Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quanzhou functional beverage operation and Development (II)

 The second part of the functional operation of
a drink, market segmentation and target market selection strategy
1) accurate market segmentation and positioning
on a new business, products, marketing strategy focus on market segmentation and target market selection strategy, when the marketing mix to become operational tactics. on with a new product, it is impossible to satisfy all consumers within this market demand, so companies should first clear products listed, its primary customer is. the one hand, a listing of products to attract the attention of target consumers, the next marketing campaign will also be targeted; the other hand, the target selection of products to the consumer market is not saturated, or fully undeveloped. Although functional beverages in line with the conditions, but in China the consumption of huge capacity, fast growth of the market, but a new product in order to have 350 different brands of products in the face of keen competition foothold also need to be more clear and detailed market positioning.
functional drink the birth and development, is built on the premise of market segmentation. accurate market positioning and market segmentation strategy skilled, is the primary factor in the success of product promotion. A huge Chinese market, how to divide a share of how thin to be successful, of which the content and beverage brands this summer as dazzling. market segmentation, sub-divided into the breadth and depth of subdivision. breadth of segmentation is the early stages of market segmentation, market the geographical distribution of population and economic factors - age, gender, household income, etc. - and so the basis for sub-visible range. This target market segments are simple images, such as ; Jianlibao life growing demand for various products in diverse and complex, the factors affecting the purchase can not be ignored in the inclusion of inductive components. In such circumstances, the market competition resulting from the breadth of geographical coverage and economic dimensions of the structure to the needs of depth to development, which gave birth to the depth of competitors on the market segment. the depth of the target market segment is generated intangible, abstract, than the breadth of target market segment is much more complex, forcing the business to consumer concern from outside to inside, deep into the heart level. fashion and healthy young women, the latter located in the small age, but also aspire to - to the fierce market competition, do not expect to buy your product to all consumers; but well aware of their target consumers. You can be rivals for a neglected and discarded a specific, clear characteristics of the population , and it is precisely these groups fight to send the product or the main or severe consumer group, that is positioning the target market. once gave an accurate market segmentation and positioning, enterprises should understand the market. Coca-Cola after a detailed market The survey found ,6-14 years of age are an important consumer groups juice drinks, but did not pay attention to. As mentioned above, just from Quanzhou juice drinks market, although competition is very fierce, but carefully not difficult to find, whether it is unified, health, the main target is the urban young women, as Huiyuan is trying to clean sweep all ages, no one for children under the age of 14 to appeal. insight into this market opportunity in the post, will be their target segments juice market is a matter of course for children.
overview of most enterprises, to see what the market will sell themselves to what is produced, it was not clear who is the real consumers of their products, all anxious to sell their products; some enterprises conducted a market segmentation, positioning and a strong brand but similar, the outcome can be imagined. Coca-Cola Although very strong, if the juice is also positioning itself in the young women, it may not be more than unity, Master Kong. the characteristics of success for children created a concept, but cute kitten fruit juice, fruit juice on the cheeks flushed for a drink. drink it to the right hand on his hips, while very intoxicated and said full of interest, although not clear their big brothers and big sisters of the it? accurate grasp of the target precisely because of these psychological characteristics of consumers, > First of all, dedication and professionalism make the enterprise market and products have been selected, so that enterprises can securely occupy the very small market share. In the process of specialization, experience and technology enterprises due to the accumulation of the target market better understanding of the enterprise so that businesses be more efficient than other, more effectively meet customer needs.
Secondly, we must also strive to avoid the same competition, differentiated products and services is particularly important. enterprises to maintained between the product and the overall market, the gap between several services, otherwise, the buyer went to the root of the product preference. enterprises in brand image, technical characteristics, customer service, distribution network in these areas, must form their own characteristics. which is more able to distinguish themselves and their competitors.
Second, the role of marketing and brand strategy
increasing homogenization of the commodity today, with the brand personality to win the consumer market demonstrated to be an important means of winning business. different all have very different corporate brand personality, the competition in the market need to find a carrier to match the symbol to expand the advertising strategies, the interpretation of the brand's cultural background, values, character traits. It is an experience to some people the role of social and psychological meaning of the image of desire and consumption behavior as a new marketing approach. in commercial operations, l r the role of marketing is particularly suitable for high volume products, such as food, drinks. its biggest role is to narrow the gap between products and consumers emotional distance between, so that products with character, image, so that the promotion of the product has a unique role.
brand strategy can also be called a cultural strategy. in the beverage industry, the brand will help the product rapidly occupy dominance of the most powerful weapon, which is determined by the special nature of the industry, such as using high-tech business strategy can help companies to establish a competitive advantage in this area. Coca-Cola company's strong brand position is a typical marketing advantage.
