Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chen Xiwen collective land acquisition to protect the long-term livelihood of peasants

 China news agency, Beijing, January 30 (Reporter Shi Yan) - the Central Rural Work Leading Group, deputy head of Office 30, Chen Xiwen said here, for the collective land acquisition, to ensure that landless peasants living level, long-term livelihoods are protected.

Mr Chen was 30 at a news conference to make the above statement, he said, the State Council clearly stipulates that collective land acquisition process, the main supply compensation for loss of the contracted land and homestead farmers. But he also said that the collective economic organizations around the actual operation is not as landless peasants in the main supply of this premise, as well as by collective economic organizations to discuss how to make better use of the compensation.

1 21, the State Council published In this regard, Chen said, the

Mr Chen said that these important principles: first, the right to use land expropriation in the public interest, limited range, made clear. Second, the program also made the levying of a clear requirement that must be open and transparent, so that broad participation of the people, in full consultation with the people. Third, the collection of state-owned land on the housing provides for the principle of compensation made, that is subject to market economy principles, the principle of compensation based on market pricing. Fourth, a clear, such as forced evictions and must be determined through the judicial process.

Chen Xiwen introduced for rural land acquisition, the Third Plenary Session of the decision already made a number of principles for reform. One sharp distinction between land use and management of public welfare land boundaries, and gradually narrow the scope of land requisition. Second, in areas outside of urban planning, non-public projects such as the construction of collective land occupied by farmers, this part of the land can not impose, so that farmers directly involved in business development. Third, in the past approved the construction of township enterprises according to law sites in the enterprise need for bankruptcy or liquidation cases, allowing it to enter the land market. Fourth, improve the standards of rural land acquisition compensation, resettlement of landless peasants and implement policy. (End)

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