Monday, February 28, 2011

Ballet Male Ballet directing disclosure of the birth of insider Dan

 Ballet Male Ballet directing disclosure of insider
mm once again on the birth of ballet ballet nationalization transformation is the way life Haoge
Sohu blog commentary produced
Ballet is a hot topic recently, there are two popular concern: just the opening of the National Grand Theater is the first show of the classic ballet choice -steps with a new face and then boarding the stage, and in the play In an interview, , a girl struggling to explore, search, her heart through the snow-white pure external image and concise sophisticated dance moves demonstrated in the stage. ignorance, evil and hypocrisy in the shadow of entanglement, making her into confusion, deserting our ideas; But the indomitable perseverance quest to make her finally see the light, enjoy the happiness of victory and joy m This is the dance poem as one of the chapters, and an idea of topics: human light one after another in pursuit tirelessly throughout the play. three chapters, the performance of the connection with the extension of the time the concept of m in the past, present and future.
the is the witness of Chinese history. vigorous a magnificent air of overwhelming potential. who is also King's group dance is also sometimes bradycardia and stretch, like the river spread open mind boundless earth; sometimes violent ups and downs, like a rolled forward to the high sea tide, shock the water rush. Then, a cheerful lyric The music brought a pair of young men and women of the pas de deux, they used the physical representation of upbringing with his love of the Yellow River and the Yellow Land and love. Then, in a warm, lively scene, inciting Lenovo: rapids rapids obstruct the march of human indomitable! This is precisely what the Chinese bravery, indomitable spirit of the portrayal of it? song history, portrayed as a pursuit for the bright and tireless hard work of national image and national character.
appear in the creators from the description of the nature of the means of the pure and childlike, her confusion and Fang Huang, and her struggle and Fen. struggle to pull off with her newborn. This part is a romantic end of the creative approach, the spectrum shows the seven-color light do anthropomorphic treatment, wearing Colorful silk clothing of the girls, with the light flowing Rouman female dance form beautiful picture, very enthusiastic rendering the warmth and bright light, but also praised seeking to break through the darkness seek the light of the people.
first dance three units more open vision, bringing people into the deep, wide wrap, endless universe. creators to enrich the artistic imagination, designed to explore the mystery of the universe a large segment of pas de deux, and the nine planets around the sun and comets, etc. Qi Dance stars dance scenes and shows new and boldness of vision. melodious, ethereal music sounds like the days outside, to people tales of a infinite reveries; and frequently flashing lights, the intersection of the carnival disco dance competition, the excitement outside blurred Pushuo more people feel, a symbol of human longing for the unknown world, to explore and conquer the willpower.
curtain call at the end of the play can be said to flash in the pan, the play of the trilogy will be concentrated in all major sections, refining, followed by return, finishing touch to emphasize the theme of a camel conception.
at the end of workers are in the SHU are keen, courage and sense of social responsibility, to capture this information and decided to use the language of art to express their views, revealing the inside story of life. It is no accident, the creator's own experiences are reflected in the works to be the spirit of publicity. She not only because the pursuit of truth, knowledge of the truth and paid a high price, but also self-talk and the voice of a generation, ballet pour their hearts out for the best way was hard to explore and pursue m Just as she was in the play that created the image of young girls seek light. After years of deliberation, Shu are the framework were found difficult to do the traditional dance expression of the poet, she was determined to find a more appropriate form of new goals to achieve creative . repeated as appropriate, then, inspired by modern art, influence, comfort are all finally made a decision not to approach any previous dance composition m the performance of the theme she wants is divided into three inter-related and non-uniform on the same idea unit to freehand brushwork, anthropomorphic treatment, free space conversion, and through innovative dance vocabulary elucidation out. the stage of Chinese dance traditions, ballet tradition and modern stage technology processing m sound, light, electricity, of integration, strongly reflects the large amount of information capacity spirit of art.
new concepts, leading to forms of innovation. As close to the age and life, bold innovation, but also because a breakthrough in the creation technique, -steps has aroused enthusiastic response, the formation of hot topics. However, it is pioneering a unique new way of thinking drama, has made an honorary position.
22 years, is still innovative sharpening rearrangement
bold and innovative artistic vigor of the new pursuit, but also the carrier of human suffering, bearing, so that makes the work more complete, more solid.
5 works were in fact all of life is the pursuit of comfort. Shu are both poor diction, but longer than the physical expression of an early age by his father comfortable with the art of teaching, the beauty of calligraphy to her first years of cultural enlightenment .1966 After graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, are catching up with social upheaval, her passion for the art filled with naught, but also because their own views and doubts while behind bars. However, these hardships for her many life experiences to add color. these colors in the creation of her future dance vocabulary and condenses into thinking, innovation, inspiration, culture and heritage.
reform and opening up , Shu are artistic vision and are keen to develop a sense of social responsibility at an early age, creating a . In the shore, Liu Yong Jin. Then, a couple of pas de deux, lyric, cheerful, describing her mother's upbringing, to express their attachment and love. This is all of that time were Shu, the expression of her first seek Search.