With China's continuous economic growth and diversification, customer preferences and behavior will inevitably change. In more and more rapid economic development of cities, the customer awareness of brand preferences are close to developed countries. proved , vivid, lively, full of brand image people never forget. If consumers enduring image of the emotion, then the success of the role of marketing will allow consumers to both the subconscious imagination and a willingness to accept the endorsement of the brand product , as consumers - brand image - there is no distance between products, then the product will greatly shorten the promotion period can be the fastest way to achieve growth.
now talk of brand marketing industry, selling the brand rather than selling products appear as a slogan, but what is the brand most people know very vague, and even mistaken the brand is tantamount to advertising. industrial production, product homogeneity is inevitable, but the brand is unique and irreplaceable, queer is juice, but not just juice and other juice drinks in its composition, taste, and not much difference, but to bring the child's psychological queer it is to meet other brands do not have. a successful brand, will carry with its customers an ideal. This, perhaps is the brand for the mass acceptance and enduring charm.
the right product positioning and brand success in shaping the image of the personality, Robust successfully launched ; pulse, through vitamin supplements, to improve their immunity appeal, has been recognized by consumers. Second, the demands of its interests as a high-end, unique flavor with a hint of fruit flavor. also gives the less successful season was due to the positioning of the brand personality: relaxed, self, enthusiastic, imaginative, fantasy, fashion, consumer brand positioning surface is too narrow, and Bao Guoqi mm are too trendy and popular, so a to reflect the brand personality is open, rough, upward, angular, emotional personality drinks; Nestle's activation marketing strategies
standardized procedures to promote the brand image and brand content distribution strategy of mining requires the support of the means out of the current warehouse stores and closer to the customer away. product image should appear in the target market can go anywhere, this can be through the promotion of cooperation do. companies can publish a set of in-house brand marketing 4Ps standard system, this is business people to promote the implementation of brand and operational standards of a system. In addition, you can take three activation measures.
product marketing standards
4Ps of marketing success is product, price, channel, promotion of organic combination of other factors and interactions, is the marketing system of organic collaboration. a successful market planning, do you need to target may break down in detail, in determining the period of time, integration of existing enterprise resources, step by step, there are plans to complete the stated objectives.
1) Product
product packaging, specifications to tailor the target market population do innovative packaging forms, specific of the way, highlight the product personality.
consumers the choice of drinks there are three criteria, first taste, followed by the function and, finally, there is no side effects. only taste good, the effect was side effects and no drinks will be affected by consumers. Most consumers do not understand the functional beverage, and experts also point out that to psychological, manufacturers need to adopt a series of ongoing marketing activities to increase consumer knowledge of products, to dispel worries!
2) product prices have
good product positioning, design price is very important ring. price diversity, such as the price downward, the introduction of 3 yuan less than in the low-priced products .500 ml capacity, less than the price of 3 yuan, is the drink most of the mainstream price points. To the majority of functional drinks access to rapid development of the region, must come down from high above the altar, a bold price break the bottleneck, and only played for consumers sold in order for functional drinks as a beverage really popular, and not as expensive health care products to be forgotten corner of the beverage market.
3) channel
marketing channel is to promote products or services and consumption have been used successfully a set of interdependent organizations. marketing channels out there products at cut, liquidity functions can also be the corporate and product information to customers, while the customer feedback information to the industry to make it more cut to meet customer demand, thereby narrowing the cutting industry and the customers in time and distance in space.
