the greenhouse gas emissions to 1 / 3. nitrous oxide and a hospital were not closely watched. but as a greenhouse gas (GWP), which is much higher than carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect, should be concerned about.
mm, but Al. Gore did not mention a word on the animal husbandry, you What do you think this? you do not think this is an oversight you?
mm this is indeed omissions. and put the food part of the irresolute are not mentioned. I think everyone should know, food and agriculture on climate change and the environment greatly. If a man wants good for the environment then he must choose the production of environmentally friendly food.
mm I think he should do something about that, you try to convince him over it? I personally do not know
mm Al. Gore. I want to my level, publish research results in conferences. on the media presentation, as I do now is to do everything I could.
mm Thank you!
mm he does not know the answer.
So, I went to the United States, would like to find out the answer yourself.'m sorry, Al. Gore was busy. but I managed with the other Some people were talking. They made a lot of insight to this issue.
slogan we use Climate Change attracted, we can give them flyers and make some explanation. When they come home to connect the way, look how meat causes global warming. and not spend all night in front of the television time, or full head just want to eat anything at night.
that power plants are the main cause of global warming first, that humans are not as good as the first main cause of global warming. power plants to generate energy is not the end, they should be required for the production industry energy, and the most energy-consuming industries is one of the factory farming industry.
in the U.S. meat industry produced by our consumption of fossil fuels of the total 1 / 3.
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) headquarters . This organization has nearly 200 million members worldwide.
Gore is a politician, who was concerned about the many different industries, these industries may have meat industry. of course, he did a great thing, but at least one point very disappointing that he is still ignore this fact. In fact, he ate meat every night of the first main reason is the cause of global warming.
I'm Alicia Silerstone, I am a vegetarian. in this world Nothing in the vegetarian diet to bring greater change to me. I feel a lot better than before, and more energy. This is wonderful!
in the United States has a prominent environmental group called ;. They recently announced on the network, if every American chicken will be replaced in one day a week vegetarian diet, which reduce the heavy volume of carbon dioxide irresolute on the road in the United States less the equivalent of 50 million vehicles.
United States much the United States, cars is the case, this steak is Andrew. Americans eat an average of 124 kilograms of meat per year, an average of more than 44 kg Bi Helan.
night in the hotel, I saw a feeding American Industrialization classic films.
mm over, Leo, Leo.
mm Who are you? how do you know what my name?
mm I called Morpheus, I'm well aware of.'ve heard carnivorous Network We know the source of meat and animal products. The family farm is just a fantasy fills eating blue pill, you stay in this fantasy; and eating red medicine, I'll show you the truth.
mm I ate.
mm to the real world!
mm wow! Where such a horrible place?
mm most of the eggs, milk and meat, that is, from such a place.
mm how is there such a thing?
mm I'll tell you.
mm in the mid-20th century, greedy agricultural groups. in order to pursue maximum profits, sustainable family farms began to adjust farming.
mm to humans and animals have paid a heavy price, industrialized farming, so there. animals have no place to be packed, most of the animals from birth to death all see the sun, not touch the ground, smoke less than fresh air. Many have even turned into a problem. such cruel conditions, leading to the middle of excitation in the animal fighting and disease. To solve this problem, these groups began a systematic destruction of animals. for example, cut the chicken pecking, they also added to the feed inside the quantitative antibiotics, struggling to save the lives of these poor words. This excessive use of antibiotics, resulting in disease resistance acres, nearly every day so we can not resist certain infectious diseases.
mm What is that smell? < br> mm is 12O0 million pounds of waste, which pollutes the air and groundwater. This is often related to diseases of the industrialized farms near the community wantonly attack the causes.
mm hh smells like there then?
mm industrial feeding group than a decade, has been damaged area, and the mistreatment of workers .195 O years, has more than 200 million small farms disappear. If they follow this pace, will eventually leave us a true sense of independence family farms. This is the politicians, policy makers, lobbyists and activists in the city.
think about when buying food seals! against Canada!
Today, in front of the Canadian embassy, there was a march against the seal hunt.
Think about buying food seals! against Canada!
organizing this march is the Humane Society of the main Xiwei En, Spicer met in the Capitol dishes.
mm Hello! Welcome to America! Welcome to Washington, our nation's capital!
mm We thank you and your achievements proud of election victory. Last November we learned the details of your re-election. you done in the animal welfare of these achievements are the pioneers in the world, thank you! We all look forward to understand the work that you do.
mm good, nice to meet you. You are the largest animal rights organization?
mm is. We have 1 million supporters in the United States. I mean really paying supporters. Of course, we also have a few millions of people who agree with our actions. Our point here is this person to organize themselves in order to achieve political reform in terms of animal rights. In addition, we also tried to put pressure on enterprises, regulate their behavior. We also educate the public, while have tried to take care of animals. But Congress in this very important local political struggles. industrialized farming is the most excessive thing, because the United States alone has 10 billion animals raised to provide meat, it is actually an astronomical figure, an average American animals eat 80-85. We want to see that number reduced, want to see animals from these terrible car prison freed.
mm Al. Gore did not mention the industrialized farming, how do you see?
mm I think he may feel that the and the eating habits of Americans, they will reach their personal problems. He believes this too far, but the public is gradually waking up. I believe we continue to eat so much meat on the animals and the environment no good, even if it just the total intake of meat halved, that is, to eat 40 animals a year, not 80. It also allows greenhouse gas emissions in half. so we thought we fork is a powerful weapon /
in the United States that they understand this: the power in the hands of consumers. we, as consumers, by adjusting our diet can bring about change.
