Monday, February 21, 2011

Turn to face the truth about meat

 Good article, it'll.
2010-03-19 |
face the truth of meat I'm Marian. Fatima, the Dutch Parliament and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the party members. The Netherlands is the world's animal party first in the national parliament assert rights and interests of non-human life of the party.
However, in addition to the outside world there are other animal welfare issues. Tonight I will share some irrefutable facts, look at our own planet is being done. I am very pleased, all of you here are willing to face the truth
have recorded if you look at the ten hottest years, they are concentrated in the past 14 years. global warming in the fast, The culprit is our own. global warming is not the capacity to doubt, and is the result of human causes of global warming.
global warming is the world's most worrying thing. This affects everyone: from scientists to politicians to the United Nations Secretary-General, and even Leonardo. DiCaprio.
the focus of the crisis we are facing the industrialized civilization has brought about irreparable harm. As of the mid-century, there will be a a billion environmental refugees. This is not the concept of 11 (the film Department of the Nobel Prize winner mm Al. Gore made the movie so well known to this global problem. overlooked some important things.
very serious consequences of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate researchers have predicted that, as of 2100, there will be people 10-3000000000 fall into the urgent demand for fresh water, hunger, the spread in most parts of the world. So global warming has become the primary worry is not surprising. every person seen Gore's movie bad situation to understand the Earth, must be reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which have entered a world leader in each of the agenda.
lead to the main cause of global warming must be curbed immediately. So we must work together to find the largest community emitters of greenhouse gases.
How do you think? What is the source of greenhouse gases?
mm is usually driving the car, water waste.
mm free throw in the garbage, these are I think of.
mm car , bus.
mm industry, gasoline, energy.
mm car.
mm cars, vehicles, and perhaps these.
mm gas, urban transport.
mm from cars, factories energy production.
mm I'm not sure what the aviation industry will not play a good role.
mm plane flying over the country, generating about 40 tons of carbon, 40 tons, which can be many.
mm If you use a word, I think it is contaminated.
mm coal power stations, gas power stations.
mm people to excessive use of energy.
mm we waste too much.
mm excessive use of gas.
mm those coal power stations, especially in China.
mm we daily discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere.
everyone said was similar, because the automotive, aircraft, industrial plants, because we forget the light on, too much waste of water when taking a bath and so on. always the answer similar.
course, these are the facts, but no one to say the most critical problems, we have overlooked an extremely important factors: the global greenhouse gas emissions, 18% were generated by the livestock!
This may make you surprised, farm animals produce 18% of the greenhouse gases.
please guess again all vehicles greenhouse gas emissions from the total number of mm of the world? 13%! Please think about all the world's cars, tractors, trucks, ships and aircraft, combined emissions of greenhouse gases, even less than the emissions from livestock volume.
mm Oh, really?
mm wow, I think mainly because the car! wow!
mm wow!
mm wow! livestock
mm amazing! even greater than the more than car emissions!
mm what you say is true? I've never heard of them.
mm unbelievable!
mm No, I do not know, do not!
mm I have no idea, never heard of these!
mm I've never heard of animal husbandry will be associated with this!
mm I know it will produce greenhouse gases, but did not expect such a more.
mm livestock in the end is how the emission of greenhouse gases do?
mm fart you put on the cow called? What is that word?
mm is that Andrew, yes, the cow produced a hospital gas.
mm because cow manure is not it? There are cows burp? they just put this irresolute, right?
mm I thought it was because too many fat people in the southern United States, it is now very clear that There are also reasons for cattle.
mm This is really worrying.
mm Yes, I read an article that is because the cattle, cattle fart gas emissions that cause global warming.