Enterprises should establish a to be effective in marketing activities. enterprises through the br> 2) to facilitate enterprises to enhance customer service management. in connection with the customer 3) can create more value for the target customers. through the establishment of beverage industry is very important distribution channel, described as Competitiveness is s eye. Master Kong, the rapid rise in recent years, a unified, precisely because they created an effective distribution channel network control terminal. the sun rose the failure of one of the main weak fifth season is also channels out of the question. Coca-Cola has its sub-channels and control advantages. Huiyuan's original advantage in the food distribution channels, while the channel and retail channel is short board.
new round in the summer drinks distribution channel is still the war hero Competition in public companies the main weapons. an enterprise system in its distribution channels to establish a long-term, systematic project, not a stick and take time, as Northwestern University Professor Stern said: its changes. work, this channel is the main channel. in the capital city there is a supplementary channel, the large, medium and restaurants, supermarkets, schools, transport channels to draw out from the traditional channels, a channel set up by the person responsible for the specific operation. In looking for how to do The way the terminal, the terminal must be done, but how to do best not to act blindly, on the one hand, good access from the marketing aspects of the policy of profit distribution, to ensure that the interests of each member; the other hand, to take pre- system, according to the designated areas by the clerk to run a single, dealers responsible for the distribution, if there are three registered dealers delivery man, consider some of the benefits to its (by calculation), to improve delivery of enthusiasm, ensure timely supply.
weaknesses, against opponents weakness, is an effective means of competing channels. whether new products, or regional competition, whether it is the leading brand, or a rising star, find opponents weakness channel focus resources to fight, often achieving a multiplier effect. because the links sent from the channel edge against competitors, and its better than starting from the products more rapidly and more easily than starting from a price guaranteed profit, than from advertising is more cost-saving aspects . But Business is war, the saying goes, management, found the soft underbelly of the real competitors to develop the corresponding combat strategy, design a complete implementation of the program, select the appropriate time, and later continued to invest resources to continue to adjust its strategy to realize the purpose of winning the channel to length time position to maintain competitive advantage. Therefore, only a competition against rival channels, the beginning of weakness. Shulei by year-end aspects of the neglect of P & G from the terminal force, with strong terminal sales, high-density means of the rapid expansion of the terminal display market share. but later due to various reasons did not take appropriate measures to maintain hard-won advantage, the final adjustment of channel strategy, P & G have the opportunity to sweep away the tide. Shulei today overturned the first car on the beverage companies are still warning.
balanced transportation control stores and traditional channels
KA channels said channels
KA KA should mention the size of the store more and more concentrated, the strength is growing. its sales strength and the more often guide and more significantly, the impact on manufacturers and products to expand the deepening, making the production / manufacturing side as well as distributors and other consumers throughout the supply chain in a variety of upper and middle reaches of the store more and more emphasis on the role of the KA input and management. hypermarkets on retail market share and divide it takes up a growing share, this is an indisputable fact. In the face of reality, suppliers have had to learn how great dealings with them, learning in the supermarkets and traditional channels to find a balance between .
a, KA stores charm
1) is to establish a vendor / product image and the degree of platform
KA fatal one of its large area of the store and comfortable shopping environment, good service and a wealth of goods to win More and more consumer recognition and acceptance. With the retail market, they set a kinds of respect and satisfaction. while KA increasingly rapid rate of expansion of the store, not of the narrow circle radius of the KA store and penetration of the market share continued to strengthen. radius in the same district, the traditional channels, often by large pressure the power was not back. So KA products into stores almost wish of every factory. we can see, such as Coca-Cola, Master Kong and other top brands, and their choice of new products, without exception, KA stores nationwide Madden launch, full flowering, very short period of time open up the situation quickly.
2) is a new product platform for the promotion of a favorable impact of new product promotion
are many reasons for the success, but the customer's perception and effective line stimuli is very important, but also with the purchase of these fields are directly related to influence. enough to buy people, good enough visual display, adequate professional management, good enough shopping, this is not the traditional channels to the general do, even to learn, it is usually superficial but not genetically related to learn.
3) is to create an enabling platform for sales miracle
KA sales in stores can create miracles precisely because the factory is put into it to make huge fees sales ratio is still high in the case of no less than give up. Generally speaking, the same products to generate sales in the product difference is huge, KA store sales compared with the traditional channels will have dozens or even hundreds of times more than a dozen differences. KA sales miracle is relying on the popular stores, environment, management and brand appeal, which is lacking in traditional channels.
II, KA lack of stores and defects
1) KA reduced stores the plant / product equal opportunities to compete
KA stores will set the total gross profit and operating performance and the first, the choice of vendor companies will take full account of the financial strength, market awareness and product management capabilities, select the manufacturers and profit margins and develop value products. the face of a wide variety of conditions on the face of high entry costs, in the face of complex operational processes, those weak, strength is not enough vendors and non-brand products often into the not hypermarket.