Matt. John Prescott said the meat was the culprit of global warming. He cited an example: If every American do not eat chicken one day a week, thereby reducing the pollution that is equivalent to 500,000 cars on the road to run less.
It was fun.
good, I hear you thinking, meat and other animal products harmful to the environment. I know you would think so, but we are not required to maintain a healthy meat and milk it? What can we learn from other places to get the bones need calcium, blood needs iron, and vitamins and minerals These things you need to stay healthy?
advertising companies and food companies have instilled in us these pains, and we almost believe it. their message is clear, milk indispensable; meat for you useful; cheese helps the health of all of us.
who is from meat and dairy products, but the gains in the most? Is it consumers or producers? we really need those animal protein you?
General , if we reduce most of the meat consumption, our health will not be any real problem, but will also benefit. After all, colon cancer is a high-income countries, the most common cancer, and high intake of meat increases the risk of the risk of colon cancer. So to reduce the risk of colon cancer risk, for example, reduce the meat will bring real benefits. to our current (meat) intake of less than half that does not cause any significant health problems , but that is conducive to health.
As you might guess, I am a vegetarian. In fact I used to like to eat meat. may 12 years ago, I saw one called TV documentary. which for some absurd lens:
the hole was opened a few years ago. cows wearing this thing alive for a long time, some up to 10 years. This is about 4 inches in diameter hole There is a silicone ring. and then there is a live cover, the time when I push the lid can be opened. Now it opens the lid out. Here we can just remove the animals eat grass.
When I saw this its cruel to my level of tolerance limits. animals are so sick, suffer pain. they do not have to be regarded as living things. I read it all, want not, I do not do that. I do not want this behavior in any relationship.
in industrialized animal husbandry industry, the animals accustomed to accepting that we give them food, and forced to live in a large-scale farms in the. They destroyed much, in order to prevent them sick, they are forced to Qin dose of antibiotics. Now sometimes forced to eat pig decompression pills to help them adapt to this unnatural living conditions.
despite the fact has been proven that animals are farting and defecation by playing every other, greatly increasing the greenhouse gas emissions. But that does not mean that we will begin to reduce cattle, pigs and chickens. no, breeding industry will directly come up with some new tricks. I believe they do. Now they even make a fist-sized pills to stop cattle fart too much.
but you know, keeping the consumer against the increasing demands of industrialization. precisely because they are increasingly aware of animal suffering in them.
sometimes you meet those with different backgrounds will make you very surprised. in the United States in the past I met a famous He quit the livestock breeding industry, and became a vegetarian.
mm Hi, nice to finally see you!
mm Hi, I'm glad you're not looking in the wrong place
mm Yes, eventually we is met.
mm Come in, this is my simple room.
mm Thank you!
mm you have a nice home, very warm!
mm photograph was on the farm, which is We have raised a dog, called Sam. This is the farm, I am a fourth-generation farmer, from Montana, I once owned seven thousand head of cattle, 120O0 acres of crops, 3O employees. in my life 45 years engaged in agricultural production. I learned not from books but through practice. I am an industrial farmers, is the worst kind. I am not a family farmer, but industrial breeders, like any of the available chemicals. In fact, we grind the animals and then fed to our cattle to eat. to follow this bad habit of doing things all over.
mm (pointing to see photo) What are you doing ?
mm ignition printed for the animals. to where I fought the fire for hundreds of animals in India. There are many, there are still many people in the United States to do so. Indeed .1979 years, and I paralyzed from the waist The doctor said that my spine had a tumor on the inside long. and said that if a long build-up here, you can walk up and walk less than one in a million chance. This is my first time in life to stop and rethink. I found out that they have been creating problems, not solve the problem. I saw the dead birds, dead trees, soil deterioration. if I had not paralyzed, I will not admit that I was creating problems. I did a success rate of only parts per million of the surgery, finally walked out of the hospital. through the surgery, when I was completely out of the hospital a changed man. I realized that we are doing is wrong, is totally unsustainable.
say the same for each person, we fall into a state of collective madness. As long as we all do, that it is right. From the time our children play is like that. Can you imagine this? when I First ask yourself: Should we eat animals? This is the experience of my life one of the most thought-provoking questions. because I've never even imagined. When you stop and think about the time, the answer is so clear. We should eat animals? should certainly not! We need animal protein intake? Of course not! meat for us as a whole? no! animals like to be that we eat it? definitely not!
I hometown newspaper, and put my pictures on the front page. and said, Montana's most famous vegetarians. I call them that, why not tell the truth I say? title should be the only vegetarian Montana persons. They say no, at least two.
line people are often reluctant to believe that people who do not know. When I told meat industry are debating the issue, they will say: They can not say I do not know the line, I understand. And I also know that our behavior is wrong, it is not sustainable, not good for us. not good for animals, our planet is also no good. we stop all of this, the sooner the better!
mm you noticed more female vegetarians than men do?
mm You know why?
mm because they were smarter.
mm you know why women live length than men do?
mm Why?
mm because men can not do without women
I did was embark on the road to the people about, I want to travel every year about 10 million miles. do 3 a day to 4 lecture, for me is a very common thing. the audience who sometimes more, sometimes fewer people. when I had to face up to 4 million people speaking at least one of my listeners have only two. We should not be calculated number, you never know who to listen to how much. My task is not to save the world, but try to do I can do to help people make better choices. I've been doing for over 20 years, I feel that if I had the chance, I can change many people's thinking. This is not enough? I do not know. but I do ...