However, farm animals the burden on the environment than all the world how together heavier vehicles? In fact, it is simple:
Once upon a time a farmer is only a few animals, land and people. If you have more , he would buy some pigs, chickens and cattle.
know? you did grow out leisurely spent too long. we want you to quickly become fat. This is not a fairy tale You are to be eaten. we will squeeze you altogether neatly together, and you will soon get sick. Listen, Pig, I have no interest in your personal thoughts.
only in the Netherlands, you will 70O billion kilograms of manure produced. you know the impact on the environment and how bad the climate? Do you know the cattle and all the farm animals, mainly by playing across and fart and become the largest emitter of greenhouse gases? Do you know what the problem is ? Do you eat the earth is driving!
all the food always has its source, right? So we destroy rainforests legumes. but the tropical rain forest is really very important for the absorption of carbon dioxide.
Next We spray pesticides, and beans to Europe made of your feed.
more efficient organization, you want to do human beings?
Oh, that is not our fault. in the end who eat meat it? consumers, right? What is wrong with this?
Good question, in the end who is eating so much meat?
we become so accustomed to eating meat habit of this luxury.
you lay a finger My steak! Do not touch my grill!
However, once the facts are clear proof that all meat is the main cause of destruction of the earth, we should not think you do?
Yes. I heard some of you in thinking: here again, is a vegetarian fanatic!
but I'm certainly not the only person with this concern.
My name is Huw McConachie, is a farm operator. my farm in east, there 100O hectares of land. We have about 800 head of cattle, including 550 cows, there are 3,000 sheep, we also grow some crops. as a farmer or grain growers, we can not deny that produced cattle resulted in a hospital global warming.
I was David Davies, I Aberytwyth University of Agricultural Biological and Environment work.
bovine digestive tract has a very complicated, more complex than humans. cow's stomach can digest plant fiber, and people can not. digest plant fiber in the digestive system needs a very complex composite bacteria, fungi and protozoa, these organisms can not get oxygen. and the food we humans eat, will eventually be broken down into carbon dioxide and water. because The food residue can not get oxygen, they form a series of different products, methane is one of its key products.
a hospital 21 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.
eat food is cattle into the cattle stomach, resulting in a large number of cattle burp. and this animal belching gas is generated when the leading greenhouse gas warming and one.
every cow, every ruminants eat the food, will be back again to the mouth and chew it. so they can better stomach the microbiological digestion of food. When they reflect on when it will release a hospital.
Therefore, each head of cattle will be released each time point in the ruminant gas, and Most of this gas is a hospital.
We fully understand this, because this is to go through all the natural ruminant model.
an annual output of 800O to 1000O liters of milk cows, every day about will produce 500-700 liters of a hospital. Therefore, on average, a cow will produce about 700 liters a day a hospital. This is equivalent to a large four-wheel drive vehicle, traveling about 35 miles per day of carbon dioxide emissions.
increase in the number of ruminants, they need to feed also increased. I think this should cause everyone's attention.
2006 United Nations FAO (FAO) published an important report, the first time the relationship between livestock and climate change available to the public.
then I am going to visit the main author of the report is one of Bo Henning Steinfeid soil.
mmHenning Steinfeid Bo soil, you calculate the livestock sector irresolute put total global emissions of greenhouse gases accounted for 18%, which can by no means a small figure.
mm In fact, 18% is indeed a lot. In this assessment, we consider all kinds of livestock and feed production with relevant factors, such as the land needed for livestock, they emitted a hospital, fertilization when a hospital and produced by nitrous oxide feed production chain, meat and feed production and transport, etc., so that was consolidated 18% of this figure.
mm When you are faced with these figures, what is your reaction?
mm I know that this figure will be high. I also know that on water resources and biodiversity, will take to a significant impact. but I did not think it was that high. But this is our conclusion.
mm you think in your report, the conclusions of the most awesome what?
mm uh, I An important issue to the public understanding of animal husbandry on the environment has not brought great harm. farm operators themselves do not understand this. So strong need to control livestock.
mm thank you < br> Everyone is talking about global warming and trying to find out the cause. However, when scientists confirmed that more and more livestock and the linkages between climate change and how even the main cause of global warming, there will be in did not refer to animal husbandry?