are from a different angle. She showed their own cultural way of pure friendship and the kind of gut feeling. There is no single explanation, but rather to provide viewers with a vast imagination. To this end, she deliberately using the are exploring all the year round on the outcome of folk art. dance language carving real and not really a pure style as the works of local heritage, storytelling is not so urgent, the expression of the feelings of the rich far more than the specific point of the original story. This three works are authentic Chinese style, but they were in the form of Western culture, on stage ballet, but all are comfortable showing the shuttle in the grasp of Chinese and foreign cultures. Schiff year old ballet masters are all to praise the works of Shu ; marked the birth of the ballet school two works is her life experience in an increasingly refined state of mind. deep, vast, boundless space, large chunks of the pas de deux, the planets run around in the sun. scene both magnificent and melodious ethereal, which won the audience imaginations. Shu's performance are all here is the mood, mood is her last quest. When life is reached after a superb position, only looking at the stars in the share of calm and charm.
the theme of this work eternal, never out of date and sign of the times have become the basis of work performed during the initial work .22 years ago, some experts commented that this work structure, momentum and spirit of the times implied is a landmark, has become the basis of the classic works, and is likely to revisit in the future when the present era of ballet in China, the most representative characteristics of this era is still the Chinese ballet theme, the audience will not for now abandoned? our generation from birth to now, China has experienced many special period in history. In this generation's life, the suffering of the Chinese variety, from the war to famine, to social movements, to the reform and opening up the violent collision of East and West, to today due to a loss of social and cultural diversity. Thus the life of this generation, carrying a lot of special things, laid a special mark the times. In put this theme extended to the future. Now the people with high general
state represents the thinking of our generation. in the 80's, this work was naturally aroused the audience's sympathy; 22 years later, as the The theme is not obsolete, then as a special brand of the times marked, there is a work based on the classic, the audience will appreciate it from another angle, and appreciate the spiritual core of the work assigned.
interpretation of her feelings to man named
Shu are all asked, why choose Tianjin Ballet? why let the young actor as the protagonist? she replied: Because the group have the courage. Now the dance piece on stage requires more than the external factors have been art itself, only they dare to let a dancer in the work session of the sixty to return to the stage in a new way. When the audience in Tianjin and Beijing, while the poignant from the beginning, followed by stirring, and ultimately peace of appreciate life, and perhaps more understanding of her choice to re-select the reason for the Young.
why the bold use of male and once it? Shu are both said to be adopted by other proposals to man named her interpretation of the situation.
in the first place from Mr. Zhang Zequn ideas, inventions, not mine, I accept it and even there some initial difficulties. but really doing it, I think this is a more interesting and meaningful things. ballet in fifteen Century first appeared, because the society does not allow time actress on stage, all the roles performed by men, there are some male ballet dancer to play vividly women; to the seventeenth century, when the actress after another boarded the ballet stage, into the ten nineteenth century, the emergence of toe dancing, women became the ballet's protagonist. Coincidentally, the development of Chinese opera, the same as creating a large number of outstanding social reasons once the male actor, but in recent decades, female female roles opera actor has become the majority. Today, the East and West are beginning to seek in their own traditional art return for a large number of attempts: a ballet adaptation of the British out of the re-training of Chinese traditional opera has some good men out of Jordan, the development of art in the East and the West appeared so similar, after the track, as this served as a senior consultant Dance Theatre Research Professor Kan Fei said, The ballet, you can try to make the art of East and West traditions collide and exchange. chapter, the story of the Lovers is disguised as a man, but I ask Lovers played by male actors, so the feeling caused by more complex and subtle requirements of the actors also higher. This time I chose a Tianjin Ballet co-operation, were selected from two days of Ballet, ; later, will become more feminine behavior do?
Shu are both said: not just actors, many of the creative team of staff have had this fear, but an analogy of Professor Jin fly very right reason: For example, he said, the ballet and living apart.
Ballet Revival is the nationalization of the door and elegant transformation
ballet is art, although we saw ballet in the film there, but really enjoy the ballet have to watch to see the effects in the field. scene seen ballet friends have the same feelings, ballet performances can bring a strong aesthetic is the aesthetic impact of art, the development of modern stage art form, modern lighting, landscaping and technology, to bring the stage to show off the visual shock. Ballet of China to achieve nationalization, localization transformation occurred after his classical repertoire, appears to reverse the situation, the Chinese ballet has not duplicate someone else out of the embarrassment of repeating the plight of the old repertoire, a large original ballet drama expansion of extraordinary significance ballet. We are so grateful to have a comfortable sense of responsibility and innovation director for the revival of Chinese ballet created for the good.
Shu are both evaluation and concluded that the nationalization of ballet on the road in recent years, the results of : Some people say, Opera does not represent the spirit of the times, it will not be the mainstream of the future direction of ballet. is the fun part of the effect of the foreign audience, so that viewers feel depressed after the oppressed. In addition, the the lack of re-creation of the spirit, these are too much emphasis on sensory stimulation, the art of commercial performance. point, with Raise the -style ballet, need for innovation. with opera elements, drawing opera style hit man Dan is commendable and encouraging. I hope the (Reference: Beijing Evening News related reports, published materials, and directed other dance interview.)
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