Sunday, February 13, 2011

20 gender attraction perfect solution - to stop the margin - Homelink

 Men and women in love, there is an Nanfennanshe of love, the couple fall in love, but also affectionate gluey. It is natural to think that this is an emotional factor, but there are also > Scientists study shows that physical attraction between men and women produce most of a similar amino-propyl benzene chemicals, these chemicals can be passed between the sexes in the eyes, skin, touch and other produce, starting from the brain along nerve transfer into the blood, thereby flushing the skin, body heat, or even sweating, feeling agitated excitement, prompting both men and women fall in love ethylamine and other chemical substances not permanent, it is through love, the passion of first marriage, after about four years or so, phenylethylamine and other chemical substances will be gradually reduced until it disappears. It stands to reason, which may cause feelings of the couple is gradually fading, but In fact, most of the couple's feelings but will further deepen and consolidate, which in turn is why? had long lived together as husband and wife, the body will produce similar sedative chemicals endorphins, which enables couples interdependence between, or even separation, so that love deepened.
, of course, in addition to the above-mentioned factors, there are many factors that make men more attractive to women, men make women more attractive.
10 men to attract women a program
the eyes of his wife, what kind of husband lets his wife go for, follow, and even to love, to make a woman give up life and it?
summarized in the following points should be:
1. true < br> man to be true, the real is the most powerful, most confident performance. the truth is best said without hesitation, how the expression is true; lies the most difficult to talk about, how prepared are also programmed not tight, so no need for their husbands look likely to be pleased.
2. profoundly deep
most attractive men. and let his wife feel comfortable, feel safe, so the normal life easier, less afraid of anything, can fully display their inner world.
4.'m a man for the crucial
quality is dare dare is, generally include: dare, dare, dare, dare to win, dare to fail, dare to love, dare to hate, dare to fight, but also to fight.
manner and demeanor of people associated with the temperament of , is dependent on the physiological quality, and represents the tendency of a person's personality, but a great relationship with the occupations. demeanor is a mature man the United States, most women appreciate a man's maturity.
6. clever things
strange, do not explain the process of thinking does not come clean, but only give the final conclusion. that the husband makes the wife feel clever deep, male this quality, will be a strong attraction to women.
humor humorous husband, mostly very optimistic person. have a positive attitude to life and the spirit of tough and focused, this husband, setbacks encountered adversity, never anxious, still jokes, people laugh, people do not feel the pressure of stress, making it easy for a heavy show of life, reductions in depression.
8. enterprising enterprising man
should be reflected in the life of every moment, is a progressive spirit, are the cause of a future initiative.
9. romantic married life and love after marriage
big difference is that when the lack of romance, but a good husband should have a romantic, give life to create a spirit, but they still want their husbands to take risks. adventurous husband, wife, because that would be a mysterious, dangerous, and explore the means, fascinating.
<> 10 programs to attract men, women
Who said only the beautiful, plump, wild female talent to attract a man? the most interesting sexy new ideas may cause you a new understanding.
a sentimental soft gentle woman, regardless of thinking, intonation, every move she makes a show of hands is more delicate and more appealing. people with your speaking style of thinking with dance, will be moved by man.
2. good at thinking
though nothing to boast a lot of people, but once immersed in the endless .
3. whims and unless you are born with ice for the
or aloof, or, Ganaiganhen, dare to cry, dare to laugh, passionate and keen to life women who itself is a mass of arouses the fire.
4. conservation
if you are very tolerant, do not care about little things, your generosity is touching. particularly those who hurt you or things that you can let go It really is a good conservation. If you are not caught her husband women, in addition to women's self-confidence from the bottom of, understand humor, love romance, excitement and adventure, the original there are some of the more abstract elements of nothingness, which is another sexy element of mystery. Remember, do not fully meet each other curiosity, keep a sense of mystery.
6. petty
in a variety of body language, casual teaching people self-touch is the most rapturous little tricks. If inadvertently biting, Tuosai, casual hair chic to call back, his hands gently holding the face, helplessly shrugged his shoulders when, crossing his hands stroking the shoulders or neck, and hand out some sweaters are all within a charming little tricks.
7. understand
understand the point of the fine arts of calligraphy, painting, singing, playing instruments, people will reveal a mixture of sexy sensual and gentle, and this idea is actually more than sexy, more attractive.
8. the sun color < br> condensate muscle wins of course the color of fresh snow just cooked, such as peach trees, as people covet, but a light color, body type coupled with heterozygosity, is it not a kind of sexy in the distribution.
9. sexy dress < br> sexy dress can fully show the beauty of women is completely meet the visual needs of men. If you wear jeans, can show the image of uninhibited with its own way; and sandals and high heels for the publicity has always been that women sexy legs, arms .
10. fragrance
very strange, some degree of body odor is also often constitute Jiaoren feel sexy masculinity or femininity. man's Durian, countless others will be lifted meditate.

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