often people do not know that we have 40m50% grain is not being eaten, but the livestock; As for the beans, about 75% to feed the livestock. Please think about the production one kilogram of beef requires 7 kg of grain, that is, corn and soybeans. We are talking about countless rainforest had been cleared to grow soybeans to supply meat production.
that no protein is an effective way to food production. < br> soybean in Brazil as a place from imports, Brazil has the world's largest soybean export market, and their yield growth since 1960 has increased by about 57 times, so they have been more than ever before in the production of soybeans. those Soybean is the most highly sensitive to the environment produced by the region, including the Amazon rainforest and savannah hi Colorado forest.
What can I say? This is a huge disaster. The main drawbacks is our loss of biodiversity, but it indirectly affects the climate change that has accelerated climate change has taken place.
is the world's carbon sinks to absorb carbon, and isolated places, such as rain forests, tropical savanna Some agricultural land or forest land. When the loss of these areas, we will lose the m pieces of very important tool to fight global warming.
Today, no global warming more important than the control thing. For this reason, we can not afford the consequences of neglecting agriculture, even if we just want to achieve in this area, a very conservative target, which as of mid-century greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture will not continue to increase.
we must take very radical step, because the laws of nature That is, the more wealthy people to consume more animal products, a global Cheung everywhere.
mm around the world at the moment I can really focus here is China. because China is the fastest growing meat consumption growth per decade double, in China, the number of pigs and chickens has doubled every decade.
These are monogastric animals, they do not have emissions of greenhouse gases like methane, but they do create environmental problems. because they eat feed , and must come from the global resources of forage crops, such as Brazil's soybean production, the result is the destruction of rainforests.
if rich countries continue to maintain a high level of consumption, while countries such as China gradually catch up with our consumption levels
the situation more worse. This will curb global warming to reach the target round more difficult.
Therefore, it is strange that most of the government is concerned about the short-term programs, such as gasoline tax collected.
you look at the results will understand: in the Netherlands, a cow a year of greenhouse gases produced by the equivalent of a car driving 70,000 km .7 million kilometers! This means that one and a half to drive around the earth even more. I should add that, but also have a vehicle in the car.
about global warming, we can see the scene is always one-sided, and we only see the factory chimneys and traffic jams. Where can I see the place and the meat on the carbon between the irresolute the relationship between public information campaign? I still definitely in the Netherlands had not seen.
despite the fact that: We are here every year 500 million animals slaughtered. However, the beginning of the animals in their life, to fully understand the industrial farms What is the business. For example Piglet, they do not castrated under anesthesia, the tail was cut off, they were forced to live in the dark in the cement trough. Usually they only be sent to slaughter when they could see the sun .
for other industrialized farm animals, much the same, such as laying hens, they squeezed in the stacked cages, pecking pecking each other to be cut in order to avoid injury.
since 2006, I have been in the Dutch parliament on behalf of the party is committed to animal termination of such acts. But my work is not limited to animal welfare. Until recently, UNEP, the Netherlands was struck noon alarm, warning the world at what pace we are running out the earth and its resources We need four times the land area of the land to produce to meet the current Dutch consumption. just like in the buffet when we piled into their own plate to eat enough food for four people, which means there is not enough food to see the left people at the back.
we have 10 billion people on the planet obesity troubles elsewhere, 10 million people go to bed hungry every night to sleep party. this serious inequity. They really should talk about this.
at the moment, the entire planet, half of all the wheat crop is used as livestock feed to support our meat and dairy consumption. half of the harvest! while people in poor countries are starving! and it seems do not see such a thing when to terminate.
we have been consuming more and more. the future we will have more natural resources, depriving other people, even more than now we do have to too, and this will be at the expense of the poor at the expense, to clean water, pure air and the expense of our environment.