2) KA rich stores of restricting the product implementation and integration of the stores of merchandise management
KA strict control system, not factory product line based on the rich, integration of the desire to adjust their ideas on how to gain maximum benefit in the new and the pursuit of minimum risk is the KA store, in other words, the manufacturers want their products and integration of rich desire usually just wishful.
3) KA is the factory price system stores the destroyer
competition at the retail end markets, the price war is the most common and more effective. hypermarkets will be the lifeline of the factory as a price war as the price system weapons and resources. direct result of the price system collapse.
4) KA stores will be co-placed strong position
KA unequal expansion of the store to increase sales growing gap, the momentum to end the monopoly is increasingly clear, strong position has been established, in a weak position of the factory had to face increasingly stringent entry conditions. This factory is very dangerous, one mistake can be ejected with.
the role of traditional channels
1) the traditional channels are factory / products into the supermarkets of the foundation and pave the way
2) relative to traditional channels to form a closed path, in terms of volume to some extent contain stores
3) the traditional channels for sales channel diversity, reduce business risk
beverage sales channel is no longer a product distribution terminal network, but access to the core of the brand's core profit carrier, the terminal has become the beverage business channels, strategic resources and competitive threshold. KA stores and traditional channels is different, the relationship between balance control products shipped successfully listed.

a terminal building, the significance of winning in the end
If consumers can not buy them at the point of sale, you can not complete the sale! There are many companies to dealers configured to run a single member, the effect is quite good. long-term, systematic attention to the display of the terminal point of sale and advertising of the brand will be able to directly play a role in the accumulation of profound knowledge. Coca-Cola, Nestle and other international brands in terminal with clear advantage, Master Kong, unity, Wahaha is not behind the terminal. In addition, most of the other market fundamentals did not see the goods. Jianlibao there are many consumers often complain about not buy the arrival terminal. the sun rose a few years ago advertising, signage, and refrigerators everywhere, but the sun rose in the refrigerator, put it is Wahaha or Coca-Cola, has become the industry joke, the problem lies in the terminal. terminal to enhance the intensity of competition, the network no longer in the traditional channels. summer drinks, the solid.
terminal management refers to the manufacturers of goods through publicity, promotion, channel development and other methods to enable consumers to reach a final purchase of the management and service management staff here. terminal management work is divided for the research, development, maintenance, marketing, staff management.
only occupation of end-market products, point of sale to meet with customers, is likely to be customers to buy. Therefore, the primary task of sales is: the product placed on the counter retail stores, so that consumers see, buy.
buying behavior of consumers planning to purchase and can be divided into impulse buying. consumer planned purchases will be subject to a variety of sales on-site factors such as store design, advertising material such as the impact of change; consumers most vulnerable to impulse buying and promotions, while the terminal is carried out exactly the best and most effective promotional activities of the venue. enterprises to terminal sales, may stimulate Consumers were buying.
face a growing number of competing brands, consumers are at a loss, getting lower and lower brand loyalty. Therefore, manufacturers must invest more in the terminal market, the operation of the hard work to make their own of goods come to the fore in the store, through the display, display, POP advertising, etc., to their products and competitive products separately, and to new and unique image to attract the attention of customers and stimulate customer demand desire, to create competitive advantage within the retail outlet, face to face to compete for customers and competitors.
terminal market is the outlet of the entire sales channel, if the outlet plug, sales channels will be on the not smooth sales. manufacturers make end-market, product sales through the terminal can quickly go out, can do the smooth flow of arrival.
terminal from the sale of market information is the most effective message. While advertising, advocacy, interpersonal communication can also make customers aware of the information some commodities, but some of these ways to stress that one-way, local information, and only in the terminal to the same time, full access to the entirety of the brand, and with consumers interactive information.
through a terminal control, manufacturers can close and consumers to understand consumer behavior and attitude, so as to obtain the most realistic market information (such as: the views of consumers and dealers, competition Commodities News etc.), for product development, marketing strategy adjustment decisions based on the most direct help and.
good construction and management of terminal manufacturers can improve the regulatory capacity of sales channels, increase the dealer's dependence on the manufacturers, on the whole stimulating the formation of a strong sales channel.
