Friday, February 11, 2011

IELTS writing to share the successful experience of the reconsideration

 Embassy in Beijing received today delivery, the new review transcripts, writing that the 6 from 5.5, also referred to the total score of 6.5. finally finished my IELTS away.
; I attended the October 23 exam, this is my third IELTS test day cold bad happens. previous two back, writing, respectively, 5.5 and 5, the exam, I find the English specifically correcting the teacher practiced, a variety of topics are all exercises in preparation for the very full, so I feel that although the examination of a bad cold I did play, however, writing should be the level at 6 points, as did more than that written in the first two are good. oral exam the next day, a cold is more serious, not knowing the exam.
the results to results, read 7, Listening 6.5 , writing 5.5, speaking 5.5, total score is 6. ... I'm disappointed ... but again, I decided to review, I do not believe my writing for so long, or got 5.5. So I started looking online quote, for a step by step materials, received transcripts of the next day, I put the information sent by the embassy, and exchange the paragraph .11 16, received the e-mail said the embassy received money and materials, began to enter the review process. After that a long wait. During this period, I was extremely nervous all day online and watching other people's experiences, analyze their likelihood of success. wished he could have dreamed that dream every day, I received a new score ... ... December 22, to close e-mail to the embassy, said the reconsideration results have been sent, I will not do even more nervous. received today and found results finally changed, and my heart has finally landed on a stone.
; because I walked the school master's project, so the total score of 6.5 on the can, do not care about single subject results. Therefore, although there is no reconsideration of my speaking success, but writing to the 6, my total score is also enough. finally get to IELTS saygoodbye.
I still want you here for the reconsideration of the duck said:
1, if you do have confidence in yourself to to review it, 900 although not a small sum, but do not fight a fight, how worthy of my own so long since the effort? However, the premise is that you do a careful analysis of their responses, rather than impulsive moment.
; 2, if in writing and speaking single subject mentioned points, will have to improve on the scores, and more suitable for reconsideration.
3, Do not blindly look forward to review the results, if time is tight, it is necessary to wait at the same time, preparing for the next exam.
experience can be found online is really not much and I hope my can help you.

article from the Beijing Education Training Center:

IELTS training institutes:
Beijing Global IELTS training school:

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