Let me sum up: the scientists said, the production of animal protein consumed more than the production of plant protein much land and energy. In order to produce animal products than to produce plant products we need as many as 10 times the land. This stems from the fact that the reason so much land is needed for the production of feed to feed hundreds of billions of dollars of farm animals, such as spent a perfect childhood in Tennessee, in the whole movie, not a single word about livestock farms or the impact on the environment polluting industries.
mmSteinfeid Ph.D., in discussing how global warming may not even mentioned when the animal husbandry ?
mm ah, I think the fact is that in the climate change discussion focused mainly on carbon dioxide. If you look at the words of livestock, carbon dioxide emissions account for only about all the greenhouse gas emissions to 1 / 3. nitrous oxide and a hospital were not closely watched. but as a greenhouse gas (GWP), which is much higher than carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect, should be concerned about.
mm, but Al. Gore did not mention a word on the animal husbandry, you What do you think this? you do not think this is an oversight you?
mm this is indeed omissions. and put the food part of the irresolute are not mentioned. I think everyone should know, food and agriculture on climate change and the environment greatly. If a man wants good for the environment then he must choose the production of environmentally friendly food.
mm I think he should do something about that, you try to convince him over it? I personally do not know
mm Al. Gore. I want to my level, publish research results in conferences. on the media presentation, as I do now is to do everything I could.
mm Thank you!
mm he does not know the answer.
So, I went to the United States, would like to find out the answer yourself.'m sorry, Al. Gore was busy. but I managed with the other Some people were talking. They made a lot of insight to this issue.
slogan we use Climate Change attracted, we can give them flyers and make some explanation. When they come home to connect the way, look how meat causes global warming. and not spend all night in front of the television time, or full head just want to eat anything at night.
that power plants are the main cause of global warming first, that humans are not as good as the first main cause of global warming. power plants to generate energy is not the end, they should be required for the production industry energy, and the most energy-consuming industries is one of the factory farming industry.
in the U.S. meat industry produced by our consumption of fossil fuels of the total 1 / 3.
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) headquarters . This organization has nearly 200 million members worldwide.
Gore is a politician, who was concerned about the many different industries, these industries may have meat industry. of course, he did a great thing, but at least one point very disappointing that he is still ignore this fact. In fact, he ate meat every night of the first main reason is the cause of global warming.
I'm Alicia Silerstone, I am a vegetarian. in this world Nothing in the vegetarian diet to bring greater change to me. I feel a lot better than before, and more energy. This is wonderful!
in the United States has a prominent environmental group called ;. They recently announced on the network, if every American chicken will be replaced in one day a week vegetarian diet, which reduce the heavy volume of carbon dioxide irresolute on the road in the United States less the equivalent of 50 million vehicles.
United States much the United States, cars is the case, this steak is Andrew. Americans eat an average of 124 kilograms of meat per year, an average of more than 44 kg Bi Helan.
night in the hotel, I saw a feeding American Industrialization classic films.
mm over, Leo, Leo.
mm Who are you? how do you know what my name?
mm I called Morpheus, I'm well aware of.'ve heard carnivorous Network We know the source of meat and animal products. The family farm is just a fantasy fills eating blue pill, you stay in this fantasy; and eating red medicine, I'll show you the truth.
mm I ate.
mm to the real world!
mm wow! Where such a horrible place?
mm most of the eggs, milk and meat, that is, from such a place.
mm how is there such a thing?
mm I'll tell you.
mm in the mid-20th century, greedy agricultural groups. in order to pursue maximum profits, sustainable family farms began to adjust farming.
mm to humans and animals have paid a heavy price, industrialized farming, so there. animals have no place to be packed, most of the animals from birth to death all see the sun, not touch the ground, smoke less than fresh air. Many have even turned into a problem. such cruel conditions, leading to the middle of excitation in the animal fighting and disease. To solve this problem, these groups began a systematic destruction of animals. for example, cut the chicken pecking, they also added to the feed inside the quantitative antibiotics, struggling to save the lives of these poor words. This excessive use of antibiotics, resulting in disease resistance acres, nearly every day so we can not resist certain infectious diseases.