Second, the daily maintenance of the terminal end
for the development of good work does not mean the end of the terminal, in fact, only do the daily maintenance of the terminal in order to make your product will always flash bright, eye-catching. terminal maintenance is a long and arduous work, which not only require substantial investment in human and financial resources, but also a set of effective enterprise sales management system, effective control of the terminal operating system, not with money, willing to invest be solved.
here leads to a products that consumers can clearly see, know and trust companies results in a purchase.
terminals vivid main contents include: goods (including parts, accessories) and display position, display mode, clean degrees, clear of; inventory management (safety stock); clear price marking; retail shops advertising material (DM, POP, tabloid, etc.) posted (or suspension, placing) position, release means; to the point of sale personnel requirements, etc..
terminals vivid The requirements include: the best products on display at the consumer can see when you first entered the shop in the best position; all product packaging must be removed after the display; counter display when bright and clean, physical clearance Ming; and the location of major competitors must be highlighted and more obvious; marked clearly, blatantly, to ensure that all products must have a clear price marking; product must focus on display, vertical display of the same brand, same packaging level display, so feather flock together, group of points, patchwork, eye-catching head catch.
and vivid arrangement of promotional materials is also very important, the means including: light boxes, display stand, POP, posters and other publicity materials posted to the placing of appropriate, in place, impartial, not blocked by other objects, posters or stickers must be affixed to the trademark eye level, just to meet the customer's eyes; propaganda fade once the damaged or obsolete must be immediately replaced to eliminate competing goods, DM, tabloid, free distribution of material to be placed in neat, professional, reasonable, moderate number; distributed approach reasonable manner, to distinguish between objects.
4) promotion
in the modern competitive market environment, any company must face or strong or weak competitors, in addition to product, price, is competitive, but in this part of the promotion also needs to ensure its leading position, in order to role.
promotion in the allocation of channels to promote products (or services) to communicate sales activity, it not only to disseminate information, but also the characteristics of the development and dissemination of products to attract and persuade consumers to accept products or services, and the establishment of good relations.
terminal sales promotion is the most effective method, which consumers can maximize their buying impulses. The idea is for consumers to understand consumer marketing programs tailored to develop the premise.
terminal promotional products is not only an effective way to show focus, the scene is one of the best means to get a return. Although the terminal then the impact of mass media marketing is not extensive, but its real face to face with consumers, you can introduce more products to target consumers and enterprises, consumers can maximize their impulse to buy, the product has a direct impact on sales. In general, the terminal marketing purposes are: promotion type; incremental revenue-generating; block block type; build brand type .
products began to promote the stage are not generally known to the customer, so the use of various promotional tools and timely products and services to the relevant information to the consumers. In general, the choice of promotional tools: advertising, personal selling and on-site promotions. should pay attention to the following questions;
1, promotional activities should be oriented toward a specific, clear characteristics of the population, and this group is precisely the products and services operated by the main consumer group. promotional activities in order to make the most accurate and effective to hit their target market.
2, grasp the characteristics of the target market promotional activities. marketers are Tripmaster Monkey, into the psychology of customers to organize a promotional activity to attract customers.
3 , promotions, in addition to promotional products, but also do a lot of related work, such as providing consulting services, market research, access to customer feedback, find new potential customers and other.
marketing manager of the face of increasingly greater sales targets, have to find a more direct and effective way, so all kinds of promotional tools are frequently used. promotional tool for very many, the product of all time is also very different marketing objectives, how to play a promotional tool in the product and the greatest effect during the become a new problem to think marketing manager.
a market for the import of the product promotion strategy
enter the market as soon as possible, divided by the marketing of products to enhance visibility of the brand communication and advertising or public relations activities, carried out for the consumer or channel The promotion is essential. the strategy adopted during the main are: access incentives, free trial, accompanied by gifts, refund preference.
1, channel incentive
product channels will directly affect the strength development and other policies The end result of a strategic channel intermediaries as well as incentives and cooperation is a strategic element of product marketing. In order to increase the products and consumers the opportunity to meet manufacturers must motivate and manage the brokers on each channel, while levels of consumer promotions to be members of a more positive response and support in order to obtain success.
A distributor of promotional incentives: the numerous distributors of promotional incentives vary broadly divided into the following.
a. Long-term annual sales target incentives to set a sales target
manufacturers, if the dealer in the prescribed time limit according to the agreed goal to give cash incentives; also set multiple levels of sales targets, the incentive amount is also incremental, encouraging dealers to a higher sales target sprint. dealer incentive is best not to cash or goods, etc., to avoid low-priced goods such as dumping or punch the occurrence of acts to disturb the market. If HBL 2000 Levin will be .
b. short-term phase of ...

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