Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CPI is so out of touch members of the press with in-depth market price survey

 Crowded vegetable market in the New Year. 7:30, Wuding markets where standardization has been full of people. Vegetables, meat, aquatic products, cereals, citizens stop-go, pick and choose, before long, had loaded a basket in the New Year's feast day, a table, stall holders who are found quickly weighed, counted price, bagging, business fire may seem a moment idle for long.

in the bustling markets, there is a figure to make a difference, she walked every booth, and asked over the various categories of vegetables, but did not gain any purchase in hand is not basket, but the stack of records form dense record above the price of various foods. She is coming to She would come once every five days to investigate the major changes in food prices; collection of these data are reported for the consumer price index (CPI) calculations.

meet with reporters in the vegetable market entrance, the clock Yee has been successfully completed in other markets, the price of regular surveys of fruit, vegetable market in the Wu Ding Road, she should be done as usual, like every five days, the survey to the vegetables , meat, aquatic products, food and other goods north and south of the latest prices, down,

. Between words, put all the food required by the provisions species sampled price asked, and she quickly recorded in the hands of the corresponding column on the form. Reporter puzzled: less >

investigators asking about the price is very detailed, stand alone franchise beef and mutton, and she asked seven or eight species: bovine animals, beef brisket, beef sandwich, beef rump, beef Lin, leg of lamb meat, lamb ribs; in price survey will be to each of the five food brands on the abundance of shops, to ask of pure meat, shoes, big row, side meat, sandwich meat and other varieties; in eggs stalls, but also ask the five varieties: foreign eggs, grass eggs, preserved eggs, cooked salted egg, duck eggs.

Investigators told reporters
prices, the national CPI price survey of the varieties of the directory is set by the National Bureau of Statistics, but because the habits and North and South regions of different specialties, there are subtle differences between different cities, dumplings, dumpling skin must focus on the price survey price.

assortment of vegetables stalls, is the focus of investigators asking about the price, the principle of Conventional varieties, such as vegetables, different booth locations, different purchase channels will be different, so to ask a few stalls to see what the true price level is the number; a sub-species, focus on common , the more detailed the better, such as the price on Hangzhou eggplant eggplant, cabbage specifically asked the local Chinese cabbage, celery, celery will have to ask the price of drugs; the same varieties of vegetables, all have to choose the freshest, most complete, best product phase prices, deep in a stall in the market to see more of fresh snow peas, 30 yuan per kilogram, and she immediately asked the other stall to the price of 26 yuan per kilogram were corrected. Ask around, the situation is well known,

acquisition price of aquatic products, rather Has many years experience in mining prices, Zhong Yi's eyes, like the ruler, the same octopus, she asked about seven hundred eighty-two Aspects of Intellectual Property, relying on visual width of the length of the aiming her piles of octopus can be found from this kind of

quotations stall encountered do not match, playing sloppy, the price is not real how to do? As a senior investigators tricks Chung Yi own response, in addition to wearing the uniform price survey issued documents, full communication with the stall, her eyes would entered on the electronic scale unit.

spent an hour or so, the reporters followed the investigators to visit the farms around from start to finish, even the modest north-south goods, small fish, soy products have a booth did not fall. In fact, the reporter witnessed, but also one of only eight major categories CPI statistics part of the food categories. Chung Lai said, in addition to farms, she wanted to go to supermarkets, stores and other designated price points collected about other food prices. Also, prices of clothing to the store survey, to investigate the prices of furniture furniture stores, appliance stores asking about the price to the appliances, just different frequencies in different price categories of mining.

At this time, investigators have to say goodbye and hurried reporters, is not rushing home for the reunion dinner preparation for the holidays, but as soon as the data collated on the form, ensure timely reporting.

reporter's notes

CPI behind the strict

the work of investigators
prices, said ridicule is the Walk around the food market to follow the investigators only know the CPI is a price a price record, statistics have come.

To obtain the most realistic price data, the National Bureau of Statistics Survey Corps Shanghai investigators who, in every corner of the city running with. As a rule, price surveys in order to Take the

sometimes do not understand the people in this conference on the statistics from the real life seems to some economic performance efforts. The temperature of the economy and people's livelihood well-being, that is, such a step by step they visited, and again was informed of the inquiry.

Although the work of a not well known, it is also For example, investigations into the food market prices every five every ten, to once every five days to be, rain or shine, some time ago under the snow, the investigator is also stepping on the snow for duty on time. Seems no one is watching, but half an hour later, less ask a few stalls, it could affect the country's CPI statistics, and the real price level, affects thousands of families of people's homes, but also affect all levels of government economic management, around the CPI, the rigorous, in fact, is a responsibility.

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