mm What is that smell? < br> mm is 12O0 million pounds of waste, which pollutes the air and groundwater. This is often related to diseases of the industrialized farms near the community wantonly attack the causes.
mm hh smells like there then?
mm industrial feeding group than a decade, has been damaged area, and the mistreatment of workers .195 O years, has more than 200 million small farms disappear. If they follow this pace, will eventually leave us a true sense of independence family farms. This is the politicians, policy makers, lobbyists and activists in the city.
think about when buying food seals! against Canada!
Today, in front of the Canadian embassy, there was a march against the seal hunt.
Think about buying food seals! against Canada!
organizing this march is the Humane Society of the main Xiwei En, Spicer met in the Capitol dishes.
mm Hello! Welcome to America! Welcome to Washington, our nation's capital!
mm We thank you and your achievements proud of election victory. Last November we learned the details of your re-election. you done in the animal welfare of these achievements are the pioneers in the world, thank you! We all look forward to understand the work that you do.
mm good, nice to meet you. You are the largest animal rights organization?
mm is. We have 1 million supporters in the United States. I mean really paying supporters. Of course, we also have a few millions of people who agree with our actions. Our point here is this person to organize themselves in order to achieve political reform in terms of animal rights. In addition, we also tried to put pressure on enterprises, regulate their behavior. We also educate the public, while have tried to take care of animals. But Congress in this very important local political struggles. industrialized farming is the most excessive thing, because the United States alone has 10 billion animals raised to provide meat, it is actually an astronomical figure, an average American animals eat 80-85. We want to see that number reduced, want to see animals from these terrible car prison freed.
mm Al. Gore did not mention the industrialized farming, how do you see?
mm I think he may feel that the and the eating habits of Americans, they will reach their personal problems. He believes this too far, but the public is gradually waking up. I believe we continue to eat so much meat on the animals and the environment no good, even if it just the total intake of meat halved, that is, to eat 40 animals a year, not 80. It also allows greenhouse gas emissions in half. so we thought we fork is a powerful weapon /
in the United States that they understand this: the power in the hands of consumers. we, as consumers, by adjusting our diet can bring about change.
Matt. John Prescott said the meat was the culprit of global warming. He cited an example: If every American do not eat chicken one day a week, thereby reducing the pollution that is equivalent to 500,000 cars on the road to run less.
It was fun.
good, I hear you thinking, meat and other animal products harmful to the environment. I know you would think so, but we are not required to maintain a healthy meat and milk it? What can we learn from other places to get the bones need calcium, blood needs iron, and vitamins and minerals These things you need to stay healthy?
advertising companies and food companies have instilled in us these pains, and we almost believe it. their message is clear, milk indispensable; meat for you useful; cheese helps the health of all of us.
who is from meat and dairy products, but the gains in the most? Is it consumers or producers? we really need those animal protein you?
General , if we reduce most of the meat consumption, our health will not be any real problem, but will also benefit. After all, colon cancer is a high-income countries, the most common cancer, and high intake of meat increases the risk of the risk of colon cancer. So to reduce the risk of colon cancer risk, for example, reduce the meat will bring real benefits. to our current (meat) intake of less than half that does not cause any significant health problems , but that is conducive to health.
As you might guess, I am a vegetarian. In fact I used to like to eat meat. may 12 years ago, I saw one called TV documentary. which for some absurd lens:
the hole was opened a few years ago. cows wearing this thing alive for a long time, some up to 10 years. This is about 4 inches in diameter hole There is a silicone ring. and then there is a live cover, the time when I push the lid can be opened. Now it opens the lid out. Here we can just remove the animals eat grass.
When I saw this its cruel to my level of tolerance limits. animals are so sick, suffer pain. they do not have to be regarded as living things. I read it all, want not, I do not do that. I do not want this behavior in any relationship.
in industrialized animal husbandry industry, the animals accustomed to accepting that we give them food, and forced to live in a large-scale farms in the. They destroyed much, in order to prevent them sick, they are forced to Qin dose of antibiotics. Now sometimes forced to eat pig decompression pills to help them adapt to this unnatural living conditions.
despite the fact has been proven that animals are farting and defecation by playing every other, greatly increasing the greenhouse gas emissions. But that does not mean that we will begin to reduce cattle, pigs and chickens. no, breeding industry will directly come up with some new tricks. I believe they do. Now they even make a fist-sized pills to stop cattle fart too much.
but you know, keeping the consumer against the increasing demands of industrialization. precisely because they are increasingly aware of animal suffering in them.
sometimes you meet those with different backgrounds will make you very surprised. in the United States in the past I met a famous He quit the livestock breeding industry, and became a vegetarian.
mm Hi, nice to finally see you!
mm Hi, I'm glad you're not looking in the wrong place
mm Yes, eventually we is met.
mm Come in, this is my simple room.
mm Thank you!
mm you have a nice home, very warm!
mm photograph was on the farm, which is We have raised a dog, called Sam. This is the farm, I am a fourth-generation farmer, from Montana, I once owned seven thousand head of cattle, 120O0 acres of crops, 3O employees. in my life 45 years engaged in agricultural production. I learned not from books but through practice. I am an industrial farmers, is the worst kind. I am not a family farmer, but industrial breeders, like any of the available chemicals. In fact, we grind the animals and then fed to our cattle to eat. to follow this bad habit of doing things all over.
mm (pointing to see photo) What are you doing ?
mm ignition printed for the animals. to where I fought the fire for hundreds of animals in India. There are many, there are still many people in the United States to do so. Indeed .1979 years, and I paralyzed from the waist The doctor said that my spine had a tumor on the inside long. and said that if a long build-up here, you can walk up and walk less than one in a million chance. This is my first time in life to stop and rethink. I found out that they have been creating problems, not solve the problem. I saw the dead birds, dead trees, soil deterioration. if I had not paralyzed, I will not admit that I was creating problems. I did a success rate of only parts per million of the surgery, finally walked out of the hospital. through the surgery, when I was completely out of the hospital a changed man. I realized that we are doing is wrong, is totally unsustainable.
say the same for each person, we fall into a state of collective madness. As long as we all do, that it is right. From the time our children play is like that. Can you imagine this? when I First ask yourself: Should we eat animals? This is the experience of my life one of the most thought-provoking questions. because I've never even imagined. When you stop and think about the time, the answer is so clear. We should eat animals? should certainly not! We need animal protein intake? Of course not! meat for us as a whole? no! animals like to be that we eat it? definitely not!
I hometown newspaper, and put my pictures on the front page. and said, Montana's most famous vegetarians. I call them that, why not tell the truth I say? title should be the only vegetarian Montana persons. They say no, at least two.
line people are often reluctant to believe that people who do not know. When I told meat industry are debating the issue, they will say: They can not say I do not know the line, I understand. And I also know that our behavior is wrong, it is not sustainable, not good for us. not good for animals, our planet is also no good. we stop all of this, the sooner the better!
mm you noticed more female vegetarians than men do?
mm You know why?
mm because they were smarter.
mm you know why women live length than men do?
mm Why?
mm because men can not do without women
I did was embark on the road to the people about, I want to travel every year about 10 million miles. do 3 a day to 4 lecture, for me is a very common thing. the audience who sometimes more, sometimes fewer people. when I had to face up to 4 million people speaking at least one of my listeners have only two. We should not be calculated number, you never know who to listen to how much. My task is not to save the world, but try to do I can do to help people make better choices. I've been doing for over 20 years, I feel that if I had the chance, I can change many people's thinking. This is not enough? I do not know. but I do ...

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